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He was winning, so I asked him not to destroy me in order to connect. AND HE DIDN'T! Great guy.
Hokuten on Friday September 7, 2012
CientistaPT on Wednesday September 5, 2012
Did not respect the flag and dom farmed everyone. Just dont play with him. Mrs. M's assesment is like always right.
madcthulhu on Friday August 24, 2012
pga helendehasajnds
hobgob on Thursday August 23, 2012
Fair player.
Äkäkäkäkä! on Thursday August 23, 2012
Sorry Tiboum.. but ppl like YOU ruin the game... it was YOU begging me "not to 6vs6 me, please, M".. and i didnt do it.. and i could have hurt you for sure.. not with 6vs6 but with 6vs your low stacks.. and i didnt do it to not ruin your game.. and therefor you bs on me after you already accepted purps and teals flag without hesitating? Fact is you left me alone after i did you a favour and you pretty sure wouldnt have get 1st if i would have used my 6 on you and flagged to blue earlier... so dont tell me i was the bad one in here..
Mrs. M on Monday August 20, 2012
backstabber, dont trust
c4a on Sunday August 19, 2012
Asshole, dont acept flags
Deimantele on Sunday August 12, 2012
ingratitude complete -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
popnorg on Thursday August 2, 2012
Doesnt respect flags. BACKSTABBER. Kill on sight.
free taxi 1 th on Wednesday August 1, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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