Level 38
to level 39


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This player has been modded by the community

giving back chat and post...anymore disrespect or namecalling will result in permenent loss of chat and post... +chat +post KC 97 1:22 PM, Monday July 25, 2016 EDT
disrespecting and calling a mod names -chat -post KC 97 6:14 PM, Friday January 22, 2016 EST

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fucking dumbass, i dont play with you, fucking piece of crap, why wrote your fucking reviews on my wall?
Vasja on Tuesday April 10, 2012
extremely respectful and correct player
ubbentail on Sunday April 8, 2012
Whines when beaten.
Bart Lee on Sunday April 8, 2012
Definitely has anger problem, just ignore and move on.
Potrax on Saturday April 7, 2012
He asked me if I can't read and called me a cunt. So I killed him.
Prof Chaos on Saturday April 7, 2012
this guy has mental problems, specifically anger management. for some reason....everyone is a cheater to him he is an idiot
Moonsan on Saturday April 7, 2012
IFIGENIUS on Friday April 6, 2012
backstabber, dont trust him!
losemaker on Friday April 6, 2012
likes to play god. delusions of grandeur.
5er on Tuesday April 3, 2012
Whiny twat. Doesn't flag you, but expects you for some reason not to attack him.
the gringo on Friday March 23, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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