Level 44
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Kick The Rules, no Rules for Khanzz,, !!!
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wth do you write such a shit on my review-page?..or better: wth do you copy a previous one? i did nothing to you - neither last game, nor in a previous one. as far as i remember it was an ok-game we had - and for sure i didn't stab you nor did i talk to you in a rude way. id appreciate you would write the truth instead of lies, when you feel the need to review me
Mrs. M on Thursday June 20, 2013
doesnt respect flags...
Cr0ssfir3 on Tuesday June 4, 2013
didn't respect my flag!!
custovic on Wednesday April 10, 2013
backstabber bastard..honorless piece of crap
hmc on Saturday September 29, 2012
stabber .... pga with sac_lunch and AppsSucks
oldsqlstylez on Saturday September 29, 2012
doesnt respects flags... suck like his dad...
ProVVe on Wednesday September 26, 2012
fuck you beybi idiot delte acc asholle.
bivo on Wednesday June 20, 2012
Another fuckin noob backstabber and farmer, don't trust any words this bitch can tell you.
stakaboo on Tuesday June 12, 2012
Rubbish player who obtains points by backstabbing. Plays without skill or honour.
Ubersmush on Saturday June 9, 2012
Stabs if he has any chance to, don't let him flag you and get stronger.
BigDaddyKane on Saturday June 9, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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