Level 56
to level 57


I need a hero!
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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10

Toxic player. He just epams end turn in a 1v1 when the other player by chance sits out when their turn runs out. And I quote "I fucked your mom".....Very disrespectful! He will also intentionally time stall by extending turn duration as long as possible to make some kind of point in chat that nobody cares about but them. What a total assclown!" This is my review now and forever additionally I feel depressed and sadness for this perso as he does not enjoy the game or the social aspect of it either. What a shame! I want to see them enjoy life more and best wishes for him but that is not likely going to happen. Oh no! :(
riskbreaker on Tuesday June 8, 2021
cool player
sw1ft25 on Friday November 9, 2018
generalissimus S on Sunday September 30, 2018
Dont accept flag, and staber.
IQGenius on Saturday September 1, 2018
good tournament
heraclitus on Sunday August 26, 2018
Wow, it's been a long time. 3 years or more, whoo. Fun times.
Sniksir on Thursday January 30, 2014
pga with skerdikas. first they fucked my game and then did'nt accept my flag. watch out. freaks!
tommuc on Wednesday August 24, 2011
awesome but good attitude
truj on Monday August 22, 2011
Needs work on his game. Doesn't understand the concept of going 1/3, 2/4, etc.
TriG8 on Friday August 5, 2011
nice guy... unluckyy haha
wrestlerchance on Thursday August 4, 2011
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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