Level 23
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Cameron Brown

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oddly shaped head. mouth always sticky. looks like a girl from behind. buys beads at local thrift shop, god knows what for. thinks "gossip girl" is "like omg the best!"
yes me on Thursday July 4, 2013
Sore loser, cries like a little bitch when his PGAs don't work, very very mad, I don't like.
Big Punisher on Friday June 28, 2013
Fun player ~ a real kdice gem!
<HTMLBUM> on Thursday September 13, 2012
u mad?
Uliuli on Thursday August 23, 2012
beekmans on Monday August 13, 2012
honorable player.
sliponmypoo on Saturday August 11, 2012
2012-08-10 Cameron Brown is a chat jerk and a player who is bad for Kdice. In a rare turn of events, a chat jerk left a review of ME before I left a review of HIM. Here is Cameron Brown's review of me showing just exactly why he is a chat jerk: "stupid mother f*cker" [my expurgation--he put the "u" where I put the asterisk]. Cameron Brown doesn't even know how to spell "motherf*cker"--what an uneducated fool Cameron Brown is to go along with being a chat jerk. You would think a chat jerk would know how to spell "motherf*cker," but Cameron Brown is one of the most pathetic chat jerks I have encountered in some time. As to Cameron Brown being bad for Kdice, on a 0 table Cameron Brown prefers to play through what he calls "diplomacy" rather than on the table. What he means by diplomacy is whining and crying about another player's perfectly acceptable move--perfectly acceptable EXCEPT that it hurt Cameron Brown's position. A chat jerk and a lousy Kdice player: at least Cameron Brown has THOSE two things going for him. Cameron Brown is red, sliponmypoo is yellow, I am brown. All chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ Cameron Brown: teal, when you look at the board, does it really say to you "Red is my priority target"? ########## ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game, red--you're really going to talk your way to a higher rank? ---------- Cameron Brown: what? ---------- 3.14159: you successfully talked teal into turning away from you--congratulations ---------- sliponmypoo: thanks red ---------- Cameron Brown: >_> ---------- sliponmypoo: i was about to flag teal ---------- sliponmypoo: and finish 2nd ---------- sliponmypoo: now i'm fucked ########## ---------- sliponmypoo: brilliant work ---------- 3.14159: teal, you should cut red at the 3-stack ---------- 3.14159: there you go ---------- 3.14159: since we are all giving teal advice, right red? ---------- 3.14159: flag teal ---------- Cameron Brown: are you on your period or something? ########## [Note: Is Cameron Brown a 6th grade boy? Only the lamest 7th grade boy would use that as a comeback.] ---------- 3.14159: don't whine, red ---------- sliponmypoo: red: you're a cunt ########## ---------- 3.14159: don't cry, either, red ---------- 3.14159: no need to be rude, yellow ---------- Cameron Brown: ITT: yellow and brown are mad as hell for some reason ---------- sliponmypoo: coffeehousing is clearly okay, brown cunt ########## ---------- sliponmypoo: fuck off now ########## ---------- 3.14159: i'm not mad--just noting for the record, red, that you try to win kdice in chat rather than on the table ---------- Cameron Brown: what the fuck does that even mean, honestly ########## ---------- 3.14159: being a chat jerk is not a high aspiration, yellow ---------- Cameron Brown: take a chill pill ---------- sliponmypoo: brown, cunt ########## ---------- sliponmypoo: relax brother ---------- sliponmypoo: it is a game ---------- sliponmypoo: no need to be cuntlike ########## ---------- 3.14159: so you ARE a chat jerk, yellow ---------- 3.14159: and a web boy, too? ---------- sliponmypoo: lulz ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- 3.14159: pick one, yellow ---------- sliponmypoo has left ########## [Note: The cowardly chat jerk leaves with lands on the table.] ---------- 3.14159: coward has left ---------- 3.14159: well, teal, we were unlucky enough to have red and yellow at our table ---------- 3.14159: so be it ---------- Cameron Brown: lol, seriously, what is your problem brown? ---------- Cameron Brown: do i know you or something? ---------- 3.14159: "seriously"? it isn't clear? ---------- Cameron Brown: no, not in the slightest ---------- 3.14159: you chatted your way to 2nd or 3rd place--you didn't do it on the table ---------- 3.14159: that is my problem ---------- 3.14159: is that clear enough? ---------- Cameron Brown: i used diplomacy to compensate for bad luck? ########## [Note: The "bad luck" of having teal attack him? What a fool Cameron Brown is, and so eager to display it.] ---------- 3.14159: you whined to teal and he turned the other way ---------- Cameron Brown: shocking indeed ---------- Cameron Brown: cry more ---------- 3.14159: so that is your preferred way to play kdice--by "diplomacy"? ---------- Cameron Brown: sure? ---------- 3.14159: by the way, teal, i flagged to you long ago ---------- Cameron Brown: teal doesnt take flags if you hadnt noticed ---------- 3.14159: he hasn't up to this point--i did notice that ---------- Cameron Brown: do you have a problem with me playing as I see fit? [Note: With "my" playing, he meant.] ---------- 3.14159: yes, if it is bad for kdice--of course i do ---------- Cameron Brown: "bad for kdice"? hahahaha, what ---------- 3.14159: do you not care if people put garbage in your street? ---------- Cameron Brown: calm down kid ---------- 3.14159: i am quite calm--you aren't the only one like this ---------- 3.14159: you are quite normal ---------- 3.14159: so don't have delusions of grandeur, red ---------- Cameron Brown: lol wtf ---------- Cameron Brown: gg ---------- Cameron Brown has left
3.14159 on Friday August 10, 2012
PGA with DON CHALIMONTE, be warned
2GB of DDR2 RAM on Monday July 9, 2012
fucking retard
Henrik on Thursday April 12, 2012
surprisingly stupid player although uite confidetn in himself calling players with medals and levels over 40 noobs, why he was still at lvl 19.
silenas on Saturday December 3, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary