Level 47
to level 48 |
GoGortAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Not a bad person, but a dumb player. Just really stupid.
CaptainGrimes on Tuesday April 7, 2020 Playing hard, but if he loses, he lets kill. Thats fair.
Ilumael on Saturday October 27, 2018 Accepted truce and after accepted flags from other players.... big asshole -----------------------------> http://kdice.com/games/82428864
IQGenius on Thursday September 13, 2018 most lamest and honorless and untrustable player i met since a while
Mrs. M on Monday April 18, 2016 Prick
Paperboy on Tuesday March 15, 2016 noob
slim p on Saturday August 1, 2015 Backstabber.
kDiceNoob22 on Friday February 27, 2015 Ignored my flag
landi on Saturday January 31, 2015 Good sport
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Created on Wednesday December 18, 2013 accept flags and kills when you are fighting with other guy
Egazas on Saturday December 14, 2013 |