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served time +play Amber Dyer 11:33 AM, Thursday September 22, 2011 EDT
I gave you chat back, Amber can +play you when she feels your time is served. I will not allow you to put avatars back though. You have been warned more than enough about your avatars. +chat +re-register jurgen 7:50 AM, Wednesday September 21, 2011 EDT
Trying to bend the rules will get you nowhere. In fact, no more avatars for you since you don't seem to understand where the line is. You tested for long enough. -changeAvatar -chat -re-register -avatar jurgen 3:18 PM, Friday September 16, 2011 EDT
I said to change your av! I ment it -play until Saturday -play Amber Dyer 3:31 PM, Thursday September 15, 2011 EDT
player changed av as requested +chat +play +post Amber Dyer 1:46 PM, Monday August 1, 2011 EDT
Please change your AV. Not acceptable behavior. Banned until you change it. -chat -play -post -avatar Amber Dyer 3:41 PM, Friday July 29, 2011 EDT
Agreed to play by the rules +changeAvatar Bone-Roller 1:07 PM, Tuesday July 26, 2011 EDT
You don't listen very well, do you? -changeAvatar -avatar Bone-Roller 12:26 PM, Tuesday July 26, 2011 EDT
pornographic -avatar honda tech 2:32 PM, Sunday July 24, 2011 EDT

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Reviews 1 - 10 of 23 Next › Last »

architectremix on Thursday October 13, 2011
total asshole
kdicefreak on Saturday October 8, 2011
most annoying player i have ever played with - constantly trying to manipulate people by antagonizing everybody - kill on site and don't listen to his nonsense at all, he's just begging for survival
Keeley on Saturday October 8, 2011
poop face
TheKinksRNormal on Sunday October 2, 2011
an annoying bastard who would rather whine and beg for position than actually win
offbrand on Friday September 30, 2011
yes buttercup...i know you PGE me.. like you said...but i will wuff you always,long time my little cheesecake.... :)
Gangstrrr on Saturday September 24, 2011
2nd class bitch. dont pay her money! she'll do it for free.
AIfons on Thursday September 22, 2011
annoying piece of shit
DIVELIZ on Wednesday September 14, 2011
Gets offensive when he gets beaten. No idea what I did to offend him. Maybe, just a nasty piece of work who has issues to fix.
SticksStones on Sunday September 11, 2011
pga with fittakuk
kablj on Sunday September 11, 2011
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