Level 19
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Tri Ang

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2013-02-08 Tri Ang, the Level 19 dishonorable backstabber, once again tries as hard as he can to leave me another review: "A weird, creepy guy. He is 38 years old." Tri Ang doesn't mind admitting to all of us, Dear Readers, that he is dishonorable and that he is a backstabber, but it probably kills him that he got my age wrong. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2013-02-01 Tri Ang, the Level 19 dishonorable backstabber, tried as hard as he could to leave me another review: "You lost the game of dice, you lost the game of words." Again we are compelled, Dear Readers, to ask, "That is it? That is his defense of himself?" I suppose we can thank Tri Ang for not attempting a defense that he and we know would be phony. Tri Ang IS a dishonorable backstabber--he knows it, we know it. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2013-01-21 Tri Ang, the Level 19 dishonorable backstabber, tried to leave a review of me: "Creepy 40 year old." That is it? That is his defense of himself? Tri Ang must be admitting that he IS a backstabber and dishonorable because the only thing he brings up is my age--which he gets wrong. Tri Ang should take a five year break from Kdice while he finds his moral compass and recalibrates it. He won't do it, but he should. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2013-01-20 Tri Ang is a Level 19 dishonorable backstabber. Given the chance to stop--while pretending in chat to be a good guy--he kept attacking the guy he flagged to round after round after round. For more than 20 rounds of backstabbing Tri Ang kept claiming to be a good guy or just having fun or any other excuse he could throw out in chat. It was an amusing performance in chat by Tri Ang; at the table not so much. All chat is verbatim as it always is. Tri Ang is teal. ++++++++++ Tri Ang: yell ---------- Dreamkiller: ? ---------- # 23: people would still call that a truce, and go [Note: # 23 is not playing in the game, just commenting in chat.] ---------- # 23: counter? ---------- Dreamkiller: lol? it is round 10 now ---------- 3.14159: so? ---------- trickster_96: Blue is probably the only one left with power ---------- Dreamkiller: whatever you people says,it is round 10 and it is not a truce ---------- 3.14159: i say it is NOT a truce ---------- Dreamkiller: teal? ---------- trickster_96: But that's a backstab ---------- 3.14159: i say blue deserves it for holding back forever with that 8 stack and never using it ---------- # 23: there are people that will ---------- Tri Ang: I flag blue ########## ---------- Tri Ang: yell ---------- Tri Ang: i never accepted ########## [Note: The first sign that Tri Ang was dishonorable. He acted with the aid of yellow's flag to him but now says he "never accepted"? You can't get away with that if people are paying attention.] ---------- 3.14159: "backstab"?!? [Note: I am questioning trickster_96 saying backstab about something other than the upcoming Tri Ang backstab.] ---------- Dreamkiller: FINE ---------- # 23: whoa ---------- # 23: ok ---------- Tri Ang: you flagged me then ate all my territories ---------- # 23: not cool, teal [Note: See? # 23 caught it. I had missed it.] mannymoe: ok teal ---------- Tri Ang: total bogus ---------- trickster_96: Blue, wait till he has his actually flag up ---------- mannymoe: teal flagged yellow? ---------- Tri Ang: no ---------- Dreamkiller: i tried to flag that focker ---------- Dreamkiller has left [Note: Now it is down to blue and Tri Ang.] ---------- mannymoe: you did just flag me, you know ########## [Note: The polite reminder to Tri Ang that he just flagged to blue.] ---------- trickster_96: Now there it is ---------- 3.14159: teal is the backstabber ---------- 3.14159: he flagged to blue and is now attacking him ---------- 3.14159: i will post it in his review ---------- mannymoe: please do, pi ---------- 3.14159: you should to ---------- Tri Ang: It's called "Playing to Win" ########## ########## ########## [Note: How bad is Tri Ang? So bad that he justifies his backstab in the name of "playing to win."] ---------- Tri Ang: look it up on wikipedia ---------- 3.14159: no, it is called "dishonorable ---------- 3.14159: " ---------- mannymoe: i doubt there's a wiki entry called "playing to win" ---------- 3.14159: you are a dishonorable backstabber, teal ---------- trickster_96: And pathetic ---------- 3.14159: these *ssholes who say "it is war--backstabbing is war"... ---------- 3.14159: to them i say... ---------- 3.14159: they had war crimes trials after the wars for people like you ---------- # 23: teal ---------- # 23: you're not going to get very far in kdice playing like this ---------- 3.14159: yes, bad guys do all sorts of things in war--it doesn't mean everyone won't condemn you for it ---------- 3.14159: be sure to leave Tri Ang a bad review ---------- 3.14159: i know i will ---------- Tri Ang: leave me a good review please ---------- Tri Ang: at least I make it interesting ---------- # 23: lol ---------- 3.14159: beg for it, teal ---------- Tri Ang: unlike mr 3. 14 ---------- 3.14159: whine and cry now, teal ---------- 3.14159: beg for mercy ---------- 3.14159: this is called playing to win, teal ---------- 3.14159: winning in the bigger game of life ---------- 3.14159: you lose at the chat game and the review game, Tri Ang ---------- Tri Ang: give me a break ---------- Tri Ang: I was just fooling around ########## [Note: Excuse #2--I was just fooling around. Now it is no longer about playing to win it is about fooling around. It is hard to reconcile those to very different motivations isn't it. Tri Ang is floundering.] ---------- Tri Ang: I was gonna flag ########## [Note: He wasn't "gonna"--he DID flag to blue already. And still he fights on.] ---------- trickster_96: No you weren't ---------- 3.14159: no, you didn't and aren't ---------- 3.14159: you are a dishonorable backstabber, Tri Ang ---------- 3.14159: you said so yourself ---------- 3.14159: and YOU ARE STILL DOING IT, of course ---------- mannymoe: and very lucky too... ---------- Tri Ang: cant a guy get a second chance ########## [Note: The dishonorable guy pleading for honorable behavior. It is so great.] ---------- trickster_96: In this game, nope ---------- 3.14159: those who are truly contrite--but YOU ARE STILL FIGHTING ---------- 3.14159: you lost your chance ---------- Tri Ang: if you change your review i will retire ########## ---------- trickster_96: No you won't ---------- Tri Ang: I'm feeling bulied ########## ########## ########## [Note: Now Tri Ang wants to pretend to be the victim. Tri Ang is the gift that keeps on giving. He is all over the place in this performance.] ---------- 3.14159: i don't care what you do NOW, Tri Ang ---------- trickster_96: You feel bullied? You brought this on yourself ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE pointing at guys like you and calling you what you are ---------- 3.14159: and you HATE it ---------- mannymoe: finally ---------- 3.14159: you guys HATE being called out for what you think of as a trivial thing ---------- Tri Ang: i said im sorry alright ########## [Note: No, he didn't. He is pretending to say he is sorry now while saying he already said it. And, of course, he is still fighting.] ---------- 3.14159: i am surprised that Tri Ang hasn't trotted out "it is just a game" yet ---------- Tri Ang: stop giving me a hard time ########## ---------- Tri Ang: how old are you pi ---------- Tri Ang: like 30 ---------- 3.14159: you are a dishonorable backstabber, Tri Ang--you deserve a hard time ---------- trickster_96: If you were sorry, then why are there dozens of reviews on your wall about backstabbing ---------- 3.14159: if you don't like it, don't act like that ---------- 3.14159: if you don't care, stop whining ---------- Tri Ang: there are, that's random? ########## [Note: Now Tri Ang pretends not to know about his reviews, the reivews that call him a backstabber.] ---------- Tri Ang: weird ---------- 3.14159: act like a jerk, Tri Ang, but don't cry about it when you are called a jerk ---------- Tri Ang: I think you're the jerk ########## [Note: I win! If he isn't pretending to act like a little boy then I win because he is really upset. If he IS pretending then I win because he felt compelled to pretend to be the victim. I win.] ---------- 3.14159: YES! ---------- Tri Ang: so we're even ########## [Note: That is Tri Ang's understanding of justice.] ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE it ---------- 3.14159: i win the chat game with Tri Ang even as he loses on the table ---------- 3.14159: even with the backstab advantage ---------- 3.14159: poor, poor Tri Ang ---------- Tri Ang: I-- well ---------- Tri Ang: whateve ---------- 3.14159: all this in his review, too ---------- Tri Ang: r ---------- mannymoe: lol ---------- 3.14159: Tri Ang will enjoy reading the verbatim chat forever ---------- 3.14159: right Tri Ang ---------- Tri Ang: oh please ########## ---------- 3.14159: who STILL hasn't quit, of course ---------- 3.14159: why? because he LIKES backstabbing and having no honor ---------- 3.14159: he ENJOYS it ---------- 3.14159: what he is too scared to do in real life he can try in Kdice ---------- Tri Ang: It was all just a laugh, mate ########## [Note: Excuse #3 is related to fooling around but not the same. His "laugh" is at the expense of others, of course. It makes him laugh to upset people by backstabbing. He thinks it is so cool.] 3.14159: "mate"!!!!! i win again ---------- trickster_96: Really? No one thought it was funny ---------- 3.14159: i think Tri Ang is funny for trying to walk such a fine line ---------- Tri Ang: I was just taking the piss, mate ########## [Note: Excuse #4 is related to #2 and #3 but not the same.] ---------- Tri Ang: toss off ---------- 3.14159: we know, Tri Ang--we get it ---------- trickster_96: You're a Brit ---------- 3.14159: you suck--we get it ---------- 3.14159: and now you can live with your verbatim chat forever on Kdice ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- Tri Ang: please delete that ########## ########## [Note: I love it when the dishonorable guy, the guy who flouts the norms makes a claim on normal good manners by saying "please." How deliciously ironic of him don't you think, Dear Readers? Certainly he know how foolish it appears to say "please" while attacking the guy you flagged to--attacking him for at least 20 rounds.] ---------- 3.14159: did you know that Tri Ang is feeling bullied? ---------- Tri Ang: dont want to pm mod ########## [Note: Tri Ang is all for modding and following the rules, you see. Tri Ang would feel bad he had to send a personal message to a moderator to do something about.... What exactly would Tri Ang want the mod to do? Stop people from calling him a backstabber after he backstabbed continuously for more than 20 rounds even though we kept sniping at him? Tri Ang is COMMITTED to his backstabbing so much that even in the face of all the chat he keeps going and going. What is Tri Ang's message to the mod going to be about?] ---------- 3.14159: are you feeling bullied, Tri Ang? ---------- 3.14159: are you upset or anything? ---------- Tri Ang: shut up ########## [Note: That was so satisfying. Thanks, Tri Ang, for truly appearing to be upset by all this. Still, it didn't stop you from backstabbing on and on and on.] ---------- 3.14159: are you okay? ---------- 3.14159: can we get you anything? ---------- Tri Ang: just shut up alright ########## ---------- mannymoe: fun [Note: Blue won the game; Tri Ang quit.] ---------- Tri Ang: let the dice do the talking [Note: Thus spake Tri Ang after he immediately sits in at the same table for a new game.] ---------- 3.14159: that WAS fun wasn't it ---------- 3.14159: let the backstabber do his backstabbing you mean ---------- Tri Ang: I'm not an evil person ########## [Note: Wow. Delusions of grandeur much? Being a backstabber doesn't make you evil, Tri Ang. It just makes you a dishonorable jerk.] ---------- 3.14159: i love how Tri Ang asked for mercy and good behavior even as he was dishonorable and backstabbed--on and on he did it ---------- 3.14159: he never stopped ---------- Tri Ang: I pray for you, Pi ########## [Note: I don't believe him, do you Dear Readers? He still is trying to play the innocent in chat--not at the table, of course, where he backstabbed again and again and again for more than 20 rounds.] ---------- 3.14159: at every chance he had to stop Tri Ang said "no, i will continue to backstab"... ---------- Tri Ang: you have anger in your heart ---------- 3.14159: but in chat i will pretend to be innocent ---------- Tri Ang has left ---------- 3.14159: not anger at you, Tri Ang--your type [Note: It isn't even anger. It is me doing my job of pointing at the bad guys and calling them what they are: bad guys.]
3.14159 on Friday February 8, 2013
flagged early then stabbed me -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
chipati on Friday February 8, 2013
I won a roll with another player, and Tri Ang killed me first, even though the other player agreed to the roll with me. Also doesn't respect flags.
ArDc on Monday January 28, 2013
Backstabber once flagged.
SuperPickle on Monday January 21, 2013
thank you for calling me what you are yourself, i guess - we did nothing but countering you, and we won...telling us in the end "you dont know who i am" is crap, bc we probably would have countered anyway, even if you would have told us earlier who you are...telling us in the end when you are dead is just crap talking imo or faking to be an alt - and tbh i dont care who you are atm bc we were right to counter you - and im sorry to hear you think we would have treat you "better" if we would have known who you are .... and just btw: calling me "human garbage" after 1 single game with you / this alt which you lost for a good reason just shows what kind of a stupid person you are
Mrs. M on Tuesday January 15, 2013
He's a stabber kill on site
Grumpfish on Friday January 11, 2013
I have no idea who this guy is and no recollection of even playing him, but he is leaving creepy implied threats about how he knows who I really am in real life in my reviews that are disturbing and inappropriate. I have never suggested this before (don't know it works), but I believe he should be banned for that and I suggest avoiding him.
Mars Rover on Monday December 26, 2011
dont respect flags on "0" tables, even if has more than half of the map.. stupied level 7 guy..
augustuso on Monday December 26, 2011
Pedeeer on Saturday December 24, 2011
Don't respect the flag only kill him before
William Vialle on Saturday December 24, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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