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Johnny DangerAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. very noob player, dude, learn the game
_ShaDowZ_ on Tuesday October 2, 2012 Never seen a more pathetic player
ctrlv on Sunday April 1, 2012 LOL, he loses to someone I flagged to, claims we are PGA'ing.
Juyil on Sunday April 1, 2012 Dude is literally retarded. Doesnt know how to play the game. Talks about penis alot though...very wierd.
Blacklisted- on Tuesday March 13, 2012 true Ritoh33, very true
zarkozarko on Tuesday March 13, 2012 ignores flags, seems to hang with a pga group of kids... funny though
Ritoh33 on Tuesday March 13, 2012 2012-03-12 Johnny Danger (aka Neekstar) is still a Kdice 3%er--one of the 3% who make Kdice worse for everyone. Chat
below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++
Johnny Danger: hey pi guy! ----------
Johnny Danger: sorry you couldn't sit in, 3.14159 :( We'll have to PGA next game ----------
GPokr Player: huh? what do you meaning? pg-a? ----------
3.14159: Johnny Danger/Neekstar, are you ever NOT a chat jerk and web boy? ----------
3.14159: pga = pre-game alliance -- it is against the rules ----------
Johnny Danger: oh, you ARE sitting in ----------
Johnny Danger: wasn't even paying attention ----------
Johnny Danger: alright, PGA in effect! ----------
3.14159: game to game favors are against the rules ----------
Johnny Danger: lol you don't have to hide it ;) ----------
3.14159: Johnny doesn't care about the rules, of course ----------
3.14159: honor means nothing to him ----------
Johnny Danger: just make sure you dont attack red ----------
Johnny Danger: I wont attack blue ----------
Johnny Danger: hmm sorry blue I gotta connectg ----------
3.14159: you are sorry, i agree ----------
3.14159: chat jerks and web boys like you, Johnny, should not play on kdice ----------
Johnny Danger: okay, time to WIN ----------
Johnny Danger: let's DO THIS ----------
Johnny Danger: KAAAAAA ----------
Johnny Danger: MEEEEEEEE ----------
Johnny Danger: HAAAAAAAAAAA ----------
Johnny Danger: MEEEEEEEEEEEEE ----------
Johnny Danger: ----------
HAAAAAAAAAAAAa [Note: Shortened by at least 3/4 to avoid messing up the display of the text.] ----------
Johnny Danger: there you go! ----------
Johnny Danger: okay blue, now connect ----------
Johnny Danger: hmm looks like my PGA partner (blue) wants to backstab me... {Note: Johnny finally noting that I am out
to beat him in the game. I might as well beat him on the table since I always beat him in chat.] ----------
3.14159: quitter--coward--red--johnny danger ----------
3.14159: i egged him on! that was easy ----------
Johnny Danger: hey, I didn't quit ----------
Johnny Danger: I'll just find a new PGA partner ;) ----------
Johnny Danger: was fun PGAing with you though blue ----------
3.14159: PGA is against the rule--you don't care about that but i do ----------
Johnny Danger: LOL BNoob, you just commited suicide ----------
Johnny Danger: haha blue, you were PGA with me for months ----------
Johnny Danger: you dont care about the rules :D ----------
Johnny Danger: flag green ----------
BahamianNoob: green wins, flag green ----------
3.14159: flag green ----------
3.14159: i withdraw my flag to green [Note: After green attacked me after I flagged to him.] ----------
Johnny Danger: LOL ----------
Johnny Danger: now you backstab :D ----------
Johnny Danger: just like you backstabbed me while we were PGAing ----------
3.14159: poor Johnny--doesn't understand honor at all ----------
Johnny Danger: says the PGAer ----------
Johnny Danger: oof, how embarrassing blue ----------
Johnny Danger: need my help? :D ----------
3.14159: your help if i want to be a chat jerk or web boy maybe ----------
Johnny Danger: I'll keep brown and teal alive ----------
Johnny Danger: I want blue to die :D ----------
3.14159: to be a wise, just, honorable person? you are among the last i would go to ----------
Johnny Danger: haha hypocrite ----------
3.14159: you aren't a hypocrite, Johnny--you never claim to be honest, wise, just or honroable ----------
Johnny Danger: But you do, while PGAing and backstabbing ----------
3.14159: you are just a bad guy ----------
Johnny Danger: so yeah.. hypocrite ----------
Johnny Danger: lol ----------
Johnny Danger: haha ----------
Johnny Danger: lmfao ----------
3.14159: lol? ----------
3.14159: rofl?> ----------
3.14159: lmao? ----------
3.14159: pick one Johnny ----------
3.14159: they are all trite ----------
Johnny Danger: says the hypocrite ----------
3.14159: you know what "trite" means, Johnny? ----------
3.14159: no? ----------
3.14159: look it up ----------
Johnny Danger: hypocrite :D ----------
BahamianNoob: blue deserves 3rd, i play with honor ----------
Johnny Danger: lol BNoob no he doesn't ----------
Johnny Danger: he just backstabbed green ----------
3.14159: deserve doesn't really matter in kdice ----------
Johnny Danger: were you not paying attention? ----------
3.14159: it is just a game ----------
3.14159: for Johnny/Neekstar it is another chance to be a chat jerk and web boy and dishonorable guy ----------
3.14159: which he loves ----------
Johnny Danger: :) ----------
3.14159: :)? ----------
3.14159: really? ----------
3.14159: hard to believe ----------
Johnny Danger: its okay blue :D ----------
Johnny Danger: I'll just find another person to PGA with ----------
3.14159: "it" is okay--you are not okay ----------
Johnny Danger: You werent very good at this game anyway :( ----------
3.14159: you are good at being a chat jerk and web boy, Johnny ----------
3.14159: that is your talent ----------
Johnny Danger: thanks :D ########## [Note: Thanks? For noting that Johnny is a chat jerk and web boy? Really?]
Johnny Danger: you're not good at anything :( ----------
3.14159: better good at nothing than to be good at bad stuff like you ----------
Johnny Danger: thats not necessarily true ----------
3.14159: you wouldn't understand that, though ----------
3.14159: honor, justice, wisdom--they mean nothing to you--less than nothing ----------
Johnny Danger: the world isnt as simple as "bad and good" ########## [Note: Johnny's excuse for every bad thing he
does.] ----------
3.14159: that is what all the bad guys say ----------
3.14159: like you ----------
Johnny Danger: gg ----------
3.14159: not with you it isn't ----------
3.14159: never is ----------
3.14159: but that is okay ----------
Johnny Danger: haha ----------
3.14159: we 97%ers shall abide ----------
Johnny Danger: always a pleasure to pga with you, blue :D ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++
2011-12-14 Johnny Danger (aka Neekstar) reviewed me: "lol, I called this guy autistic and he leaves me a long, crazy review. Confirmed for autism." Dear Readers, do we all agree that anyone who starts a sentence with "lol" is telling us everything about himself that we need to know? ++++++++++ 2011-12-14 Johnny Danger = Neekstar. Different name, same web boy and chat jerk behavior. Very good friends with his less intelligent playing partner, Captain Falcon. ++++++++++ 2011-12-10 Neekstar wrote: "'There is just no there there.' -- Well, Pi Guy, come back when you learn to make coherent insults. You're embarrassing yourself." Proving again that he is undereducated and has read nothing, Neekstar completely missed the allusion to the famous Gertrude Stein quotation. All he had to do was google it, but just as Neekstar does not read books he cannot be bothered to google things he doesn't understand. ++++++++++ 2011-12-10 Neekstar keeps showing us, Dear Readers, how uninformed and poorly educated he is. He reviewed me: "Doesn't even watch DBZ... just KOS this autistic loser." To Neekstar, Dragonball Z is the apotheosis of human creativity and civilization. Dragonball Z. Dragonball Z. I think Neekstar is too far below our level, Dear Readers. Dragonball Z. Wow. Neekstar just doesn't have anywhere near enough points to sit at our table does he Dear Readers? Dragonball Z. Really? Yes, he really said that. Unbelievable. ++++++++++ 2011-12-06 Neekstar strives and reaches the very bottom of the barrel; he leaves HIMSELF a review of HIMSELF. Here it is: "'Nicest guy in kdice.' Neekstar on Tuesday December 6, 2011." It can't get any more pathetic than THAT for Neekstar. ++++++++++ 2011-12-04 Neekstar reviewed me: "I have never played with this person, but judging from some reviews he has left it seems that he is deeply mentally disturbed. I will be keeping my eye on this player and will report my further findings. I hypothesize that he is autistic, though the true nature of his pathology may be much more sinister." Neekstar must be in junior high school. In high school English class he will learn NOT to throw around psychology jargon or diagnoses--it is bad writing by a bad writer. Still, if one WERE to guess the psychological characteristics of a Kdicer based on the limited amount of information we have, we are compelled to look at Neekstar's avatar with a jaundiced eye. Neekstar's choice reveals deep-seated fears concerning his sexuality. The avatar is an anime version of an androgynous, pubescent waif--need one say more? Dear Readers, we will, if called upon by Neekstar, say more. In his new embarrassment at being "outed," as it were, will Neekstar CHANGE his avatar?
3.14159 on Monday March 12, 2012 Backstabber. Admits to PGA's
Sam Duthie on Monday December 26, 2011 How convenient. Accuse me of PGA to cover up your own PGA with RACSO77. Very, very convenient.
Johnny Danger on Thursday December 15, 2011 PGA with captain falcon. They are the Big green & Overpants plague of our days.
EmptyBottle on Thursday December 15, 2011 |