Level 34
to level 35

Josh 1991

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no -changeAvatar -avatar KDICEMOD 12:54 PM, Tuesday September 18, 2012 EDT
Inappropiate chat continued after asked to stop. -chat KDICEMOD 10:32 AM, Tuesday September 18, 2012 EDT
ok one more chance +changeAvatar Rowdyazell 2:57 PM, Monday September 17, 2012 EDT
Although this is nice I really don't need to explain this to my kid yet -changeAvatar -avatar Rowdyazell 12:02 PM, Friday June 29, 2012 EDT
avatars restored, you now know the rules +changeAvatar jurgen 3:21 PM, Friday June 1, 2012 EDT
you really thought that that avatar had a shot of being accepted on Kdice? No more avatars for you because I had to watch it in full size -changeAvatar -re-register -avatar jurgen 11:45 AM, Sunday February 26, 2012 EST

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Sad little kid...
Devos- on Wednesday September 12, 2012
asholle bad player!
ciciban on Tuesday September 11, 2012
In retrospect, his mother regretted not going through with the abortion.
r0n on Tuesday September 4, 2012
PGA with AIfons
Smoffte on Tuesday August 21, 2012
sad and angry little boy
Groper on Monday July 30, 2012
2012-06-25 Josh 1991, the web boy and chat jerk, lost the chat game to me--again. Josh 1991 ALWAYS chats at me first, therefore he loses and I win. All chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ [Note: I purposely never chat first to someone that I recall is a chat jerk or web boy that I have reviewed. If they never say anything, I will never say anything. If they chat at me first, they lose.] ---------- 3.14159 is here ---------- Josh 1991 is here ---------- Josh 1991: 3,14 ? ---------- Josh 1991: oh man.. ---------- 3.14159: you lose the chat game again, Josh 1991--you spoke first ---------- 3.14159: WINNER! *dancing* ---------- Josh 1991: gotta go ---------- 3.14159: of course ---------- 3.14159: Josh 1991 left his seat at the table ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: josh ---------- 3.14159: couldn't take it ---------- Josh 1991: oi lucas ---------- 3.14159: too much pressure ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: pi é igual a vc ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: sabe pq? ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkk ---------- Josh 1991: é doidão ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: n ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: pq eh irracional ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ---------- Josh 1991: eu sou pré-historico kkkkkk ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: brincadeira ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: XD ---------- Josh 1991: das cavernas ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: so zuando ---------- Josh 1991: uga bugaaaaaaa ---------- Josh 1991: XD ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: uahuahauha ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: e essa foto ae ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkk ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: cada uma melhor q a putra ---------- Josh 1991: neeeeerd ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: uahuahua ---------- 3.14159: wow--now Josh 1991 has to have someone follow him to tables to console him if i am around ---------- 3.14159: that is sad ---------- 3.14159: don't cry, Josh 1991 ---------- Josh 1991: what the hell .. ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkkk ---------- 3.14159: be a big boy ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: lol ---------- Josh 1991: k trol ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkk ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: vc eh famoso man ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: XD ---------- Josh 1991: mesmooo ---------- 3.14159: feeling better, Josh 1991? is Lucas Barbosa de helping you feel better? ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: o povo te ama ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkkk ---------- Josh 1991: olha ai o cara ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: yeah ---------- 3.14159: it appears to be working--your "k" key works, at least ---------- Josh 1991: ke safado ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: he needs my help ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkk ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: what?! ---------- 3.14159: we know he does--LOTS of help ---------- Isb: I don't feel better §§ ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: where r u from green? ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: ur also funny ---------- Josh 1991: já viu as reviews dele ? ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: n ---------- Josh 1991: parecem novelas ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkk ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: kkkkkk ---------- Josh 1991: artigos de jornal ---------- 3.14159: see if you can help Josh 1991 on the path to pursue wisdom, truth, and justice rather than his being a simpleminded chat jerk the rest of his life ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: caraca ---------- 3.14159: unless you don't think he is capable ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: o q eh aquilo ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkk ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: esse eh o cara ---------- 3.14159: maybe chat jerk is the highest aspiration for Josh 1991 ---------- Josh 1991: no one gives a shit about what are you sying ########## [Note: Josh 1991 doesn't understand the irony of what he is saying.] ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: conseguiu fazer tantas pessoas se darem ao trabalho de escrever td aquilo ---------- Josh 1991: saying* ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: esse cara merce atençao ---------- Josh 1991: ele proprio escreveu ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: uhauha ---------- 3.14159: don't cry, Josh 1991, it will be okay ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: ¬¬ ---------- 3.14159: just grow up ---------- Josh 1991: detalhe a detalhe da conversa ---------- Josh 1991: tudo direitinho ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: kkkkk ---------- 3.14159: pursue wisdom, truth, and justice--do NOT be a chat jerk--simple! ---------- Josh 1991: ele faz isso sempre ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: conhece ele pessoalmente? ---------- Josh 1991: nao ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: esse mundo so tem maluco ---------- Josh 1991: mas aki no jogo já faz algum tempo ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: ta cada vez pior ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkk ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: XD ---------- Josh 1991: e nos entao.. ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: ^^ ---------- Josh 1991: X) ---------- 3.14159: Josh 1991 appears fated to never rise above chat jerk and web boy--and that is sad, right? ---------- Josh 1991: enough Pi ########## [Note: Another chat win for me! And again, Josh 1991 doesn't understand the irony of what he is chatting. If it were enough, he would stop.] ---------- Josh 1991: who cares ---------- 3.14159: at least his "k" key works--he has that going for him ---------- 3.14159: poor Josh 1991--don't cry ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: green ---------- Josh 1991: you don't even know what is that ? ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkkk ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: show me u r good ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: write down the whole number ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: lol ---------- Josh 1991: lolol ---------- 3.14159: IF it were "enough," as you say, you would stop speaking first in chat about me ---------- 3.14159: you ALWAYS speak first ---------- 3.14159: that is on purpose on my part ---------- 3.14159: i have the moral high ground ---------- Josh 1991: bye bye pi ---------- Josh 1991: you're dead ---------- 3.14159: oops, too early Josh 1991 ---------- 3.14159: you missed it ---------- 3.14159: pathetic ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: green vai tomar no piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: uahuahauha ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkkk ---------- 3.14159: but please wait and watch ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: eu sou muito besta ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: uahuaha ---------- 3.14159: i have so dominated Josh 1991 in chat that he does whatever i want him to ---------- Josh 1991: tá na hora de ir ver um filme ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: kkkkkkkkk ---------- Jose Herrera: flag yellow ---------- 3.14159: he follow me around ---------- 3.14159: he worries about what i say ---------- 3.14159: it is GREAT ---------- Josh 1991: you just write novels ---------- Josh 1991: everywhere ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: cuidado pra n ficar fraco d + josh ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: amanha vc tem q trabalhar[ ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: kkkkkkkkkkk ---------- 3.14159: novels? better than your "kkkkkkkkkkkk" ---------- Josh 1991: lol ---------- Josh 1991: what language we are spaeking 3,14 ? ---------- Josh 1991: speaking ---------- Josh 1991: your dumb ---------- 3.14159: the language of wisdom and truth--something you know nothing about ---------- Josh 1991: you don't know ---------- 3.14159: read a book one time in your life, Josh ---------- Josh 1991: oh ---------- 3.14159: really ---------- 3.14159: just ONE book ---------- Josh 1991: wich language we are speaking ---------- 3.14159: can you do it? ---------- Josh 1991: me and Lucas ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: good question ---------- 3.14159: ah, i guess that is a "no"--he cannot read ONE book ---------- 3.14159: but he should ---------- 3.14159: he should read lots of books and learn from them ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: r u american green? ---------- 3.14159: his little web boy life is so pathetic ---------- 3.14159: right Josh 1991? ---------- Josh 1991: answer the questions ---------- Josh 1991: at least ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: he doesn't know the answer ---------- 3.14159: don't cry, Josh ---------- 3.14159: come on, Lucas--help Josh out ---------- Josh 1991: of course he not ---------- 3.14159: of course he not ---------- 3.14159: really? ---------- Josh 1991: bye bye ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: ohhhhhhhhhh ---------- 3.14159: so uneducated ---------- Josh 1991: see ya latr ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: at least u r funny gree ---------- Josh 1991: aligator ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: green ---------- 3.14159: so lacking in maturity, lacking in grace, lacking in wisdom is our Josh 1991 ---------- 3.14159: so sad ---------- 3.14159: Josh listen to Lucas ---------- 3.14159: he is your friend, but he knows you are wrong ---------- Josh 1991: piro k eu ---------- Josh 1991: pior que eu ---------- 3.14159: he knows you should try to be more mature ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: tb acho ---------- 3.14159: and stop being a chat jerk and web boy ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkkk ---------- 3.14159: right Lucas? ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: no ---------- 3.14159: "kkkkkkkkkk" ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: lol ---------- Josh 1991: adoro esse ---------- Josh 1991: kkkkkkkkkkk ---------- Josh 1991: let's go lucas ---------- 3.14159: no, you are not Josh's friend? ---------- 3.14159: i don't believe it ---------- Josh 1991: let him cring ---------- Josh 1991: crying ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: yeah ---------- 3.14159: let him crying--really? ---------- Josh 1991 has left ########## ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: no woman no cry... ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: lol ---------- 3.14159: wow--so well rounded you know Bob Marley ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: good talk 3.14 ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: i like u ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: ty ---------- 3.14159: help Josh Lucas--you can do it ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: ^^ ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: u guys r funny ---------- 3.14159: you are the brains of the two ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: lol ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: lol ---------- 3.14159: help him out ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: sure ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: pick one ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: be safe mate ---------- haarrpoon: g ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: :D ---------- morepoints69: g ---------- 3.14159: quit Lucas? ---------- 3.14159: already? ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: yeah ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: bye ---------- 3.14159: another chat win for me! ---------- 3.14159: *dancing* ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: ^^ ---------- Lucas Barbosa de: c u ---------- [Note: Lucas Barbosa de never leaves the table but doesn't chat any more.] ---------- 3.14159: and ANOTHER win! thanks ---------- 3.14159: keep trailing off, Lucas ---------- 3.14159: yes? ---------- 3.14159: anything else? ---------- 3.14159: you can do it, Lucas ---------- 3.14159: come on ---------- 3.14159: and a THIRD win over Lucas--he is sitting there watching ---------- 3.14159: SO great a win over poor little Lucas ---------- 3.14159: breathe quietly, Lucas--don't let anyone hear you are there ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-06-19 Josh 1991 tries to speak in reply to my review of him, the one he wanted so much, the one I finally gave him. Here is his response: "you dirty bastard. we can't say anythiiiiiinhg -,-" Okay, I'm rather stupid, so do any of you, Dear Readers, understand what he is saying? ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-06-17 Josh 1991 has tried his best over and over to get a review from me. He sees me at a table and chats about my reviews. Josh 1991's infatuation with me shall not go unrewarded: Here, Josh 1991, is the review you have always wanted. All chat below is verbatim as always. I am blue. ++++++++++ TCC: gla ---------- Josh 1991: od damn it ---------- Josh 1991: damn blue ---------- Josh 1991: i hate pi numbers.. ---------- Rune Avalon: there is only one of them ---------- TCC: indeed ---------- Josh 1991: have you guys swa his reviews? ########## [Note: If it hadn't been for the typo, would Josh 1991 have chatted 'have you guys saw his reviews'? Could Josh 1991 really be that uneducated?] ---------- Josh 1991: look like novels ########## [Note: YES! Josh 1991's image is now set in stone: he thinks reviews on Kdice look like novels. Has he even SEEN a novel? Does he even know what a novel is?] ---------- Rune Avalon: have you seen mine? ---------- Josh 1991: i don't know how much time he has in his hands ---------- 3.14159: to Josh 1991 they seem like novels--he doesn't read books ---------- Josh 1991: but it must be a lot ---------- 3.14159: to Josh 1991, Pat the Bunny is a difficult novel ---------- 3.14159: Josh 1991 has time to be a chat jerk, that is clear ---------- 3.14159: and a web boy ---------- TCC: i love green away [Note: Yes, the game is still going on, of course. TCC is referring to the fact that he has benefited from green being away.] ---------- 3.14159: Peter Greenaway? yes, a good director ---------- Josh 1991: and you have time to write novels with 100 lines ########## [Note: 'Novels' with 100 lines! What novel has 100 lines? Again, Josh 1991 must think 'Pat the Bunny' is a novel. He must think 'Goodnight Moon' (great book by the way) is a novel. I doubt that Josh 1991 has ever read a book, probably not even a magazine or newspaper.] ---------- TCC: right? ---------- 3.14159: oh, green AWAY ---------- Josh 1991: what a weirdo ########## [Note: But it isn't weird in Josh 1991's mind to use his time to be a rude chat jerk and web boy.] ---------- 3.14159: "novels"! LOL ---------- TCC: short stories maybe ---------- 3.14159: see? Josh never has read a book ---------- TCC: haha ---------- 3.14159: he thinks novels have 100 lines ---------- 3.14159: brilliant! ---------- TCC: do ur novels talk about ur penis ---------- Rune Avalon: i think pi is thinking in "circles" ---------- 3.14159: what obedience school did you graduate from, Josh 1991? ---------- Josh 1991: porn fuck school ########## [Note: The wisdom of Josh 1991.] ---------- TCC: rofl ---------- TCC: thats a good one ---------- Josh 1991: here we go ---------- TCC: lol guys u seem to have fun ---------- Josh 1991: another gigantic review ---------- Josh 1991: i know it ---------- 3.14159: you know so much, Josh--thrill us with your wisdom ---------- TCC: i'll join ur party on the board ---------- TCC: seems fun ---------- Rune Avalon: flag purp ---------- 3.14159: flag purple ---------- TCC: k ---------- Josh 1991: i love movies ---------- TCC: up asap ---------- Josh 1991: not books [Note: It is still likely that Josh 1991 has never read a book, but he still doesn't love them. Books don't mind the loss.] ---------- Josh 1991: i love Lord of the rings, but i never read Tolkien book ---------- TCC: blue i will connect ---------- TCC: take 1 back in exchange ---------- Josh 1991: i also like John Ford ---------- TCC: who cares ---------- TCC: right ---------- 3.14159: Lord of the Rings--good books--learn from them, Josh ---------- 3.14159: gg ---------- TCC: gg ---------- Josh 1991: i never read Mario Puzzo book but i like Godfather [Note: Puzo, not Puzzo.] ---------- TCC: flag out blue plz ---------- Josh 1991 has left ---------- TCC is now level 7! ---------- TCC: ty ---------- TCC: gg
3.14159 on Tuesday June 26, 2012
Whats the point? - Spend some time on the couch, dude!
elcid on Thursday June 21, 2012
@SuziQ did you see the end of that game ? Sorryaboutit killed me first
Josh 1991 on Wednesday June 13, 2012
pga with sorryboutit
SuziQ on Tuesday June 12, 2012
stup up noob
DarkKniighT on Monday June 11, 2012
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