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Ron Paul

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get some brains?
kkbomb on Sunday April 14, 2013
2 v 1 player
morsan on Saturday April 13, 2013
strong player - let a player challenge for 1/4 when he could have insisted he sit for 3 - the other player had flagged me after I had flagged Ron Paul
latrans on Wednesday March 27, 2013
Sugah daddy!!!!
Ru Paul on Wednesday March 7, 2012
Yah Bambaclaat Batiman bumba ras claat
Sean Paul on Wednesday March 7, 2012
Hey pops you name me after Ayn Rand really? fu....im a racist
Rand Paul on Wednesday March 7, 2012
One Cup on Tuesday March 6, 2012
Absolutely no respect for flags...
Mara232 on Tuesday March 6, 2012
To put it nicely a total idiot, he says that I play like a coward because I wouldn't attack his eight stack. On the other hand he tried to get every player to attack me at once because I was the leading player at the time. Doesn't that make him the coward? This guy is just a sore loser.
Tbigsby on Saturday March 3, 2012
really angry ass..avoid playing with him, or just kill first..
beatol on Friday February 24, 2012
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