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Great player!!!
do evil anyway on Sunday February 26, 2012
2012-02-26 MarsRover is some old web boy and chat jerk (possibly the same as 'Barrack Hussein O'?) who lazily copies-and-pastes MY reviews multiple times back on my review page--which is, of course, fine with me. I am almost always proud and pleased with what I write in chat; it is the chat jerks and web boys like MarsRover who HATE seeing their own words and their own actions in any reviews. NOTE: The player 'MarsRover' (where this review appears) is the chat jerk and web boy. 'Mars Rover' says he is NOT 'MarsRover.' Here is the old reviews that 'MarsRover' posted multiple copies of on my review page: ++++++++++ 2012-02-25 Barack Hussein O (BHO) is a semi-coherent web boy and chat jerk. He wasn't playing in our game but chatted at me anyway. Chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ [Note: I am yellow. I had an early, big lead and ended up winning the game.] ---------- Barack Hussein O is here ---------- Barack Hussein O: watch out yellow is a backstabber ---------- rotia: i think everyone voted for yell for 1st ---------- Barack Hussein O has left ---------- 3.14159: my motto: when 1st is in hand leave everyone alone... ---------- 3.14159: unless attacked or stalemate... ---------- 3.14159: where someone just sits there at the end of the game ---------- 3.14159: needless to say, 1st is not in hand right now ---------- Barack Hussein O is here ---------- rotia: agree w u ---------- Barack Hussein O: watch out yellow is a pedo ---------- Barack Hussein O has left ---------- Barack Hussein O is here ---------- Barack Hussein O: watch out yellow is an homosexual ########## ---------- Barack Hussein O: pie hater ---------- 3.14159: "an"? ---------- Barack Hussein O has left ---------- rotia: flag yell, of course ---------- 3.14159: English might not be his 1st language ---------- 3.14159: thanks brown ---------- Barack Hussein O is here ---------- @MrGuilt: flag yellow ---------- 3.14159: thanks teal ---------- Barack Hussein O: muther fucker drop dead ########### [Note: "muther"?] ---------- 3.14159: i'm sorry i didn't leave those greys for you ---------- Barack Hussein O has left ---------- 3.14159: red was scaring me a little ---------- rotia: flag red [Note: rotia flagged to umekatue (red), but red attacked him anyway.] ---------- Barack Hussein O is here ---------- umekatu: n ---------- Barack Hussein O: F U yellow is an cock sucker ########## ---------- 3.14159: "an"? ---------- 3.14159: do you mean "a"? ---------- 3.14159: and "c*cks*cker" is one word ---------- rotia: yust wait red that purp is stacking in your back ---------- Barack Hussein O: yellow is a racist ########## ---------- Barack Hussein O has left ---------- 3.14159: finally, a semi-coherent sentence
3.14159 on Sunday February 26, 2012
This not the real Mars Rover. This is not Tim. Notice no space between Mars and Rover. I don't know who it is. But I suspect they are pissed at me and trying to make me look bad. Be aware. On the other hand, looking at his stats, it may just be some guy who just signed up and likes the Rover. I don't know. But it is not Tim.
Mars Rover on Sunday February 26, 2012
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