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pga with princess
Wooot on Monday April 9, 2012
2012-03-11 From the chat below: "ProbingUranus: being good all the time is like being ignorant." ProbingUranus (CaptainCanuck), the chat jerk, web boy, and flagger-attacker, followed me around Kdice on his belly. I have so thoroughly mastered ProbingUranus/CaptainCanuck that he does exactly as I want him to do at all times. I have kept him occupied and away from the rest of Kdice so he won't ruin others' games by being a chat jerk and web boy and flagger- attacker with them. ProbingUranus never played a game with me; using one of his other names, CaptainCanuck, he played one game against me. For all the rest of the chat below he was chatting from the sidelines. By the way, isn't it interesting how chat jerks and web boys have lots of alternate accounts? So humiliated are they by their own behavior that they must hide behind other names. All chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ ProbingUranus: oh no [Note: PU notices me playing at a table and starts licking at my heels.] ---------- 3.14159: didn't need to do it ---------- ProbingUranus: wtach out the web boy chat jerks is going to start crying ---------- BongoBoy: We need to get Seb ---------- 3.14159: stop talking about yourself, ProbingUranus ---------- 3.14159: with a name like ProbingUranus... ---------- ProbingUranus: as long as it is your ---------- 3.14159: see? ProvingUranus reveals himself at every turn ---------- 3.14159: every time he speaks ---------- ProbingUranus: you so clever ---------- ProbingUranus: pi ---------- 3.14159: way more clever than YOU--but that is easy ---------- 3.14159: i am an idiot but way smarter than YOU, probing ---------- ProbingUranus: and a cherry pie pic ---------- ProbingUranus: ooooooh nobel for creativity ---------- 3.14159: don't cry, probing ---------- 3.14159: it isn't becoming ---------- 3.14159: though it is your level ---------- simjon: flag teal ---------- sebovick2: ok ---------- 3.14159: flag is up ---------- 3.14159: gg ---------- 3.14159 is here [Note: Now at a different table; PU has followed me as I hoped he would thus proving my mastery over him.] ---------- ProbingUranus is here ---------- ProbingUranus: wtach out yellow is a backstabber ---------- ProxyCheater: but I like pie ---------- ProbingUranus: thats why u should eat it first ---------- 3.14159: ProbingUranus (get it?) is a chat jerk and web boy--nothing more ---------- ProbingUranus: Watch out yellow is a backstabber ---------- 3.14159: but he HATES being called out for his bad behavior ---------- ProbingUranus: yellow is a backstabber kos ---------- ProxyCheater: no I don't get it, can you explain it to me? ---------- 3.14159: no need--too juvenile to bother with ---------- ProbingUranus: what is a web boy? ---------- ProbingUranus: yellow is a pedophile ########## [Note: Dear Readers, do you think PU REALLY believes that or is it just a cheap, lazy, immature insult he can hurl?] ---------- ProxyCheater: something like a bubble boy I think ---------- ProbingUranus: must be pedophile lingo ---------- ProbingUranus: see how quiet he is now ---------- 3.14159: Probing is SO dreary and uninteresting ---------- 3.14159: his chat battles are pathetic ---------- ProbingUranus: i am not chat battling ---------- 3.14159: "pedophile"? that is the best he can do? pathetic ---------- ProbingUranus: just providing the players with a heads up ---------- 3.14159: yes, you are ---------- 3.14159: a fine public service ---------- 3.14159: speak more ---------- ProbingUranus: no i also think you F the family dog ########## [Note: Really? PU thinks that? Hard to believe.] ---------- 3.14159: "pedophile," "F the family dog"? really? ---------- 3.14159: you gathered that from Kdice chat? ---------- ProbingUranus: you like torturing animals ########## [Note: What is PU revealing about himself with this series of insults?] ---------- 3.14159: so typically dreary of a not-so-intelligent chat jerk ---------- mrbeef: why is this pointless argument still going one? ---------- 3.14159: some chat jerks are clever or witty--not ProbingUranus ---------- ProbingUranus: i am speculating ---------- ProxyCheater: I'm always telling Dr. Watson how dreary this all is ---------- ProbingUranus: dreary like waiting in a corner ---------- ProbingUranus: to finish 4th instead of 5th ---------- ProxyCheater: you wait in corners? ---------- ProxyCheater: why would you do that? ---------- 3.14159: speculate, expectorate, it is all the same with you, Probing ---------- 3.14159: you play 0 tables? why would you do that? ---------- ProbingUranus: yellow likes to wait in corners ---------- ProbingUranus: thats how he was conceived ---------- Mustafa Ylçn: flag brown ---------- 3.14159: dreary, see? ---------- mrbeef: i flag brown ---------- ProbingUranus: From Hooker to son ########## [Note: Woof--that was a dog of an insult. So lazy, so ignorant, so pathetic.] ---------- ProxyCheater: flag brown ofc ---------- ProxyCheater: and purple ---------- 3.14159: "From Hooker to son"? you just have no wit at all do you, Probing? ---------- mrbeef: ok ---------- 3.14159: probing needs to read 1 good book in his life--that would help him ---------- Mustafa Ylçn: brown flag ---------- ProbingUranus: i read the bible ---------- 3.14159: and cheer for Satan ---------- 3.14159: you are a pimple on the butt of Kdice, ProbingUranus ---------- ProxyCheater: what would the game be without the kdrama ---------- ProbingUranus: i thought i was the ass hole of kdice ---------- 3.14159: no, ass holes serve a purpose ---------- ProbingUranus: you being the mouth ---------- 3.14159: as do mouths ---------- ProbingUranus: not yours ---------- 3.14159: pimples are just ... blights ---------- ProbingUranus: you are repetitive ---------- ProbingUranus: a real parrot ---------- 3.14159: cry some more, probing ---------- 3.14159: it is lovely ---------- 3.14159: it is lovely when chat jerks and web boys like you cry ---------- 3.14159: "why can't i be bad and everyone let me do it without consequences?" ---------- 3.14159: "i want to insult people and not have them call me a chat jerk" ---------- ProxyCheater: trolls like being called jerks ---------- ProbingUranus: i like it ---------- ProbingUranus: otherwise i wouldnt stalk ########## [Note: I made him stalk me; it is what I wanted, of course. I love hooking chat jerks and web boys. They are my meat.] ---------- ProbingUranus: you from game to game trying to fuck your game ########## ---------- 3.14159: that sounds right at your level, probing ---------- ProbingUranus: isnt it funny everytime we engage ---------- ProbingUranus: you never finish better than 4th ---------- 3.14159: doesn't bother me--you are my meat, probing ---------- 3.14159: part of why i like kdice is the chance to point at chat jerks and web boys like you, Probing, and call you by name ---------- BumHunter: =) ---------- DrNick: Hi Everybody! ---------- 3.14159: Hi DrNick! ---------- ProbingUranus: Hi Dr.Nick did you bring lithium for pi ---------- 3.14159: cry some more, Probing, it is so nice when you do ---------- 3.14159: you HATE this but don't want to show it ---------- 3.14159: the longer you go on the more i win ---------- 3.14159: i have you and you can't stand it ---------- 3.14159: you can't run and you can't stay! ---------- ProbingUranus: Delusional ---------- 3.14159: so wonderful ---------- 3.14159: cat got your tongue, Probing? ---------- 3.14159: can't stay, can't run away! ---------- ProbingUranus: nah ---------- 3.14159: ZUGZWANG ---------- ProbingUranus: im playing [Note: PU is referring to one of his alts, CaptainCanuck.] ---------- JesseRDH: eat him up purp ---------- ProbingUranus: dont want you to win this game ---------- 3.14159: Probing has nothing but losing moves with me in chat ---------- 3.14159: zugzwang ---------- ProbingUranus: im playing on this table you idiot ########## [Note: Referring to CaptainCanuck.] ---------- 3.14159: flag yellow, flag red, flag purple, flag teal ---------- DrNick: Are you two playing a private game of flag to everyone and bring on armaggeddon? ---------- freaky like me: dr nick i feel well ;) ---------- freaky like me: *here ---------- DrNick: Are you going to stab me? ---------- freaky like me: i? ---------- DrNick: Brutus? ---------- CaptainCanuck: i will finish 5th if you kill green ---------- DrNick: I'm screwed ---------- Dave Gahan: ruce green? ---------- Dave Gahan: *truce ---------- Dave Gahan: wrong ---------- Dave Gahan: i meant: truce, brown? ---------- 3.14159: sure, i'll truce against brown [Note: Brown is PU/CaptainCanuck.] ---------- CaptainCanuck: yeah ---------- DrNick: brown! You flagged dammit. Where have the public standards that used to hold sway gone? ---------- 3.14159: red, why would you need a truce? you are already both attacking me? ---------- Dave Gahan: i changed my flag to brown to a truce qith brown ---------- 3.14159: are you not following the game, red? ---------- freaky like me: teal i tried it ---------- 3.14159: ah, of course ---------- freaky like me: im sry for my bad luck ---------- CaptainCanuck: yellow kill green first ---------- DrNick: Such a sad end. I hate being beated by someone who does not even have the decency to type 'GG'. ---------- 3.14159: don't hate that--he is just a 3%er ---------- 3.14159: we have to learn to live with these bad guys ---------- 3.14159: they are the cockroaches and rats of kdice ---------- DrNick: Would it bother you if there was another player called 3.1416 ---------- DrNick: ? ---------- DrNick: There could be a whole family out there that you have never met? ---------- DrNick: Didn't find any bums... ---------- ProbingUranus: get a life ---------- ProbingUranus: eat a pie ---------- 3.14159: thanks, Probing! i win again ---------- 3.14159: you are making my day, Probing ---------- 3.14159: the sheriff gets a little thrill out of beating the criminal ---------- CaptainCanuck: you finish no higher than 4th ---------- CaptainCanuck: once more ---------- CaptainCanuck: oops ---------- ProbingUranus: like he siad ---------- 3.14159: the chat game is the one i care about in this case ---------- 3.14159: i win again, of course ---------- ProbingUranus: yellow and red you can roll for 1st [Note: See? PU can't just leave a table; he has to tell everyone what to do.] ---------- 3.14159: Probing can't stop himself from losing to me ---------- ProbingUranus: i will take 3rd [Note: PU used his PU chat window here instead of his CaptainCanuck chat window.] ---------- CaptainCanuck: sorry wrong chat window ---------- 3.14159: CaptainCanuck = ProbingUranus... who knew? ---------- CaptainCanuck: you fucking moron ########## ---------- 3.14159: probing is telling you to roll off--he doesn't want you to fight it out ---------- CaptainCanuck: 20 mins after half the table knew ---------- CaptainCanuck: you are very smart ---------- CaptainCanuck: indeed ---------- CaptainCanuck: you retard ---------- 3.14159: WAY smarter than YOU--but an idiot compared to others ---------- CaptainCanuck: go google culture ---------- Dave Gahan: brwon ---------- 3.14159: i have read more than 0 books, unlike you, so i don't need to google it ---------- CaptainCanuck: and 1 good book ---------- Dave Gahan: you ok with 3rd? ---------- 3.14159: red, he already said he was ---------- 3.14159: are you not paying attention? ---------- Dave Gahan: yes ---------- CaptainCanuck: yeah i owned more than 800 books ########## [Note: But never read any of them--and they were just comic books.] ---------- Dave Gahan: u're righ pi ---------- 3.14159: never read one of them, Probing ---------- 3.14159: you should read one ---------- CaptainCanuck: sorry donkey ---------- CaptainCanuck: you make me laugh ---------- 3.14159: in this NASCAR race, i lapped CaptainCanuck/ProbingUranus three times ---------- 3.14159: and he STILL must crawl after my heel ---------- CaptainCanuck has left ---------- 3.14159: so wonderful ---------- ProbingUranus: yeah ---------- 3.14159: yeah ---------- 3.14159: brilliant! ---------- 3.14159: "yeah" ---------- ProbingUranus: we are a lot alike u and me ---------- 3.14159: that is deep--"yeah" ---------- ProbingUranus: everybody hates us ---------- 3.14159: no--i am good, you are bad ---------- 3.14159: i have manners, you do not ---------- ProbingUranus: but only me knows it ---------- 3.14159: i pursue honor, you hate honor ---------- ProbingUranus: i live honor ---------- 3.14159: you try to ruin kdice, i try to make kdice better ---------- ProbingUranus: i take a break on the net ---------- ProbingUranus: thank you very much ---------- 3.14159: you are not welcome except to leave ---------- 3.14159: you make kdice worse ---------- ProbingUranus: kid you cant make kdice better ---------- 3.14159: you can't handle the anonymity of the web ---------- 3.14159: you act out like a 5th grader ---------- ProbingUranus: the internet is 10 x wworse than real life ---------- ProbingUranus: its a modern wild west ---------- 3.14159: "kid you cant make kdice better"--THERE it is ---------- 3.14159: ANY excuse will do for Probing ---------- 3.14159: to act out like a 5th grader ---------- ProbingUranus: iust pragmatic ########## [Note: For PU, pragmatism means "be as bad as I want to be."] ---------- 3.14159: you just have no honor ---------- 3.14159: simple ---------- ProbingUranus: why would you waste your time making this place better ---------- ProbingUranus: when the people in charge dont care ---------- 3.14159: i don't -- i just point out chat jerks and web boys like you ---------- 3.14159: that is all ---------- 3.14159: simple ---------- 3.14159: not hard to understand is it? ---------- 3.14159: is it over your head? of course it is ---------- 3.14159: don't worry your little mind about it ---------- ProbingUranus: dont be jealous ---------- ProbingUranus: life is unfair ---------- ProbingUranus: thats all ---------- 3.14159: i am a better person than you are both in real life and on the web--qed ---------- ProbingUranus: define better ---------- 3.14159: no need to with you--pearls before swine ---------- ProbingUranus: but you are a mortal ---------- ProbingUranus: it is so easy to be a "good person" when you have nothing else to aim for ########## [Note: Any excuse for PU to NOT do the right thing is fine with him.] ---------- 3.14159: and so hard for you because it would never enter your mind to be good ---------- 3.14159: good means nothing to you ---------- 3.14159: you want what you want when you want it--5th grader stuff ---------- ProbingUranus: that is the excat opposite you twit ---------- ProbingUranus: being good all the time is like being ignorant ########## [Note: PU's golden rule.] ---------- ProbingUranus: and ignorance is bliss ---------- 3.14159: another easy excuse for Probing--"one can't be good ALL the time so never be good" ---------- 3.14159: what a 4th grader ---------- ProbingUranus: you will never experiance guilt remorse anger ---------- ProbingUranus: you are a one dimension character ---------- ProbingUranus: but i like fucking with you ########## [Note: He thinks HE is f*cking with ME!] ---------- 3.14159: what a fool Probing is ---------- ProbingUranus: you make me laugh so hard ---------- 3.14159: and my heel dog ---------- 3.14159: crawling behind me as he has no choice ---------- 3.14159: i love it when chat jerks and web boys like Probing get hooked ---------- 3.14159: i don't even reel them in ---------- 3.14159: just drag them in my wake ---------- 3.14159: it keeps them from bothering the rest of kdice ---------- 3.14159: it is a public service ---------- angelo78: green what is it? ---------- 3.14159: what is what, blue? ---------- angelo78: the public service you are talking about ---------- ProbingUranus: nice you cant finish below 6th ---------- 3.14159: ah, i point at chat jerks and web boys and call them by name ---------- 3.14159: they HATE it ---------- 3.14159: some, like Probing, get hooked and can't get off the hook ---------- 3.14159: the 2nd part of the public service, then, is to distract guys like Probing from bothering the rest of you ---------- ProbingUranus: you managed to fuck another game ########## ---------- ProbingUranus: what a loser [Note: Says PU as he follows me from game to game for over an hour.] ---------- 3.14159: beat you over and over, Probing--chat winner again: 3.14159 ---------- 3.14159: that is enough for me ---------- ProbingUranus: oh well theres a bigger asshole on this table ########## ---------- ProbingUranus: Hi rick [Note: PU referring to the player "Rick Santorum."] ---------- 3.14159: not than YOU, probing ---------- 3.14159: don't be modest, probing ---------- 3.14159: your probing uranus has made you the biggest ---------- 3.14159: (see what i did there?) ---------- ProbingUranus: haha red opened blue s 8 ---------- ProbingUranus: classic pga ---------- ProbingUranus: got to luv this site ---------- angelo78: it 's not a pga ---------- angelo78: and it was a 7 ---------- ProbingUranus: keep targeting chat jerk ---------- ProbingUranus: and web boy ---------- ProbingUranus: you idiot pi ---------- 3.14159: i have you tied in knots, probing ---------- 3.14159: following me as a lickspittle ---------- 3.14159: that is wonderful, probing ---------- ProbingUranus: nice color santorum fits you well ---------- ProbingUranus: red and blue pga ---------- Created: nice green ---------- 3.14159: blue didn't help red much in their "pga" ---------- ProbingUranus: and? ---------- ProbingUranus: you are so stupid ---------- 3.14159: touchy, probing? ---------- 3.14159: sensitive, probing? ---------- ProbingUranus: turn your tongue seven times b4 you talk ---------- 3.14159: cry, probing? ---------- ProbingUranus: yes you are annoying ########## [Note: But aimed at annoying chat jerks and web boys. PU is annoying to everyone on purpose.] ---------- Created: was just taking your island :( ---------- Zach Gross: flag green ---------- 3.14159: thanks yellow ---------- angelo78: flag too ---------- 3.14159: thanks blue ---------- Created: flag green ---------- 3.14159: thanks teal ---------- 3.14159: i'll sit out--you guys fight for 1st ---------- 3.14159: gg all ---------- angelo78: lucky yell ---------- angelo78: stupid game but lucky ---------- Zach Gross: its all luck ---------- 3.14159: we are ALL winners here--except poor probinguranus ---------- angelo78: yes but you play stupid ---------- 3.14159: blue, don't be bitter ---------- Zach Gross: ok ha ---------- 3.14159: remember your manners ---------- ProbingUranus: i wasnt playing ---------- angelo78: ok i'll be polite ---------- 3.14159: HONOR BEFORE KDICE! right blue? ---------- angelo78: he doesn't play smart ---------- angelo78 has left ---------- 3.14159: but blue--you only mention "not smart" play when it affects YOU ---------- 3.14159: that is whining ---------- ProbingUranus: haha yes Israeli are reknowned for their honor ########## ---------- 3.14159: IF you said it ALL the time, that would be different ---------- angelo78: if you play from the beginning to get 2 place when you could get 1 ---------- ProbingUranus: see how honorful he is ########## [Note: "Honorful"?] ---------- 3.14159: on EVERY "dumb" play you should say something, blue, or it is just crying and whining by you ---------- ProbingUranus: he lost and is still refusing to flag out ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++ +++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-02-23 ProbingUranus, the chat jerk, web boy, and flagger-attacker, reviewed me: "Heard Kdice is of great use threating [sic] schizophrenia and autism...Dont worry little buddy things will get better.Dont forget to take your medication,and thank you for your review you are so talented 3 smileys and a star for you 8) 8) 8) *" The current popular way for chat jerks and web boys to say "retard" is "autism"; they are too scared to say "retard" (being politically correct in their cowardly way) and they want to appear pseudo-sophisticated by using what to them is a big word like "autism." ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-02-22 Since ProbingUranus admires TooMuchCoffeeGuys (TMCG) and appears to want to follow in TMCG's footsteps, perhaps it will not be inappropriate, Dear Readers, to post TMCG's review since the latest portion has so much of ProbingUranus in it. Note that ProbingUranus did NOT accept a flag in our game and had no good reason not to (see the review below). Also note the "review" that ProbingUranus left for the player 'do good anyway' (DGA) on 2012-02-09: "Fat ugly whore." DGA responded on 2012-02-09: "I don't know what I did to you to make you post that on my reviews, but things like that are ridiculous and hurtful. Be a human being." THAT is the kind of guy ProbingUranus is--another 3%er Kdice jerk. He is probably a jerk in the non-virtual world as well. All chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ TooMuchCoffeeGuy (TMCG) is a chat jerk of both kinds now (see my original review of him far below): the kind that always says "you are an idiot" to everyone and the kind that does juvenile cussing and juvenile insulting because he has nothing else going for him. TMCG is red, ProbingUranus is teal, I am blue. Chat is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ ProbingUranus: hmm pie ---------- ProbingUranus: yummy ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: jesus, what a start ########## [Note: Typical TMCG right off the bat--whining.] ---------- ProbingUranus: yeah ---------- ProbingUranus: dreadful ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: i am betting that brown will reappear and wreck my game ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: or maybe yours ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: i vote for yours ---------- ProbingUranus: yeah ---------- ProbingUranus: better build up fast ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: cos u got lots of lands u dont need ---------- ProbingUranus: lets not get in each other way ########## [Note: Brown is away so hurry up and truce on a zero (0) table. Truces are VERY rare on the 0 tables--except for guys like TMCG.] ---------- ProbingUranus: till the ogre wakes up [Note: Brown is away and getting a big stack. Brown is the ogre.] ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: i flag teal [Note: No surprise. They were already going to help each other. This is the one correct thing that TMCG did in this game, flagging instead of trucing. That is the ONLY way it should be done on the 0 tables.] ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: that means u better win, cos I want to try 2nd ---------- Groggle: flag teal ########## [Note: Groggle/Yellow flags to ProbingUranus/Teal.] ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: and I have to deal with this doofus blue [Note: I am blue.] ---------- Groggle: flag teal ########## [Note: ProbingUranus has attacked yellow even though yellow flagged to teal. Yellow is trying again to offer his flag. There is no good reason for ProbingUranus to refuse the flag.] ---------- 3.14159: that's MISTER doofus to you TMCG ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: one land [Note: I have one land.] ---------- PrincessTS: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: we didn't know we were supposed to let you win, red ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: i not winning ---------- 3.14159: you want me to quit, red? just ask ########## [Note: TMCG loves to whine and insult, but he is never direct and adult.] ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: neither are u, all u doing is trying to stop yrslef being last ---------- Groggle: fine teal, i'll help red win ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: i flagged to teal ---------- Groggle has left ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: jesus blue ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: u are really a cunt, u know that ########## ---------- 3.14159: no, no, not jesus--but thanks ---------- 3.14159: again, we didn't know we were supposed to let you win, red ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: any decent player, knows he is last, tries NOT to wreck other players [Note: The biggest problem with that great speech? TMCG NEVER plays like that; he always keeps going for the best rank he can get. He doesn't just quit when it is clear that he isn't getting 1st or 2nd. TMCG is a transparent, sanctimonious hypocrite.] ---------- 3.14159: any decent PERSON is not a chat jerk like you are, TMCG ---------- 3.14159: so we both have problems ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: all u did was help green and yello, and u never had a chance to be above last [Note: I was already above last, so TMCG is simply an idiot, right Dear Readers?] ---------- 3.14159: but i am getting revenge against you, right? ---------- 3.14159: do you not get it, red? ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: i dunno what the fuck u are doing ########## [Note: Too much coffee; too few brains.] ---------- 3.14159: i have written this for you before, but okay... ---------- 3.14159: we play for one of three things... ---------- 3.14159: 1) 1st place ---------- 3.14159: 2) some other place ---------- 3.14159: 3) revenge ---------- 3.14159: that is it ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: dude, all u did was fuck up a game ########## ---------- 3.14159: YOUR game you mean [Note: TMCG pretends to care about "the game" when he really only cares about himself. He NEVER complains about bad moves or bad deeds that hurt OTHER players. Again, TMCG is a sanctimonious hypocrite.] ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: u STILL got only one land ---------- 3.14159: YOUR problem is you cry and whine about "the game" but only insofar as it affects YOU ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: go and fuck yrself blue ########## ---------- 3.14159: brilliant, red--just what i would expect from you ---------- 3.14159: you are whiny and a chat jerk TMCG ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: u gave green a chance for a place... and purp a chance for a place.. ---------- 3.14159: you still don't understand, red? ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: pretty dishonest ---------- PrincessTS: teal...why attack me? ---------- ProbingUranus: to get to blue ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: dont worry about blue ---------- 3.14159: not dishonest at all--i am upfront about it ---------- 3.14159: i wanted revenge against YOU, red ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: he is a douche ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are bad for Kdice ---------- 3.14159: you are a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and you whine ---------- ProbingUranus: he ran all game ---------- 3.14159: you are impolite ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: like I said, go and fuck yrself.. ########## ---------- ProbingUranus: its time for you to leave blue ########## ---------- 3.14159: i heard you, red ---------- 3.14159: that is your level--stick to it ---------- ProbingUranus: have a little self respect and flag out ########## [Note: ProbingUranus is racing TMCG to the bottom.] ---------- 3.14159: teal doesn't accept flags and is giving advice on how to play Kdice? great ---------- ProbingUranus: okay purple flag out ########## [Note: Dear Readers, don't you just hate guys who are in 1st place telling everyone what to do? They are such jerks. They have 1st in hand; let others finish their fights.] ---------- ProbingUranus: good game ---------- 3.14159: teal, we didn't know we had to make it convenient for YOU ---------- ProbingUranus: scroll back ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: and really, all blue did was waste a ton of time ########## [Note: TMCG only cares about that if it hurts HIS chances of improving his rank. Otherwise, he doesn't mind wasting others' time by staying in a game instead of quitting. He is, it must be said again, a sanctimonious hypocrite.] ---------- 3.14159: i have it all copied and pasted ---------- ProbingUranus: red flagged me ---------- 3.14159: yes, a FLAG is NOT a TRUCE, teal ---------- ProbingUranus: the only purpose you served in this game ---------- Bacje: i`m gonna flag out when i want u understand that ---------- ProbingUranus: was to fck with red s progress [Note: ProbingUranus doesn't read very well either. My list of three things we play for made it clear and simple. Sometimes we play for revenge--and we ALL do it.] ---------- 3.14159: that is what i said: revenge ---------- 3.14159: we ALL do it ---------- 3.14159: that is Kdcie ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: u were never above last blue ---------- 3.14159: kdice ---------- ProbingUranus: exactly ---------- 3.14159: then how come i am not 7th? ---------- ProbingUranus: be happy with 5th ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: your ONLY strategy was to be a douche... ########## ---------- ProbingUranus: you should of be gone 7th ---------- 3.14159: i will be happy when guys like you and TMCG do not play Kdice, but that isn't going to happen... ---------- 3.14159: i'm happy anyway ---------- ProbingUranus: watch out ---------- ProbingUranus: i heard this guy write dealy reviews ---------- 3.14159: we have to live with guys like you, teal, but we don't have to be happy about it ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: oops ---------- ProbingUranus: verbatim and shit ---------- ProbingUranus: i played a great game [Note: It is pathetic that he feels that way, but okay.] ---------- 3.14159: you are like the rats and cockroaches, teal--you exist, we can't kill all of you off, so we learn to live with you ---------- ProbingUranus: admit it ---------- 3.14159: you are a 3%er, teal ---------- 3.14159: the 3% who want to make Kdice bad ---------- ProbingUranus: why ---------- ProbingUranus: no i played the game properly [Note: No, he didn't accept the flag he should have accepted.] ---------- 3.14159: the 3% who can't deal with the anonymity of the Internet--you can't handle it like an adult ---------- ProbingUranus: in its purest form ---------- ProbingUranus: and i won ---------- 3.14159: keep telling yourself that, teal--it doesn't matter ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: instead of allowing a good battle, you acted like a sneaky little spoiler rat ---------- 3.14159: you won't change ---------- ProbingUranus: you are just a sore loser ---------- 3.14159: sneaky? i said it upfront ---------- ProbingUranus: chat boy ---------- 3.14159: and you and teal truced early on--like the weasels you two are ---------- ProbingUranus: go hate somewhere else please ---------- 3.14159: "please"--nice ---------- 3.14159: you have that one "please" going for you ---------- ProbingUranus: because brown had a 6 stack in 1st round ---------- ProbingUranus: and was away ---------- ProbingUranus: very scary ---------- ProbingUranus: people do that and then sit down 2 wreck the game ########## [Note: We didn't know we were suppose to let you win, ProbingUranus.] ---------- 3.14159: sure, make excuses--i'm sure you are great at making excuses ---------- ProbingUranus: so it wasnt against you ---------- ProbingUranus: you could of said yeah guys lets watch out for the sleeping giant ---------- 3.14159: that is what they all say on the upper tables--"we HAVE to truce" ---------- ProbingUranus: and finish 3rd ---------- ProbingUranus: but your pride got in the way ---------- ProbingUranus: and you took the whiney douchebag path ########## ---------- 3.14159: pride? i just point to the trash on Kdice ---------- 3.14159: i have no pride in that ---------- 3.14159: it is a job ---------- ProbingUranus: that you seem to enjoy , when things dont go the way it fits you ---------- ProbingUranus: you dont know me to make that kind of a statement ---------- 3.14159: when you have chat jerks and web boys at the table, we should point YOU out ---------- 3.14159: i know your actions ---------- 3.14159: that is sufficient in this context ---------- ProbingUranus: my actions were correct according to all guidelines ---------- 3.14159: act more civilized and you won't be called out for your bad actions ---------- ProbingUranus: is calling people names civilized ---------- 3.14159: labelling trash as trash is a service... ---------- 3.14159: civilized societies take out the trash... ---------- ProbingUranus: i leave with this quote ---------- 3.14159: and lock up the bad guys ---------- ProbingUranus: i think its fitting ---------- ProbingUranus: people who live in glass houses, shouldnt throw stones ---------- ProbingUranus: bye ---------- 3.14159: HONOR BEFORE KDICE! ---------- 3.14159: as always ---------- ProbingUranus has left ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++ ++++ 2011-12-21 TooMuchCoffeeGuy (TMCG) is a chat jerk of the let's-insult-the-moves-guys-make kind (not the juvenile cussing and juvenile insults kind). Once again today TMCG just had to make a snide remark about how a guy made his first move. TMCG has no self-control or he is just a rude jerk or both. His "excuse" below is transparently false: "I was pissed." TMCG wants to imply that it is a rare occurrence for him to make snide remarks, but it is an every game occurrence for him. TMCG should learn manners. ++++++++++ TooMuchCoffeeGuy (TMCG) reviewed himself regarding my review of him: "who cares? this is a crazy obsessive posting from a guy who wasnt playing well... whole thing started when yello took 2 lands after I had flagged and I was pissed." Presumably TMCG cares because HE is the one making snide remarks. "Obsessively rude" is a good description of TMCG's chat remarks. "[A] guy who wasn't playing well" means everyone but TMCG at all times and in all places. TMCG is simply a rude chat jerk. ++++++++++ 2011-12-11 TooMuchCoffeeGuy prefers to try to win the game in chat rather than at the table. Chat below is verbatim as always. TooMuchCoffeeGuy is brown, I am purple. ++++++++++ 3.14159: YOU start the chat war and then whine about it? ---------- 3.14159: really? ---------- Nexxen: k yell ty ---------- 3.14159: cry some more, brown ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: yello, at least even things up between purp and me ---------- zollo: sorry brown it's too late ---------- 3.14159: cry! whine! ---------- zollo: youre fighting for fourth anyway ---------- 3.14159: keep it up, brown--we love it ---------- zollo: no points ---------- 3.14159: YOU started this, brown ---------- 3.14159: stop whining ---------- uPrell: flag green and yell ---------- 3.14159: TooMuchCoffeeGuy: bad move purp ---------- zollo: ty teal ---------- Nexxen: k teal ty ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: it was a bad move ---------- 3.14159: next time just play the game, brown ---------- 3.14159: he who speaks first loses ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: u flagged to green is round 2 when u movesd south ---------- zollo: brown ---------- zollo: shut the fuck up ---------- zollo: and grow a pair ---------- 3.14159: i had YOU at my south and green at my north ---------- 3.14159: YOU wanted me to attack green ---------- zollo: pi you dont have to defend yourself ---------- 3.14159: YOU pretend that was in MY best interest ---------- 3.14159: i'm just crushing brown with logic ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: really ---------- 3.14159: guys like brown LOVE to spout their "wisdom" ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: i kinda got crushed when yello took 50% of my lands.. ---------- 3.14159: and then whine and cry when you call them on it ---------- zollo: pi you cool w 4? ---------- 3.14159: i don't even want to be in this game with brown ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: yello ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: i am fighting for 4th here ---------- uPrell: green, can I go to purp and brown? ---------- 3.14159: YOU talk, brown, and YOU make enemies--it is that simple ---------- Nexxen: u get third teal no worries ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: my flag is to green yello and teal ---------- 3.14159: gg all but brown ---------- 3.14159: next time maybe he will keep his mouth shut ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: fuck off purp ########## [Note: TooMuchCoffeeGuy breaks.] ---------- 3.14159: you too, chat jerk ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy: u got a place only becuase yello screwed me ---------- 3.14159: YOU are the loud-mouthed jerk no matter what ---------- 3.14159: game or no game ---------- TooMuchCoffeeGuy has left
3.14159 on Sunday March 11, 2012
Doesn't respect flags. Just a bad player, kill this guy as soon as possible. PGA with Al Gore
gd306 on Saturday March 10, 2012
Doesn't respect flags. Just a bad player, kill this guy as soon as possible.
Ethitts on Saturday March 10, 2012
ProbingUranus: colombian trasah ProbingUranus: fucking dirty spic ProbingUranus: shut your erd world country trash mouth ProbingUranus: dickface ProbingUranus: nigger ProbingUranus: lucky for you this is not live so what is here so what is here ProbingUranus: i would gladly spent a few weeks in jail for you dom99: what s the problem with you ? dom99: get a real life ProbingUranus: little assholes like you ProbingUranus: you need a good kik in your teeth ProbingUranus: you are a little cunt ProbingUranus: hope you fucking get shot ProbingUranus: on the streets of colombia dom99: no life ProbingUranus: dirtbag ProbingUranus: you dont deserve to live ProbingUranus: useless 3rd world trash
dom99 on Thursday March 8, 2012
yea and even then he still lost the game
zsyd1230 on Thursday March 8, 2012
((doesnt flag after verbaling)) ProbingUranus: flag yellow zsyd1230: lol KamiKazi1: lol KamiKazi1: gg zsyd1230: flag up please ProbingUranus: fu fag
KamiKazi1 on Thursday March 8, 2012
pga with phsycomatt
tvor on Sunday March 4, 2012
i flaged him, i was 2nd but he decided to make me 4th. he failed ProbingUranus: faggot ProbingUranus: just lucky ProbingUranus: slovak piece of shit wiktor: no just moron u are ProbingUranus: shut up yoda ProbingUranus: fuck face ProbingUranus: i shit in your mouth
wiktor on Monday February 27, 2012
Hey can ya remove your probe
Butters on Friday February 24, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary