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mr bill, you may contact me at glendalengle@gmail.com
ok dunno why that posted so many times.. sorry
hey .. how are you? was wondering if that facebook group is still going??
on fb now... Jo Moran add me if its still available.. thanks!!
hey .. how are you? was wondering if that facebook group is still going??
on fb now... Jo Moran add me if its still available.. thanks!!
hey .. how are you? was wondering if that facebook group is still going??
on fb now... Jo Moran add me if its still available.. thanks!!
hey .. how are you? was wondering if that facebook group is still going??
on fb now... Jo Moran add me if its still available.. thanks!!
hey .. how are you? was wondering if that facebook group is still going??
on fb now... Jo Moran add me if its still available.. thanks!!
hi bill
don't really know how to read message
Hi, have something for you. =)