Level 56
to level 57 |
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. a good fair player
siegr on Tuesday August 1, 2023 playes together with IQ and Kuwet
wertrew on Thursday August 18, 2022 Reminder to self - don't trust...
Ching on Tuesday August 2, 2022 I can only confirm the other negative reviews...
pawellogrd on Wednesday July 27, 2022 dont trust him !!!
sirocco on Monday November 24, 2014 I didn't hit this player all game, when I could have done him some major damage during the start (instead I decided to go around him) - This did him a massive favour, something that he should have noticed. I then write lets truce to a weak flag that another player does... he ignores it...Next round, I lose my highest stack due to shit luck with a lower stack.. then the fucktard decides to kill me. No honour in this cunt, even though I was helping him get a higher position.
Axl Rose Sucks on Friday November 21, 2014 Kind of a knob.
Michalak1 on Wednesday September 3, 2014 pyderas
Egazas on Wednesday August 7, 2013 a pure noob player
Katrina_11 on Monday August 5, 2013 awesome tourny player
l3roken on Sunday August 4, 2013 |