Level 53
to level 54


... Oh, stupid human beings.
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troll and bad winner. probalbly small wiener...
meckchate on Monday February 3, 2014
Wrote a lot of nonsense, blame me from babackstabbing. Man, i have never bs and fight against them.
diceptr on Wednesday December 18, 2013
backstabber -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
Brennwert on Wednesday December 4, 2013
Backstabber, said cool and attacked 2 round later with a single island 8v7. After he failed with that, he tryed to tell me it was suicide (his 8 versus my 7). There was no reason for a suicide but a good chance for him to connect to his other lands while destroying my biggest stacks (7 and a following 6 on the way to his other lands). Dont trust him.
brokerX on Monday November 18, 2013
Great player!
arobi on Tuesday June 4, 2013
big idiot bad player ko cita od nasih veliki je supak igrac!
bivo on Tuesday April 30, 2013
Never had the displeasure of playing with a bigger arsehole, seems to think he can make his own rules up. DO NOT TRUST. KILL ON SITE.
aj 14 on Saturday April 27, 2013
Backstabber.... If he flags you watch out cause he will probably turn on you.
Avery0579 on Tuesday April 23, 2013
Kind of ugly inside. (But also ugly outside, so, at least it's consistent.)
arron on Sunday April 21, 2013
Kept saying that I flagged "8 people" so I deserved last. I was flagged with ONE person. What a jerk.
kdoto on Sunday April 21, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary