Level 80
to level 81

Marlon Castillo

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very unfair play observed, killing a guy that had flagged and won a battle for 3rd
PRESIDENT N° 1 on Sunday March 6, 2016
Definitely PGA with Ryan L. Ryan admitted it: http://kdice.com/games/73745987
arkenkor on Sunday March 6, 2016
Tried to make a PGA deal in a tourney with 3 left. Promised the other guy 2nd if he would do it, it didn't happen though, other guy declined. Beware of him.
kittah on Wednesday February 10, 2016
Hello Marlon, I am sad that you have not got your top 25 trophy in april, but you have to be proud of yourself because you got 30k points without playing members' tournaments, rising slowly, day by day, which is amazing. If one month you become a member you easily will get top 25 without almost play ;), so I say congratulations for april game.
icanofer on Thursday May 1, 2014
l_shelby on Tuesday April 22, 2014
Nice and fair player
Mandoulis on Monday April 14, 2014
Seems like a nice guy to me, even offered to pay for lunch but i thought it seemed strange, not used to such kindness. Pretty solid player as well
Vertiglug on Monday April 7, 2014
doesn't respect flags. is an absolute shit kicker
Hoonpupz on Tuesday March 11, 2014
Marlon: Ponte a estudiarrr!!!!
rotia on Monday February 10, 2014
not a good player. tries to truce
Fenigor on Thursday August 15, 2013
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