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Andrea_1900Add a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 8 of 8
IFIGENIUS on Thursday June 2, 2011 Didn't accept flagging
FFFUUU on Tuesday May 31, 2011 moron
ovbogaert on Monday May 30, 2011 fame luck
mmcool on Saturday May 28, 2011 Completely unfair player. Be careful
Tarleton on Tuesday May 24, 2011 really stupid.
Tarilonte on Sunday May 15, 2011 2011-05-14 giorgigna + Andrea_1900 = PGA (pre-game alliance). Cheaters at Kdice, what else in their lives do they cheat at? We may never know. giorgigna is blue, Andrea_1900 is green. ++++++++++ giorgigna: andreeee so adriano............... giorgigna: oooo andre rompemoje er culo............... giorgigna: andre me devi fa passa da na parte e attaccamo er rosso insieme............... Andrea_1900: ao leggo solo mo............... ArtemisSF: are green and blue in a PGA?............... Andrea_1900: pasa do te pare............... oakcliff: could be............... giorgigna: ma te ricordi??............... oakcliff: flag red............... ArtemisSF: ok............... giorgigna: te intanto sfonna er giallo............... Andrea_1900: si che me ricordo............... giorgigna: dajeeeee............... Andrea_1900: il giallo ha gia perso............... oakcliff: please take my islands anyone............... ArtemisSF: blue and green,,,,you totally suck with your PGA!............... giorgigna: rosso succhia sto cazzo............... Andrea_1900: ahah............... oakcliff: they don't just suck--they are cheating............... ArtemisSF: yeah............... ArtemisSF: i'm writing them bad reviews right now............... ArtemisSF: you should do the same............... oakcliff: i'll do it afterward--i always include the actual chat text............... oakcliff: that helps people know it isn't just "he said, she said"............... ArtemisSF: smart............... oakcliff: cut and paste into windows notepad, add some "........" to make it easier to read............... oakcliff: takes one minute............... ArtemisSF: flag blue............... oakcliff: ah--the TRUE test............... giorgigna: no flag blue and green............... giorgigna: vorrai dire............... ArtemisSF: you are a cheater!............... giorgigna: tu 6 terzo............... ArtemisSF: and I am reporting you!............... oakcliff: blue, that violates Kdice rules... ............... oakcliff: Game-to-game favors or alliances are not allowed............... oakcliff: see the Rules by clicking near the top of the web page............... giorgigna: zitto giallo de merda............... giorgigna: vai è tutto tuo............... Andrea_1900: stavolta hai rotto il culo a tutti te............... giorgigna: zitto giallo de merda............... giorgigna: vai è tutto tuo............... Andrea_1900: stavolta hai rotto il culo a tutti te............... giorgigna: no andre er primo posto è tuo............... giorgigna: xke se mattakkavi me rompevi er culo............... Andrea_1900: no macche............... giorgigna: si andre............... giorgigna: te lo piii te............... Andrea_1900: non penso proprio............... Andrea_1900: poi vado a piu di 500 punti e non posso gioca da 50 ++++++++++ [Note: They continued their cheating into at least two more games right after that last game--they had probably been cheating all day.]............... giorgigna: andre porco de dio............... oakcliff: this will be fun, following green and yellow from table to table to tell everyone about their pga............... Andrea_1900: che dito ar culo il blu............... giorgigna: ahahhahaha............... Andy W: there really bad if they are pga............... oakcliff: well, they suck at Kdice--to win they HAVE to cheat............... Andy W: they are not going to win............... M Freeware: flag red............... oakcliff: just to be clear--again--the rule that they violate is: Game-to-game favors or alliances are not allowed............... giorgigna: flag red teal............... M Freeware: ok............... oakcliff: also known as PGA -- pre-game alliance............... oakcliff: yellow's turn to flag............... Andy W: ok we get the message............... oakcliff: this is NOT for you, purple............... oakcliff: just ignore me or mute me............... M Freeware: excuse me red, i want to connect. Can i connect ?............... Telefunken1234: if you flag me............... Telefunken1234: ah you flaged,............... Telefunken1234: kk............... M Freeware: oups... - - '............... giorgigna: flag red teal............... M Freeware: ok............... Telefunken1234: you can connedcct.. ............... M Freeware: excuse me, i forgot............... M Freeware: ^^'............... M Freeware: thanks ;)............... Andrea_1900: flag red............... oakcliff: i flagged to you early on, teal............... oakcliff: VERY early............... Telefunken1234: so green and yellow are doing pga?............... oakcliff: yes............... giorgigna: no............... oakcliff: they did it last game too............... Andrea_1900: what?............... oakcliff: and before that, too............... oakcliff: they are cheaters--and proud of it............... Andrea_1900: is absurd............... oakcliff: cheaters always deny it............... oakcliff: gg all but green and yellow............... [Note: This is the next game after that one.]............... giorgigna: fuck teal............... PerfectParadox: lol............... M Freeware: why me? I don't do anything to you !............... PerfectParadox: You trollin' my dear................ giorgigna: ma soprattutto FUCK BROWN............... oakcliff: cheater HATE to be called on it in public............... oakcliff: they HATE it............... oakcliff: "why can't i cheat in the privacy of the internet" they wonder............... giorgigna: BROWN è IL COLORE DELLA MERDA............... giorgigna: CIAO BELLO............... oakcliff: ciao............... PerfectParadox: Shut up you italy whore :D............... Andrea_1900: ciao............... PerfectParadox: Go and take some anal :P............... giorgigna has left [Note: One of the cheaters quits.]............... PerfectParadox: yay............... oakcliff: oh dear, purple--your cheatmate has left............... PerfectParadox: xD............... oakcliff: how about that............... PerfectParadox: YOU............... PerfectParadox: ARE............... PerfectParadox: FUCKED!............... PerfectParadox: :D............... Andrea_1900: you are crazy............... oakcliff: take whatever of my stuff you want to............... Andrea_1900: really crazy............... PerfectParadox: I like to be crazy <3............... PerfectParadox: CIAO BELLA! :D............... PerfectParadox: have a nice day................ PerfectParadox: ahahaha............... oakcliff: gg all except red and purple............... Andrea_1900 has left [Note: The other cheater has left the game.] ++++++++++ HONOR BEFORE KDICE!
oakcliff on Saturday May 14, 2011 Total cheating PGA player with giogina!!! Was truced from the very start and would not accept flags from anyone else.
ArtemisSF on Saturday May 14, 2011 |