Level 20
to level 21


Friends you are welcome, WARNING for all the others people there are a free wild lion around you. Take care of your self.
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Replies 1 - 10 of 26 Next › Last »
chronic wrote
at 1:22 AM, Saturday May 13, 2023 EDT
hey leon. i had a talk w/ aleksa...i would like you both to try and get along. no name calling or slang words please. thx
Poison12 wrote
at 3:37 PM, Tuesday August 31, 2021 EDT
Ciao Leon! sempre in testa... come stai? ho visto ora che sei pure di Milano, la mia città...
good luck!
gnice37 wrote
at 2:28 PM, Friday April 10, 2020 EDT
it was reported to me that you joined and played 2 tournaments at the same time last night,Vrijdag Vijfs 5 AM EDT
Europe Freeroll Noch 5 AM EDT....if this happens again you will lose your play for 3 days. please pay attn and only join one tournament at the same time......thx
generalc wrote
at 4:10 AM, Saturday November 9, 2019 EST
Hi Giov
Long time. Hope you and Rada well. Please pop me mail to dhgcurry@gmail.com and then we can share some news off-site.


Gregory K wrote
at 4:01 PM, Tuesday August 18, 2015 EDT
nel vostro angolo in alto a destra ci sono 3 simboli. quella che si presenta come una ruota è necessario fare clic su di esso. allora avete bisogno di andare alle opzioni di Internet e quindi fare clic su questo. a sinistra si dovrebbe ottenere una scatola, in quella scatola voglio di fare clic su Elimina. Attendere 2 minuti, quindi fare clic su OK. Poi voglio che chiudiate il vostro computer e il riavvio del computer. Poi riconnettersi a gpokr. Questo cancellerà i vecchi file gpokr
gnice37 wrote
at 5:35 PM, Saturday July 18, 2015 EDT
Ciao leon, la prego di smetterla di dire FU al tavolo per favore. Sono stato sempre un sacco di giocatori che si lamentano a questo proposito. Non voglio rimuovere la chat, quindi forse basta dire stile gpokr invece di dire FU ... ringrazio accoppiano
gnice37 wrote
at 2:25 PM, Wednesday June 10, 2015 EDT
Ehi leon, havent visto in un paio di giorni. Spero sia tutto a posto
gnice37 wrote
at 1:37 AM, Wednesday May 13, 2015 EDT

Starting Hand

Lucman folds

Diane Ryan folds

*Dont Be Mad* folds

LilyL666 folds

leon6854 raises $2,000

Laney folds

dpmakeit calls

Dealing flop: [6h, Qh, 7h]

dpmakeit checks

leon6854 bets $1,600

dpmakeit calls

Dealing turn: [Kd]

dpmakeit checks

leon6854 bets $2,800

dpmakeit calls

Dealing river: [5h]

leon6854 shows [9h, 8h] for a straight flush nine high

dpmakeit shows [As, Jh] for a flush Queen high

leon6854 wins main pot $12,800

leon6854 wins side pot $100

gnice37 wrote
at 2:57 PM, Friday April 24, 2015 EDT
leon please stop cussing in the chat area during tournaments and regular tables. I can remove your chat for cussing. please keep it clean. I know lag is frustrating, but I remove ppls chat for the words you are saying. thx and gl
Poison12 wrote
at 6:33 AM, Friday December 19, 2014 EST
CiaOOOOo Leon! Gazieeee :D anche tu non stai andando male, per niente proprio! continua così...grande!!
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