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2012-02-26 iVerbatimquick is some old chat jerk and/or web boy and/or weasel who lazily copies-and-pastes other people's reviews and posts them on my review page--which is fine with me. Unlike chat jerks, web boys, and weasels, I am almost always pleased and proud of what I write in chat. It is they who are ashamed of their own words and actions and HATE to see them repeated in reviews. That is their one saving grace, their shame. Their shame means they understand at some level, even that of a child, that they have done something wrong. That means there is hope for them, but it also means the indictment against them is even worse when they do NOT change their ways. That is, they have 'guilty knowledge' at some level, and that makes them worse in some ways than those who do greater harm but without knowledge that what they are doing is wrong. Below is the lazy cut-and-paste review that iVerbatimquick left on my review page... ++++++++++ ++++++++++ so guy without-a-name xD, i really liked the book,or novel, that i writed on my wall, well typed, im sorry but my english is broken and i can't type like you :/, let me answer your review ! [ @xXxdouglasxXx: go through blu >.< [Note: @xXxdouglasxXx telling brown what to do--and that thing to do does NOT maximize brown's winning chances but DOES help @xXxdouglasxXx.] ---------- @xXxdouglasxXx: love ya brown >.< [Note: Brown did as told--either following orders or coincidentally. Brown probably feared reprisal from red if he didn't do as told. This is on the second turn of the game, by the way. Only @xXxdouglasxXx had moved and he had a great start.] ---------- ] so... in that part, i was just joking, i really LOVE to talk with people and enemy's on KDICE , if brown had eat my 4 dice it could ruin my connect and it was a little of sacarsm dind't u see the >.<? when i said love ya brown there's the sarcasm again if he dont do that i would not attack he... @xXxdouglasxXx: holy shit teal ########## ||| there's my sarcasm again, i love it, u just fucked my connect, what u want from me? thanks teal?? lol! |||@xXxdouglasxXx: ill just want to give a lil fun here teal [Note: Now @xXxdouglasxXx pretends he wasn't trying to benefit from his chat suggestions to brown and his overreaction to my move. He wants to use chat to help his chances.]||| i REALLY want to give fun in my games, with my comments filled with sarcasm. |||3.14159: sure, just win on the table not in chat ---------- @xXxdouglasxXx: ok lol ---------- @xXxdouglasxXx: just want to talk a little >.< 3.14159: sure, but it was game related ---------- @xXxdouglasxXx: ok sorry then [Note: So nice and polite and apologetic. I give full credit for that unless you show your true colors later and it turns out you are rude, so no credit for doing the right thing here.]||| I really apologize, after I saw that you didn't like my comments i stopped it. |||@xXxdouglasxXx: u going to ruin me and you teal [Note: I am not sure what this meant. I continued to attack @xXxdouglasxXx as he was still in 1st place and I was in 2nd place. Slowly but surely I was losing to his superior position.] @xXxdouglasxXx: holy yea '-' [Note: Said after I continue to try to beat @xXxdouglasxXx so that I can win, but I am quickly losing.]||| I just said holy yea cause i defended a 5v4 6v4 8v7 or something like that. 3.14159: gg all [Note: I give up and flag for 6th place though I could have hung around to try for 2nd or 3rd (assuming @xXxdouglasxXx would have accepted my flag after I had the temerity to fight against him. Some guys don't accept flags in that case which I think is juvenile.]@xXxdouglasxXx: fuck u ########## [Note: Ah, the REAL @xXxdouglasxXx comes out again. Classless and juvenile--and the reason I am leaving this review. After my initial "complaint," @xXxdouglasxXx had seemed quite friendly and reasonable, but he was just waiting for a chance to reveal his true self. He should grow up.]||| What you expected? SINCE ROUND 1 U WAS ATTACKING ME! u close-ruined my game and I was really angry with you. and i keep saying. FUCK YOU! P.S that little bastard is another pussy i hope u fucked he like u wanted to fuck me, your little bitch. @xXxdouglasxXx on Friday October 7, 2011 This guy wrote a novel on my wall, get a life lol potato27 on Tuesday September 27, 2011 Dear readers, 3.14159 is so obsessed with me that will do pretty much anything to get my attention. Instead of sleeping, this poor fella spent the night counting 2782 spaceless words, then fabricated a story to prove his point. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rather than playing the game, this guy takes the role of "The protector of the assholes" and will whine at anybody who is doing the right thing, from his comfortable spot in the spectator seat. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you see him at the tables actually playing, you might want to take a picture and sell it on ebay in the "extremely rare occasions" category. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now I had the "pleasure" watching this poor fella try to play this game. Of course he failed big time and lost ASAP, but he also showed a new weakness. Please, do NOT do ANY typos when he is around. They way he started complaining about it makes me worried I may have scarred him for life. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In true desperate manner, craving for my attention once again, he wrote, QUOTE ("3.14159: someone should kick your head in"). Someone should tell this sad creature that this is actually a game and not a war zone. Threating me that way was not very nice at all. I`m of course cool with it because I know what kind of situation 3.14 is in, but some people might find that very offensive. lulz123 on Monday September 26, 2011++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rather than playing the game, this guy takes the role of "The protector of the assholes" and will whine at anybody who is doing the right thing, from his comfortable spot in the spectator seat. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you see him at the tables actually playing, you might want to take a picture and sell it on ebay in the "extremely rare occasions" category. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now I had the "pleasure" watching this poor fella try to play this game. Of course he failed big time and lost ASAP, but he also showed a new weakness. Please, do NOT do ANY typos when he is around. They way he started complaining about it makes me worried I may have scarred him for life. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In true I don't care about defending myself. I don't care if you think I am innocent or not. I simply think it's hilarious that you seem to care so deeply about kdice. "Kdice ethics?" Give me a break. It's a game. A. Game. CammellRoeg on Wednesday November 16, 2011 Great guy. Smart, polite, attractive. The other reviews sum it up even better. eurasianbro on Tuesday November 15, 2011 Was nice to fight against you. Kyober on Tuesday November 15, 2011 Haha what the fuck? You must be seriously mentally ill. Overman on Saturday November 12, 2011 Have fun typing, I really don't care. From now on you are just wasting your own time. Have a good day. mistersither on Thursday November 10, 2011
3.14159 on Sunday February 26, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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