Level 71
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Seems like a nice player.
Harlequin UZ on Tuesday February 2, 2016
calls pga when he cant even tell when his heads in his ass
polishg69 on Tuesday January 19, 2016
calls pga when he cant even tell when his heads in his ass
somerandomguy22 on Friday January 15, 2016
liar gives fake reviews
Eric Müller on Thursday November 12, 2015
very honorable player, didnt destroy my fight, good one
AmericanHist0ryX on Saturday October 24, 2015
this game was the last drop needed to end our friendship - and no, friendship doesn't mean to pga, but friendship also doesn't mean to fuck a friend by a dirty 2vs1 (and just to be clear: it never was a 2v2, since brown was too small and unlucky to help). the one who gained "most" in this bs was you - coz you did that 2vs1-shit for laughable 25 points, when you could have sat and let me fight sergio2 a fair 1vs1.
Mrs. M on Sunday October 4, 2015
trustworthy, honors flag and gives kills
eurasianbro on Wednesday September 23, 2015
asshole backstabber
Ampyxx on Wednesday September 23, 2015
a fucking teamplayer. as long as this shit is on your board you cannot have a FAIR round of kdice :-(
Terkal on Wednesday September 16, 2015
Unfair player
Mr. Anderson on Sunday August 30, 2015
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary