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Pussy flagger and backstabber. Never trust.
Erving Goffman on Friday November 11, 2011
bad n rude player..the usual type of internet bully..pathetic..
beatol on Wednesday October 12, 2011
akca03 on Sunday October 2, 2011
douchebag in all senses of the word, and cries PGA whenever he manages to lose from a winning position due to shitty play. And just for the hell of it, lulz123 is PGA with SweetLikeCandy.
Johnklhjk78 on Friday September 30, 2011
pathetic player. cries way too much, insulting everyone
jan123 on Sunday September 25, 2011
2011-09-13 See? lulz123 CAN try harder. He seems to have put his small brain into overdrive for this new review: "Dear readers, 3.14159 is so obsessed with me that will do pretty much anything to get my attention. Instead of sleeping, this poor fella spent the night counting 2782 spaceless words, then fabricated a story to prove his point. Rather than playing the game, this guy takes the roll of "The protector of the assholes" and will whine at anybody who is doing the right thing, from his comfortable spot in the spectator seat. If you see him at the tables actually playing, you might want to take a picture and sell it on ebay in the "extremtly rare occations" category." ---------- (1) lulz123 doesn't know how to spell occasions because he thinks it is 'occations'; ---------- (2) nor how to spell extremely which he thinks is 'extremtly'; ---------- (3) he thinks that a role is a 'roll' (that was no typo--he is just that dumb); ---------- (4) "[F]abricated a story" must be implying that the chat I posted is made up. Dear Readers, YOU know that I only post VERBATIM chat (look it up, lulz123, it is a real word), and lulz123 seems NOT to know that all chat is stored on the servers. How dumb IS lulz123? So dumb that; ---------- (5) he thinks I must have "spent the night" counting 2782 spaceless words--and that is REALLY dumb (Dear Readers, don't tell lulz123 how it is done. Let it remain a giant mystery to him.); ---------- (6) lulz123 thinks of you, Dear Readers, as "assholes" as in his line "protector of the assholes"! Why does he call you, Dear Readers, assholes? Does he KNOW all of you? Is it a reasoned, intelligent position of lulz123? No? What would Occam's Razor tell us? lulz123 is a jerk, a chat jerk, a web boy, and a wannabe bully. With so little power in his real life, lulz123 gets a tiny thrill out of acting out his bully fantasies on Kdice under the thrilling protection of anonymity. As pitiable as lulz123 is, we good men of conscience and honor cannot let him do it without remarking on it, pointing a finger at lulz123 and saying, "Shame." ++++++++++++++++++++ 2011-09-12 lulz123, using ALL his brain power, left a review of me that is the word 'RETARD' (yes, all caps) repeated 2,782 times with no spaces between words. How clever is that? Not at all clever, dear readers, but we did not expect it to be coming from a person of limited means such as lulz123. Thinking is, to put it kindly, NOT his strong suit. We would not be surprised, would we, if lulz123 actually TYPED all 16,692 characters since he shows no evidence of having the imagination to know about cut-and-paste. Try harder, please, lulz123. Perhaps TWO different words next time. ++++++++++ 2011-09-10 lulz123 gets a little bit excited and says things he doesn't mean. I was not playing in the game. I went to the table to wait for the next game and lolz123 says the first line of chat below. Chat text is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ lulz123: someone should kick your head in ########## [Note: Not directed at me--I just react to the line of chat in and of itself.] ---------- Boracay: come on blue ---------- Boracay: u lost ---------- 3.14159: overreact much? [Note: Stuff like that should be called out immediately.] ---------- Boracay: leave the tbale ---------- Boracay: table ---------- lulz123: that fucker flagged me ########## ---------- lulz123: so go fuck yourself ########## [Note: That line is directed at me and/or Boracay for daring to try to admonish lulz123. He will not stand for it.] ---------- lulz123: im not overreacting ########## ---------- lulz123: im reacting ########## ---------- doune05: MISSCLICK ---------- 3.14159: "kick your head in" -- OVERreacting ---------- doune05: EXCUSE ME ---------- doune05: MISSCLICK ---------- lulz123: not overreacting ########## ---------- doune05: oups oups oupss ---------- doune05: LOL ---------- 3.14159: so you won't mind seeing your own words in your review? ---------- 3.14159: right lulz123? ---------- lulz123: aww aint you a sensitive little bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: anything else, lulz123 ---------- lulz123: didnt leave those words in his review though ---------- 3.14159: i'll leave them in yours ---------- lulz123: the review was morel ike "RETARDED PGA & BACKSTABB" ---------- Lemonion: doune05 flagged early on to lulz ---------- 3.14159: got anything else to say? ---------- Lemonion: and backstabbed ---------- lulz123: lemon is the man ---------- Lemonion: also pga with another player and killed me for attacking him ---------- lulz123: 3.14 ill throw them right back at ya ---------- lulz123: so go ahead ---------- Lemonion: and admitted they were talking on the phone together ---------- 3.14159: "so go ahead"--thanks ---------- Lemonion: I'd say the anger is justified ########## ---------- lulz123: see? this guy gets me ---------- 3.14159: anger is one thing, acting out is another ########## ---------- 3.14159: we GET you--we just don't LIKE you for acting like that ---------- 3.14159: if you are in the right, don't act wrong ---------- Lemonion: it's ok for them to call him a shithead though? ########## ---------- 3.14159: "kick you in the head" ---------- 3.14159: of course it isn't okay ---------- 3.14159: who said it was? ---------- 3.14159: but it is NOT okay for lulz123 to use that as an excuse to act out ########## ---------- Lemonion: I've seen a lot worse said here, tbh ---------- 3.14159: of course--does that make it better or worse? ---------- Boracay: ah come on ---------- Boracay: damn lag ---------- 3.14159: do we want MORE of it or less? ---------- Lemonion: I'd say if you can't handle words here, including trash talking ---------- Lemonion: maybe you're on the wrong site? ---------- lulz123: 3.14, you might want to stay off the internet ---------- Lemonion: besides, buddy screwed lulz out of 1st by pga & backstabbing ---------- 3.14159: you chat jerks ALWAYS say that ---------- lulz123: but go ahead, leave that nasty review ########## [Note: The review isn't nasty unless the reviewees words are nasty.] ---------- Lemonion: and that's a bit worse than trash talk ---------- 3.14159: i will ---------- 3.14159: thanks ---------- 3.14159: "trash talk" :) ---------- 3.14159: so apt ---------- 3.14159: "kick you in the head" ---------- Lemonion: pi & lulz have history? ---------- 3.14159: not at all ---------- lulz123: not as I know of ---------- 3.14159: don't know him--just seen his chat this last game ---------- Lemonion: so why is this your concern? ########## [Note: One of the excuses these guys love to make.] ---------- 3.14159: when i see i call it out ---------- Lemonion: so you're a white knight ---------- 3.14159: just mute me, lemonion, if you don't like it ---------- 3.14159: otherwise, maybe you should get off the Internet ---------- 3.14159: or leave this site, right? ---------- 3.14159: just mute me ---------- 3.14159: then you won't have to see anything i type ---------- Lemonion: and done ---------- Lemonion: good idea ---------- 3.14159: yes ---------- Lemonion: as for the backstabber - pge ---------- Lemonion: I'd recommend you consider the same lulz ---------- 3.14159: and leave him a review as well ---------- Lemonion: fuck his shit up when you see him ########## ---------- lulz123: nah I like arguing with retards=P ---------- 3.14159: at the dinner table? ---------- 3.14159: take your time ---------- lulz123: you invite me to dinner? ---------- 3.14159: we will wait ---------- Lemonion: don't feed the troll ---------- 3.14159: All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing ---------- 3.14159: or don't you two agree? ---------- ayaresdlx: flag red ---------- lulz123: so now you call me evil? ---------- lulz123: lol ---------- Boracay: then flag ---------- Boracay: i want to see your flag ---------- Lemonion: I wonder if mute carries on to other games ---------- 3.14159: lulz123, this seems to be way over your head--take a break ---------- ayaresdlx: lol calmdown ---------- Lemonion: like if pi flags me in a game tomorrow, will I see it? ---------- 3.14159: metaphor and analogy--too much for you ---------- lulz123: no idea ---------- Lemonion: flag red ---------- lulz123: internet and people, way too much for you 3.14 ---------- 3.14159: not at all--guys like you are like the rats and cockroaches we must learn to live with ---------- Boracay: brown ---------- 3.14159: but we still spray them ---------- Boracay: ah ---------- Boracay: now ---------- Boracay: :-) ---------- 3.14159: so you don't "bother" me--just trying to reduce the mess you make ---------- 3.14159: someone has to do it ---------- Boracay: hm :-( ---------- Boracay: bad luck yellow ---------- lulz123: I think lemon is on the right track after all ########## [Note: That is, lulz now thinks he should follow my suggestion and mute me.] ---------- lulz123: "Never Argue With A Fool – They Will Drag You Down To Their Level, Then Beat You With Experience" ---------- Lemonion has left ---------- 3.14159: mute away ---------- lulz123: mute mute mute ---------- 3.14159: learn how to do it, first ---------- lulz123: where is that review? ########## [Note: Here is the part where lulz123 must pretend not to care about the coming review--"See? I don't care about your stupid review. Where is it, huh?"] ---------- 3.14159: in a hurry are you? ---------- lulz123: im not muting anybody ########## ---------- 3.14159: i thought not ---------- lulz123: I believe in the freedom of speech lulz ---------- 3.14159: guys like you HATE your reviews but have to read them ---------- lulz123: I get tons of reviews by people I reviewed ---------- 3.14159: freedom to yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater? ---------- lulz123: so they leave a retarded bs review as "revenge" ---------- 3.14159: freedom to yell "fighting words"? ---------- 3.14159: this is way too deep for you, lulz--go back to sleep ---------- lulz123: lulz
3.14159 on Thursday September 22, 2011
dont trust him, noob player
xXxJozefxXx on Thursday September 22, 2011
backstabber, don't trust him
degen on Wednesday September 21, 2011
PGA with prinz_ileus, bad player. Leaves false reviews.
peyoker on Monday September 19, 2011
The worst player on Kdice. Never trust her, and dont accept her flags.
Wallw on Saturday September 17, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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