Level 33
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annoying player
Flooobinjabin on Friday August 3, 2012
idiot retard bad player atack 2v1
bivo on Friday July 27, 2012
Very interesting player to play with. Extra honorable=)
Pupkin on Thursday July 26, 2012
Looking forward to playing more games with you in the future.
yxalag1uoi on Tuesday July 24, 2012
flag me and later he cut me "to kill another player" with 1 land. than he want to kill me ofc. little bitch, and point. greeeez your mom <3
Schlampe x3 on Tuesday July 24, 2012
2012-07-10 DeBoss is a Level 29 chat jerk of the very ignorant and tween variety. Why tween? He has the tween boy's love of cussing because it makes them feel powerful. He also, unsurprisingly, is pretty stupid and uneducated. It is okay to be stupid, DeBoss, but not to do anything about it is just... dumb. All chat below is verabtim as always. DeBoss is blue. ++++++++++ [Note: Someone cuts into DeBoss during the fairly early part of the game. DeBoss can't handle it.] DeBoss: thx fucker ########## ---------- NYCe: you're welcome fuckee ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game, blue ---------- COB_Hate_Crew: ^^lol ---------- 3.14159: you would think he would know that at Level 29 ---------- DeBoss: lol i fucking only play this for 1 month ########## ---------- DeBoss: flag brown ---------- 3.14159: ah, then you are just a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: you have that going for you ---------- NYCe: brown's gonna storm the east side ---------- DeBoss: hey go check my account only plaed for 1 month ---------- DeBoss: lol queer ########## ---------- 3.14159: i believe you--you are a short time kdice player, long time jerk ---------- 3.14159: and "queer" is at the top of the chat jerk vocabulary list ---------- 3.14159: as is "gay" ---------- Dr Dragon: flagbron ---------- COB_Hate_Crew: ty ---------- DeBoss: lol i believe u r a fucking dork ass nerd i mean who the fuck cares about pie ########## [Note: DeBoss entirely misses the irony of saying "who cares" and then chatting with me for 20 minutes. Clearly HE cares, but we knew that already.] ---------- 3.14159: i think you are one of the rats and cockroaches we learn to live with on kdice ---------- 3.14159: one of the 3%, you are, DeBoss ---------- 3.14159: my job? to point at chat jerks like you, DeBoss, and laugh ---------- DeBoss: ya for sure [Note: This the phase where the chat jerk pretends to agree with me in order to show he doesn't care what I say. It usually lasts one or two lines.] ---------- 3.14159: yes, you understand? good ---------- 3.14159: you know your place ---------- 3.14159: excellent ---------- DeBoss: i bet u r good at it because u r the biggest jerk of them all for doing that ---------- 3.14159: see, Dear Readers? he HATES to be called out... ---------- DeBoss: =) ---------- 3.14159: but i win because he can't leave ---------- 3.14159: i win the chat game--again ---------- NYCe: teal ---------- DeBoss: ? ---------- Dr Dragon: ??? ---------- 3.14159: if he truly did not care, he would ignore me--but he can't ---------- NYCe: I play for 1/3 ok? ---------- DeBoss: ya who the fuck has chat games ########## ---------- 3.14159: jerks like DeBoss are always like that ---------- DeBoss: u queer ass bitch ########## ---------- DeBoss: and yes i do like chat ---------- 3.14159: they HATE being called jerks but they hate themselves even more ---------- 3.14159: how do i know? ---------- DeBoss: yep i hate myself so much ---------- 3.14159: because they hate having their own words appear in my reviews of them ---------- DeBoss: if i fucking hated myself i would have killed myself ########## ---------- DeBoss: retard ########## ---------- 3.14159: if they weren't so pathetic and weak, they would ignore me--but they can't ---------- 3.14159: "retard" is another chat jerk favorite ---------- 3.14159: he is hitting the entire chat jerk vocab list ---------- DeBoss: ya for sure im weak im fucking level 29 ########## [Note: DeBoss wants us to know that Level 29 means something to him.] ---------- DeBoss: and that was only in two weeks ---------- COB_Hate_Crew: show flag teal. ---------- DeBoss: of playing ---------- COB_Hate_Crew: ...\ ---------- 3.14159: weak of spirit and mind, DeBoss--you fool ---------- COB_Hate_Crew: ... ---------- DeBoss: so go jerk off to your mom like u always do ########## ---------- 3.14159: weak of character especially ---------- COB_Hate_Crew: ty ---------- DeBoss: and be done with it ---------- 3.14159: oh, a mom insult--that is so clever ---------- Dr Dragon: i flag do you wantme to attack you ---------- 3.14159: he must be in 6th grade ---------- DeBoss: no its a insult to u not your mom ---------- 3.14159: about 1 in 20 chat jerks like DeBoss is intelligent--DeBoss is NOT one of those 20 ---------- DeBoss: lol im in 8th grade and btw im better player than u ---------- 3.14159: DeBoss has never read a book ---------- Dr Dragon: lol ---------- 3.14159: he has SEEN a book ---------- DeBoss: nope ---------- 3.14159: but never opened it ---------- 3.14159: never read it ---------- DeBoss: im not a fag like u ########## ---------- 3.14159: he CAN read, but doesn't ---------- DeBoss: true ---------- DeBoss: im not a nerd ---------- 3.14159: DeBoss is sure that no one can teach him anything... ---------- 3.14159: and he is right ---------- DeBoss: i have bitches read to me ########## ---------- DeBoss: =) ---------- 3.14159: "bitches"--score another one from the chat jerk list ---------- DeBoss: bitches like u ########## ---------- DeBoss: that is ---------- 3.14159: keep trying, DeBoss, keep trying ---------- 3.14159: i love it ---------- 3.14159: you are still here, in my power, under my sway ---------- 3.14159: i HAVE you ---------- DeBoss: u score for u the biggest chat jerk of them all ---------- 3.14159: you are my meat ---------- DeBoss: no u r my meat ---------- DeBoss: im fucking schooling your ass ########## ---------- 3.14159: here is where the typical chat jerk like DeBoss complains about MY behavior ---------- 3.14159: DeBoss cries: "why can't i be a chat jerk and be left alone?" ---------- 3.14159: "why must they call me names?" ---------- 3.14159: DeBoss is SO sensitive, you see ---------- 3.14159: chat jerks are like that ---------- DeBoss: and u r so fucking scared of cursing ########## ---------- scotlandpower is here ########## ---------- DeBoss: i bet your mama wont let u ---------- DeBoss: right ---------- DeBoss: =) ---------- 3.14159: i rise above it, but you can't ---------- DeBoss: is that it ---------- 3.14159: i don't need cussing--YOU do ---------- 3.14159: you have to have it ---------- DeBoss: no im right your mommy wont let u ---------- DeBoss: and i will always be right ---------- 3.14159: you can't handle the anonymity of the internet, DeBoss ---------- DeBoss: remember that ---------- 3.14159: it gives you a tiny little thrill to cuss and insult ---------- 3.14159: a little tingle up your leg ---------- DeBoss: im always right remember it ---------- DeBoss has left ########## [Note: Chat jerk coward that he is, DeBoss gives me another easy chat game win by running away.] ---------- scotlandpower: you're both dumbasses ########## ---------- 3.14159: poor scotlandpower feels sorry for DeBoss? ---------- 3.14159: he hates it when the sheriff stops the bad guy ---------- scotlandpower: arguing on the internet is like competing in the retarded olympics...even if you win, you're still retarded ---------- 3.14159: you are wrong--my work has improved kdice ---------- 3.14159: so i don't want or need your thanks, scotland--i know you live under the peace that i help provide ---------- 3.14159: that is enough ---------- 3.14159: anything else? ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- 3.14159: good for you--that is becoming humility
3.14159 on Tuesday July 10, 2012
@Totallytossem on Tuesday July 10, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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