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enough -changeAvatar -avatar jurgen 11:31 AM, Thursday October 11, 2012 EDT
Porn, do it again and get banned. -avatar MadHat_Sam 11:10 AM, Thursday September 27, 2012 EDT
Chatspamming -chat KDICEMOD 10:42 AM, Sunday September 16, 2012 EDT

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Dirty backstabber, NEVER trust his word, never accept his flag.
voodooer on Friday November 2, 2012
Worden on Friday November 2, 2012
@ahnbohwan on Thursday September 20, 2012
pga bastard
PwN oO on Thursday September 13, 2012
2012-09-10 SwedenLOL, the chat jerk, tried his feeble best but failed miserably in the chat and review game with me. Here is his review of me in response to my review of him: "PEDOPHILE COCKSUCKER THAT TALKS ABOUT HOW HE MOLEST HIS SON!! SICK BASTARD!" SwedenLOL is about 13 years old, apparently. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-09-10 SwedenLOL, the chat jerk, spoke with me in chat after I let him know that I left him a review: ---------- 3.14159: SwedenLOL--check your latest review--you will HATE it ---------- SwedenLOL: check yours in a few sec ---------- 3.14159: bring it, dude ---------- 3.14159: try to do a LOT better than you did in chat ---------- 3.14159: that was pathetic ---------- ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-09-10 SwedenLOL is a chat jerk of the not-very-interesting type. All chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ LexHN: flag green ---------- SwedenLOL: lol green ---------- SwedenLOL: u have bigger problems than me ---------- SwedenLOL: idiot ########## ---------- 3.14159: tell us more, purple ---------- 3.14159: what should i do? ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- 3.14159: got nothing? ---------- SwedenLOL: rape the shit out of him ########## ---------- 3.14159: flag green ---------- 3.14159: lol idiot purple ---------- 3.14159: chat jerks sometimes get what they deserve ---------- 3.14159: right purple? ---------- 3.14159: speak up! we can't hear you now ---------- SwedenLOL: Thats you ---------- 3.14159: you were so effusive earlier ---------- SwedenLOL: r wife ---------- 3.14159: what happened? ---------- 3.14159: speak clearly, mate ---------- 3.14159: take your time ---------- 3.14159: breathe in ---------- 3.14159: impressive purple [Note: SwedenLOL made a futile gesture on the table.] ---------- 3.14159: that wasn't laughable at all ---------- SwedenLOL: your wife ---------- 3.14159: yes? ---------- 3.14159: finish your sentence one time, please ---------- SwedenLOL: are you stupid? ---------- 3.14159: yes, but MUCH smarter than YOU ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- 3.14159: next time perhaps you will keep your chat jerk stuff to yourself, purple ---------- 3.14159: be polite, purple, instead of rude ---------- SwedenLOL: suck my cock ########## ---------- SwedenLOL: yes? ---------- 3.14159: great retort! ---------- SwedenLOL: no? ---------- 3.14159: wow, know web boy ever thought of THAT before ---------- SwedenLOL: suck my cock you little pencildicked wanker ########## ---------- 3.14159: purple, you have very little to offer ---------- 3.14159: no imagination ---------- 3.14159: no breeding ---------- 3.14159: no honor ---------- 3.14159: you suck at life, purple ---------- 3.14159: good luck to those who know you
3.14159 on Monday September 10, 2012
Flags and then attacks, bad player.
Cpt.Mozz on Friday September 7, 2012
Backstabber. Truced me and then starting attacking me. And an unoriginal moron: he copy/pasted my comment on my wall.
BioT on Tuesday September 4, 2012
Doesn't respect flags
VB STTR on Tuesday September 4, 2012
hail to the KING lol
Joseph Christian on Monday September 3, 2012
he`s scared of big dicks entering his mouth
sw1ft25 on Sunday September 2, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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