Level 22
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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10

A pussy diving gayboy
KingRussy on Thursday July 17, 2014
nice review russy havent u been the one pgaing me twice in a row?
LilliFee1 on Tuesday May 27, 2014
Weak player!
kaiosezzar on Sunday May 25, 2014
the only jerk is you, i could kill you after red flaged my but i left you fighting red without flagging to me..
BaNaT on Saturday May 24, 2014
Weak crybaby.
818L8 on Thursday May 22, 2014
Kills flagged players. BACKSTABBER!!!
Ax Cx on Saturday May 10, 2014
PGA with Lillifee1
ticki on Saturday June 9, 2012
PGA with indey_jonesy
S801 on Saturday June 9, 2012
PGA with AppSucks - AppSucks took LilliFee1's weak flag, when i was clear in 2nd and flagged to purp, after a few turns LilliFee1 told him to flag purp, purp acepted, AppSucks fought me for 2nd with weird luck, i reflagged for 3rd, and right after my reflag AppSucks sat out to give 2nd to his unflagged pga-buddy LilliFee1 who had 2 lands.....at a 0table ofc
ardnaxela on Saturday June 2, 2012
Fair Playing. :) omg | v
Kathaa on Sunday May 27, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary