Level 57
to level 58


ink09: I have better things to do with my life
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sharing and pgaing -play jurgen 5:59 AM, Saturday November 17, 2012 EST
free +play jurgen 3:00 PM, Saturday July 14, 2012 EDT
bullshit pga tourney -play jurgen 7:37 PM, Saturday June 30, 2012 EDT

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This guy knocked up the first girl he ever slept with so many times he almost killed her! Then instead of taking care of his family and raising them he spends his free time cheating at Kdice and making multiple acc's on facebook to stalk people with. Talk about a very pathetic person. -------------The facebook acc's he uses are: Curtis Royce McLeod, Maskotcc Gold Kdice, Zack Zeltenia, and Carrie Stein.
TheBetterYodel on Thursday October 25, 2012
next time you silent truce someone, dont accept my flag and stack just to 2v1 me later, tell me you cant accept and 2v1. Dick move, won't be soon forgotten...
fuzzymcfuzz on Thursday October 25, 2012
He makes silent truces. Be careful.
kainesh on Monday October 22, 2012
Thanks for your nice review to me, here's one for you as well, seems you have few of those: nice review!
Louis Cypher on Tuesday October 16, 2012
MaskotCC on Friday October 12, 2012
what did you write MaskotCC: hi don@ MaskotCC: !!1 for? I closed the table and couldnt find you back
don artie on Sunday September 16, 2012
asshole. pge me for no reason
Maser on Sunday September 16, 2012
PGA with Gurgi. A bitch. Also, poor. His mom cleans my house.
FullMetal1 on Sunday September 9, 2012
HuntDucks: my sister is single MaskotCC: what's her name MaskotCC: huntgoose
Pursey on Sunday September 2, 2012
1/2 members
HuntDucks on Saturday September 1, 2012
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