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boss general

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nooby backstabber
Pawe? Woroniecki on Monday July 30, 2012
Schwabba_is_back on Monday July 30, 2012
he was 1st and i flagged, fighting for 2nd then attacked me when i was about to kill 3rd. noob
cyob on Sunday July 29, 2012
hahahahaaaaaaaa cuj ga
boss general on Saturday July 28, 2012
PGA backstabber jerk who just isn't cool. Also spams the chat with taunts.
tghGaz on Saturday July 28, 2012
facebook anes osmanovic pga
bivo on Saturday July 28, 2012
Is that a picture of you with a gun? Hopefully you put it to your head after you are done aiming it at your webcam.
yxalag1uoi on Saturday July 28, 2012
PrincipalSkinner on Saturday July 28, 2012
2012-07-27 boss general is a chat jerk of the "hahahahahaha" kind--as you will see below. All chat is verbatim as always. boss general is green, I am purple. ++++++++++ [Note: I got a lead and kept making it bigger, but three opponents at my three corners made it look to me like I would eventually lose. When green turned out to be a chat jerk, it was easy for me to flag to the other two opponents. But red didn't accept my flag, so I killed boss general first, then red, then sat out so that teal took 1st.] ---------- boss general: ahahahaaa ########## [Note: This after I lost a 7v5 that might have given me a chance to win. Again, I had a good lead but was behind the combined number of lands of all three opponents.] ---------- boss general: hhhahahahhhaaaa ---------- boss general: hahahahahhahaaaa ---------- boss general: hahahhahhhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ---------- boss general: ahahaahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ---------- 3.14159: flag red, flag teal ---------- boss general: hahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa ---------- boss general: no o nnnnnpoooo [Note: boss general fails in one of his attacks.] ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- 3.14159: not accepting flags, red? okay [Note: Red continued to attack me after I flagged to him.] ---------- 3.14159: i still flag to teal ---------- augungor87: accept purp [Note: Teal accepts my flag.] ---------- boss general: purp pig ---------- 3.14159: umad bro, green? [Note: I find the whole "umad" business archaic already, but it seemed apt for boss general.] ---------- 3.14159: whine a little more, green ---------- 3.14159: the sound is pretty ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- 3.14159: ooooooooooooo [Note: boss general loses another attack against me.] ---------- 3.14159: hahahahahahaha ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- boss general: pga purp teal ########## [Note: Typical childish chat jerk. Only pga can explain people not wanting HIM to win. PGA is against the rules, it is cheating, and I don't knowingly break the rules or cheat.] ---------- 3.14159: green is a fool and a child--he just proved it ---------- augungor87: lol i think u don't know the mening of pga ---------- augungor87: meaning* ---------- 3.14159: sure, that is why i said green was a fool ---------- boss general: hahahhhahahaa ---------- boss general: hahahhhahahha ---------- boss general: hhhahaahhaha ---------- boss general: hahahhahahhahahha ---------- boss general: hahhahhahahaa ---------- 3.14159: wow--such self-pity from green ---------- 3.14159: pathetic, boss general ---------- 3.14159: whine and cry some more, though ---------- boss general: come on ########## [Note: See, Dear Readers? Only OTHERS can go over the line in boss general's view. He is never at fault.] ---------- 3.14159: gg teal ---------- 3.14159: thanks ---------- augungor87: gg ---------- augungor87: no problem it was unfair 3v1 ---------- 3.14159: no, it was fair, but green was rude ---------- 3.14159: i mean fair in that the game is the game ---------- augungor87: green was weird :D ---------- 3.14159: it was kind of exciting ---------- 3.14159: but green is a typical chat jerk, so what can you do ---------- 3.14159: i mean boss general is a typical chat jerk, of course--since he was green ---------- augungor87: don't mind u played so good
3.14159 on Friday July 27, 2012
Rafkrik on Friday July 27, 2012
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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