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PimpMasterThis player has been modded by the community
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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10
2011-11-23 PimpMaster was banned from Kdice for PGA--no surprise to us at all is it Dear Readers? ++++++++++ 2011-11-19 Pimpmater reviewed me: "What's the matter? you're the one who started this game. And now you don't want to play anymore?" No, no, no. Bad boy, PimpMaster. PimpMaster already lost that game. This is just the 'sports journalism' talking about that game after it is over. Shame on little PimpMaster for trying to disobey the rules. ++++++++++ 2011-11-19 PimpMaster reviewed me: "Oooooh! Them's fightin' words!" Meh (again). ++++++++++ 2011-11-18 PimpMaster reviewed me: "Say what you want about me, but I know more digits of pi than you ever will." Meh. ++++++++++ PimpMaster and Krillin are VERY good friends who like to help each other during games of Kdice. Someone told me that was called PGA or something. I only know that PimpMaster flagged to teal and then attacked him. Someone else told me that was called backstabbing. Could that be correct? Two VERY good friends like PimpMaster and Krillin--such a lovely couple--you can't imagine two guys so in love would do what I am told is cheating. It just doesn't seem possible. But I did see the backstabbing with my own eyes, so there is that. That isn't cheating, right? pimpmaster certainly backstabs but I will have to take everyone's word that he is also a cheater when he is PGA with Krillin and others. By the way, Krillin said in his review of PimpMaster on 11/6/2011: "No one is more honorable than him [sic]...." He MEANT to say: "No one is more honorable than he...." Maybe he was too busy hugging and kissing PimpMaster to pay attention to grammar. That's it.
3.14159 on Saturday December 3, 2011 pga with Sean Malstrom and a hacker and a backstaber
Eldoro on Monday November 7, 2011 BACKSTABBER DONT TRUST HIM
ShogoKawada[BR] on Monday November 7, 2011 douche who doesnt respect flags
baseball on Monday November 7, 2011 PimpMaster is, without a doubt, the best player in the entirety of Kdice. No one is more honorable than him, and I feel it is my privilege to be able to play with him on a regular basis. Were I to have that privilege revoked, I would probably kill myself in emotional agony, as I can find no better person to play against than PimpMaster.
Krillin on Sunday November 6, 2011 Backstabber with little brain and dick.
Turborammler on Sunday November 6, 2011 Retard! He tries to find truces everywhere
Psilos13 on Sunday November 6, 2011 Total dick! Kill this bitch as soon as you can. He attacked everyone thet had flagged him and then decided that should play "rock, paper or scissor" for our positions. Haha, get a life dude
Aprille on Sunday November 6, 2011 Super retard...
Adolfo Machado on Saturday November 5, 2011 Retard
Lukas Ragelis on Saturday November 5, 2011 |