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doesnt respect flag. everyone had flagged 2 or 3, and he killed us all
golfboy55555 on Saturday February 9, 2013
Cool guy. Has morals.
SilentSyllogism on Wednesday December 5, 2012
Adrian_TY on Wednesday November 7, 2012
2012-10-30 wannamakeabillio is an old chat jerk with many new names; he has to run away from his own chat jerk past. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. wannamakeabillio is teal, PlayKD is blue. ++++++++++ PlayKD: haha douce bag ---------- wannamakeabillio: because I attacked you/ ---------- PlayKD: no really? ---------- 3.14159: don't be a chat jerk, blue ---------- PlayKD: no ---------- PlayKD: ok ---------- wannamakeabillio: didnt see anyone else complaining about getting attacked ---------- PlayKD: sorru ---------- 3.14159: thanks--no problem ---------- PlayKD: i retact my statment ---------- wannamakeabillio: fuck you cunt ########## ---------- 3.14159: teal is the chat jerk ---------- wannamakeabillio: web boy shut your face ########## ---------- PlayKD: i like beef jerky ---------- 3.14159: he is one of the 3% ---------- 3.14159: he has had to change his name so many times... ---------- 3.14159: he can't remember any of them ---------- wannamakeabillio: 3% ---------- wannamakeabillio: of sane people on kdice ---------- PlayKD: flah brown ---------- PlayKD: flag ---------- 3.14159: as opposed to the rest of us--the 97% who are NOT chat jerks or web boys ---------- wannamakeabillio: you are just as bad as me you sad sad man ---------- wannamakeabillio: dont act noble ########## [Note: That is something that wannamake knows all about--not acting noble.] ---------- PlayKD: a girl killed her self in my city ---------- PlayKD: over cyber bullying ---------- 3.14159: nobility does not enter into it--idiot ---------- wannamakeabillio: you are acting above me ########## [Note: Nothing makes chat jerks angrier than that. wannamake is MAD.] ---------- wannamakeabillio: idiot ---------- 3.14159: oh, that--i AM above you... ---------- 3.14159: and easily ---------- PlayKD: teal didnt have his corn flakes ---------- 3.14159: how? by not being a chat jerk ---------- wannamakeabillio: atleast I have a grounded base to work from, im not floating the the clouds on my ego [Note: For "grounded base" read "sewer," the place where all chat jerks reside.] ---------- 3.14159: gg all--except teal :) ---------- wannamakeabillio: you fucking jackass ########## ---------- 3.14159: ego has nothing to do with it, you fool ---------- 3.14159: does the sheriff have ego when he stops the miscreant? ---------- wannamakeabillio: it has everything to do with it ---------- 3.14159: does the garbage man have ego when he picks up the garbage?> ---------- 3.14159: no ---------- wannamakeabillio: you feel superior to someone you've never met ########## [Note: Says the guy being a chat jerk and trying to make the game worse for everyone at the table--six guys he hasn't met.] ---------- 3.14159: he is doing his job ---------- wannamakeabillio: that is egotistical ---------- 3.14159: he is helping make the community better ---------- 3.14159: you are making it worse--simple ---------- wannamakeabillio: your logic is unacceptable ########## [Note: Ah, the chat jerk now demands "logic" rule the day for all actions. Dear Readers, we are compelled to ask "what was the logic behind his chat jerk behavior?" 3.14159: tough ---------- wannamakeabillio: keep the blinders on fool ---------- wannamakeabillio: ill keep fucking your mum ########## [Note: A mom insult? Really? How slow and out-of-touch must wannamake be to believe he can score any points with a mom insult?] ---------- PlayKD: well this is hopless for me gg all ---------- 3.14159: chat jerks and web boys are hilarious when they cry for "fair treatment" ---------- 3.14159: what fools they are ---------- 3.14159: they say, "why can't i be a chat jerk and have no backlash?" ---------- 3.14159: "why can't i call people names and then have them leave me alone?" ---------- 3.14159: what idiots they are ---------- wannamakeabillio: why can you expect to act the way you do and not have people treat you the way I do [Note: As all chat jerks do, wannamake conveniently forgets that he was the first to act, not I. My pointing at him and calling him what he is ONLY happened because he caused it to.] ---------- wannamakeabillio: hypocrite ---------- wannamakeabillio: door opens for me to ---------- 3.14159: because you are throwing filth around the neighborhood--simple ---------- 3.14159: the litterer cannot complain about being given a ticket for littering... ---------- wannamakeabillio: and you try and run my name through the garbage in a nice way ########## [Note: wannamake threw the garbage on himself AND, more importantly, on the rest of us with his chat jerk behavior. He cannot now complain about the garbage.] ---------- wannamakeabillio: same thing different tactic ---------- 3.14159: and then complain that the sheriff thinks he is better than the litterer ---------- 3.14159: no, i am doing my job ---------- 3.14159: is YOUR job to be a chat jerk? ########## ---------- wannamakeabillio: job ---------- wannamakeabillio: lol ---------- wannamakeabillio: i do it for free ########## ---------- 3.14159: see, Dear Readers? case closed ########## ---------- wannamakeabillio: that you are an insulent fool ########## [Note: "Insulent"! What an uneducated fool wannamake is.] ---------- 3.14159: "insulent"?!?! ---------- 3.14159: do you mean "insolent"--which would also be the wrong word ---------- wannamakeabillio: a toiletbowl of emotion ---------- 3.14159: read one book in your life, teal ---------- 3.14159: read a magazine ---------- 3.14159: read SOMEthing ---------- 3.14159: pursue justice, wisdom, truth, and beauty... ---------- 3.14159: instead of living in the gutter as you do ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- wannamakeabillio: live your own life ########## [Note: Says the guy who threw garbage in the chat for all the guys at the table to see. How is wannamake not able to see his hypocrisy? Because he is a chat jerk.] ---------- 3.14159: nope ---------- 3.14159: i keep my neighborhood clean ---------- wannamakeabillio: then enjoy watching mine ---------- totizzz: flag yellow ---------- 3.14159: that means pointing at people like you, teal, and laughing ---------- Kiss My 4ss: ty ---------- totizzz: take island ---------- 3.14159: gg all--except teal, of course ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-10-04 wannamakeabillio is a chat jerk. He is an old chat jerk who changed names-- probably because I left him a review containing his own chat jerks words--and he felt ashamed. No, not shame. It couldn't be shame because he is still a chat jerk. Trapped? Under fire? For whatever reason, wannamakeabillio changed names to get out from under his own past. Now, though, he climbs back into the sewer whence he came. wannamakeabillio is teal. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ LuckySun: nice connect but have to cut ---------- 3.14159: no problem--the game is the game ---------- LuckySun: true mr. pi ---------- Lord Magnus: word omar ---------- wannamakeabillio: pire is a piece of shit chat jerk and little web boy ########## ---------- 3.14159: YES! cry more, teal ---------- wannamakeabillio: YES! ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE it that you HATE being called out... ---------- wannamakeabillio: chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: for your bad behavior ---------- wannamakeabillio: web boy ---------- 3.14159: YES! ---------- 3.14159: i win again and again ---------- wannamakeabillio: nah ---------- wannamakeabillio: you suck ---------- 3.14159: these web boys and chat jerks HATE being called out ... ---------- 3.14159: for being web boys and chat jerks ---------- 3.14159: they HATE it ---------- wannamakeabillio: I in fact do not hate anything but you ########## [Note: Dear Readers, did I get to this chat jerk or did I get to him? Did I win or did I win?] ---------- 3.14159: GREAT! ---------- 3.14159: so wonderful ---------- 3.14159: you made my day, teal ---------- 3.14159: the bad people SHOULD hate the good people ---------- wannamakeabillio: pot calling the kettle black.. makes me hate the pot ---------- 3.14159: YES! ---------- 3.14159: i love it ---------- 3.14159: so wonderful ---------- LuckySun: there is not good people or bad people ---------- LuckySun: people are people ---------- 3.14159: cannibals? ---------- 3.14159: just people? do we want more of them or fewer ---------- wannamakeabillio: inevitably would be fewer... ---------- 3.14159: do you want more chat jerks on kdice or fewer? ---------- wannamakeabillio: they eat one another ---------- LuckySun: one can be good to u but not good to me ---------- LuckySun: is he now good or bad ---------- 3.14159: very sophomoric ---------- wannamakeabillio: this guy talks shit and trolls chat box and then says he does it to champion the good on kdice ######### ---------- wannamakeabillio: makes me sick ########## ---------- 3.14159: i don't troll--i just call out the chat jerks and web boys when they act like chat jerks and web boys ---------- 3.14159: of COURSE it makes YOU sick ---------- 3.14159: you HATE it ---------- wannamakeabillio: chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: just so i understand, purple... ---------- 3.14159: i have no way to choose between Ghandi and Stalin, is that right? ---------- 3.14159: they are both just people ---------- wannamakeabillio: that would take you having the ability to comprehend... which you clearly dont ---------- 3.14159: teal thinks he is purple :) ---------- wannamakeabillio: what he is saying is your perception of good and bad is different than others ---------- 3.14159: no, he isn't saying that ---------- 3.14159: he says there is no such thing ---------- LuckySun: true {Note: wannamakeabillio's reading comprehension skills? Not so good.] ---------- wannamakeabillio: only because your perception is deffierent than the person next to you ---------- 3.14159: see? teal is none too smart ---------- 3.14159: teal would LOVE it if he wasn't a bad guy--but he is ---------- wannamakeabillio: in your eyes i am bad ---------- LuckySun: i am sure he is smart like u or me ---------- wannamakeabillio: in your moms eyes... I AM GOOD ---------- wannamakeabillio: you see the difference? ---------- psipike06: i havent paid any attn, whats goin on? ---------- LuckySun: we have to kill green :D ---------- psipike06: ok ---------- 3.14159: teal made a "mom" joke--see? sophomoric or less
3.14159 on Tuesday October 30, 2012
nice 2v1
koki1212 on Friday October 12, 2012
doesn't care for flags, thinks can control game
hulio123 on Friday October 12, 2012
such a jackass, rude and cussing at friendly conversation.
JUSTcallmePRE on Sunday September 23, 2012
puck you sistr idiot dont respect flag asholle PGA!
bivo on Monday September 17, 2012
Agreed, poor player.
farq on Wednesday August 8, 2012
Stupid Guy
Janph4019 on Thursday August 2, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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