![]() Level 29
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santana55Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. May your life be long, blessed with bad health and people as infinitely assholes as you surrounding you all the time.
In other words: This person is a waste of oxygen, shoot on sight or at least get of the table.
Louis Cypher on Tuesday April 15, 2014 opportunistic and kinda stupid
AnTiFaScHiSt on Saturday April 28, 2012 pga with butters
Henrik on Saturday April 14, 2012 douche...
Hopelily on Saturday April 14, 2012 Don't trust
V_V_V on Friday April 13, 2012 Lan amina kodugumun cocugu... beni eger listene ekleyip de takip etmezsen anani sikerim. serefsiz... karaktersiz pic...
YARRAMI YE FENER on Friday April 13, 2012 This person will beg you to flag and then just bum who ever is winning then lie and attack you he done it to me and others hes sad.
Tempz on Thursday April 5, 2012 Maybe the first moron I've encountered. He asked to pass. I told him no. He attacked. I told him no. He attacked again. I told him no. He attacked. So I killed him.
noddin0ff on Friday March 30, 2012 dont respect flag, totally asshole
Péter Horváth on Sunday January 8, 2012 fucking dumbshit dont bother flaggin him and pls kill him as soon as he flags you
Molduz on Saturday December 31, 2011 |