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_BaladaAdd a review about this player
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I can totally agree with 3.14159. This poor creature makes promises and does not keep up with them. He can easily flag to you and then backstab you when given the opportunity.
el1evens on Friday August 3, 2012 2012-07-24 _Balada attacks players whose flags he has accepted. He appears not to be an honorable Kdicer. In our game,
_Balada flagged to me, so I had 1st locked up and he had 2nd locked up. We just had to wait for a quick fight between red
and green for 3rd/4th. Both red and green had flagged to _Balada (I was on the other side of _Balada and they rightly
felt no need to flag to me at that point--though it is smart to flag to everyone just to be clear in those situations).
After a turn or two, _Balada started attacking red and green. I don't know if he enjoys the sense of (virtual) power that
he gets out of attacking flagged players, but it isn't right or honorable. If he had wanted to attack them he should have
explicitly denied their flags; that is, he should have said, "I do not accept your flags." It would not surprise me if
_Balada were just such a hypocrite: he flags to me and expects me not to attack him, but he attacks players who flag to
him (and were no possible threat, by the way--he was MUCH bigger than they). All chat below is verbatim as always.
_Balada is purple, I am yellow. ++++++++++
_Balada: yel? [Note: This was my first hint that something wasn't right with _Balada: he attacks everyone in front of him
except me, sweeps away the competition but thins himself out, takes 1st place in terms of lands held but not dice, and
then "wonders" what I might do. He seemed to think I should sit there and let him win without a fight.] ----------
3.14159: purple? ----------
_Balada: flag yel :'D ----------
t1n: flag purps! [Note: Red flags to _Balada.] ----------
3.14159: thanks purple [Note: I thank _Balada for flagging to me.] ----------
_Balada: k [Note: _Balada appears to accept red's flag to him.] ----------
t1n: AWWW GUTTED ----------
t1n: looo ----------
t1n: lolll ----------
_pascal_: flag purp [Note: Green flags to _Balada.]
t1n: come get me green :)
3.14159: my motto: when 1st is in hand leave everyone alone... ----------
3.14159: unless attacked or stalemate ----------
t1n: AWW GUTTEDDDDD ----------
3.14159: actually, 1st or any other spot ----------
t1n: LOL! ----------
t1n: woah [Note: _Balada attacks red, red who has flagged to him, red whose flag he has accepted.] ----------
3.14159: bad form purple ----------
t1n: ahh fucks sake ----------
t1n: you tit purple ----------
t1n: what a bellend ----------
_Balada: yel? [Note: I attack _Balada, who has not put up a "real" flag because now it must be assumed that _Balada's
word is worth nothing.] ----------
_Balada: xd ----------
_Balada: ok ----------
t1n: what a cunt ----------
3.14159: how does it feel, purple? you have 2nd in hand--you should not be attacking people [Note: I am still ready to
stop attacking _Balada if he will stop attacking the two players who have flagged to him.] ----------
t1n: purple == dead man next time.... ----------
3.14159: now you should quit, purple [Note: _Balada has killed off both players who flagged to him.]
3.14159: if you had any honor at all ----------
3.14159: no honor, purple? ----------
3.14159: you are failed your test, purple ----------
_Balada has left
3.14159 on Tuesday July 24, 2012 Fair, can trust this player
mangalover on Saturday July 21, 2012 Fair player. Could have screwed me but didn't.
@LennartLasseman on Tuesday June 5, 2012 fair player, honest and trustworthy
ourbee1985 on Tuesday June 5, 2012 |