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Reviews 1 - 6 of 6

playing senseless. a poor looser
sebaj on Monday July 16, 2012
idiot, giving me bad reviews without any reason
DeLany on Thursday April 28, 2011
2011-04-12 CJI8 is the gift that keeps on giving. He just changed his cut-and-paste review of me to this: "DUDE CREEPS EVERYONE OUT JUST LOOK AT ALL HIS OTHER REVIEWS! HE IS A FUCK UP! OLD PERV RAPIST" CJI8 is SO wonderful, SO amusing, we can only hope, dear readers, that he keeps going. His whining and squirming are perfect justice for his web boy and chat jerk actions. In addition to his changing his review of me, CJI8 followed me to three tables tonight to attack me in chat (he didn't play in the games; I played in all three games). Here is that chat. ++++++++++ 2011-04-12............... CJI8 is here............... CJI8: PUSYYYYY OAKCLIFF............... oakcliff: more for your review--keep going!............... CJI8: THIS DUDE IS A CREEPY 50 YEAR OLD TRYING TO HIT ON YOUNG CHILDREN............... oakcliff: yeah, everyone believe YOU cji8--you are SO credible............... CJI8: HE HAS NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH HIS LIFE THEN REVIEW CHILDREN............... oakcliff: go, cji8, go............... oakcliff: keep going............... oakcliff: got anything better than that nothing?............... oakcliff: no?............... CJI8: NAH I GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO THEN REVIEW PPL............... oakcliff: sure you do............... Brendan Smith: i flagto green............... mikeyniu13: flag green............... @anderson_russo: k............... oakcliff: caps lock stuck, cji8?............... @Andre_Alonso: flag green............... oakcliff: nothing? of course not--imbecile............... [NOTE: That is the end of Table 1 chat. CJI8 followed me to my next table.]............... CJI8 is here............... CJI8: oakcliff is a pussy............... oakcliff: CJI8--we were just thinking about you--we were thinking of idiots, morons, and jerks............... CJI8: everyone take him out he is an old man perv and will turn on u all some point in this game dont listen to any of his shit............... oakcliff: CJI8 has about 3 insults he can think of at a time............... genderguru: i was thinking about a cheese sandwich............... oakcliff: he will use them up in about 1 minute and then have to think for an hour or two for some more insults............... oakcliff: CJI8, you are the only one talking sh*t............... CJI8: exactly generguru know one cares about reviews on dice wars they just want food............... CJI8: but fuck up cliff does............... oakcliff: CJI8, you seem to care VERY much about them............... genderguru: and perhaps I could add some mayo ...or do I go with chilli sauce???............... oakcliff: that is what is SO great about you............... oakcliff: you pretend to think nothing of reviews but you hate that i reviewed you............... oakcliff: it is GREAT............... oakcliff: web boys and chat jerks HATE seeing their own words online forever............... oakcliff: their hate is wonderful to behold............... oakcliff: cji8 is taking his one hour break now to think up a response............... [NOTE: That is the end of Table 2 chat. CJI8 followed me to my next table.]............... [NOTE: CJI8 followed me to my third table but did not chat.]............... oakcliff: come on CJI8--give us something here............... oakcliff: your drivel is NOTHING compared to your whining insistence that your review means nothing to you ++++++++++ 2011-04-12 CJI8 knows how to Copy and Paste and he knows how to Edit--Replace All. What he does NOT know how to do is be anything but a web boy and chat jerk. Will anyone be "fooled" by CJI8's cut and paste job that he left as a review for me? What CJI8 doesn't get (too dimwitted) is that he is playing into MY hands--he is playing MY game, so he would do well to keep at it for my amusement and yours, dear reader. Your Obedient Servant, oakcliff ++++++++++ 2011-04-12 CJI8 and Physicien speak! CJI8 is green, Physicien is purple, I am teal. CJI8 and Physicien both pretend not to know one another throughout this "chat"; perhaps they do have SOME sense of SHAME after all--or just afraid of being banned? CJI8 starts out as intelligent as he ever will be and goes downhill from there. ++++++++++ CJI8: fuck u all............... oakcliff: we love you, too............... oakcliff: we know that deep inside you are a loving, caring person............... oakcliff: you just act like this because you have a shriveled soul............... Physicien: :) [Note: Physicien, who later pretends not to know CJI8, immediately jumps in.]............... oakcliff: no big deal............... CJI8: ur a fagget............... Physicien: :):)):)):)............... Physicien: :............... Physicien: )............... Physicien: )............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: :............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: )............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: ):............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: )............... Physicien: :):............... Physicien: ):............... Physicien: :............... Physicien: )............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: ):............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: :)............... Physicien: ):............... Physicien: :)............... oakcliff: "ur a fagget"--i know, you are mad because you don't know how to spell............... oakcliff: we sympathize with your plight............... oakcliff: you are stunted intellectually--we get it, green............... oakcliff: you don't have to make it so obvious, though............... CJI8: wtf ru sayin............... CJI8: ur gay as fuck............... oakcliff: do you speak English, green?............... CJI8: no............... oakcliff: i didn't think so............... CJI8: im north korean............... Physicien: flag red and blue............... oakcliff: you are a typical web boy--nothing new about that............... FoxT: k purp............... CJI8: ur a typical flamer............... Physicien: flag blue............... oakcliff: poor, green............... oakcliff: so sad............... Physicien: poor teal............... CJI8: haha fuck u teal............... Physicien: lol............... oakcliff: rich teal--i have intelligence, reason, and wisdom on my side............... oakcliff: what have YOU got?............... oakcliff: nothing............... Physicien: fuck u teal............... Physicien: HAHHHAHAHHH............... Physicien: ^^............... CJI8: teals got a dick up his ass............... oakcliff: web boy............... CJI8: dick boy............... tiraid: just wanted to hit green................ Physicien: fuck u teal............... Physicien: HAHHHAHAHHH............... Physicien: ^^............... CJI8: teals got a dick up his ass............... oakcliff: web boy............... CJI8: dick boy............... tiraid: just wanted to hit green................ Physicien: petite bite............... oakcliff: green exhibits all the vocabulary tics of a web boy--he hits all the marks............... CJI8: flag purplw............... Physicien: vas te faire enculer sale pd de yellow :)............... oakcliff: "flag purplw"--what a surprise--pga guys flagging to each other............... CJI8: stfu pussy............... oakcliff: that is the best you got? pathetic, green............... oakcliff: no originality at all............... Physicien: vas te faire enculer toi............... CJI8: look at ur pic fuckin gy cowboya............... oakcliff: you suck at being a web boy and chat jerk, green............... CJI8: broke back mt............... Physicien: ah you flag to me green [Note: Here Physicien pretends not to know that he and CJI8 are pga partners.]............... oakcliff: are you 14?............... CJI8: i dont know what a web boy is sound gay like you u fuck up............... tiraid: flag blue............... Physicien: excuse me green i didnt see [Note: "excuse me green"--the only polite thing Physicien in this chat--saved for his pga cheating partner, of course--and all an act.]............... CJI8: yea flag............... oakcliff: pga green and purple pretending not to know what they are about............... oakcliff: such great actors!............... Physicien: ??? [Note: Physicien saying, "WHAT? WE AREN'T CHEATING! WE ARE JUST WEB BOYS AND CHAT JERKS WHO ACT ALIKE AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER! What is this PGA you speak of?"............... oakcliff: do you guys do any other plays?............... CJI8: haha i dont even kno purple u fuck up [Note: CJI8 denies the pga. Perhaps he and Physicien REALLY are just *ssholes who lucked into each other's company this one time. Do you, dear reader, believe that?]............... Marko Palatinu?: flag blue............... oakcliff: sure, green, sure............... Grimbum: k brown............... oakcliff: we believe you--you are such a credible source [Note: CJI8 and Physicien want to act like web boys and chat jerks but BEG to be considered credible on this pga point. Why do they care? Very odd.]............... oakcliff: what? you got nothing green?............... oakcliff: nothing to say?............... oakcliff: all emptied out?............... oakcliff: brain is bare?............... Physicien: fuck u noob [Note: "noob"!!!!! Can you believe it? Physicien was so empty he trotted out "noob"!!! Oh, will he be embarrassed when he reads this.]............... oakcliff: green?............... oakcliff: ah, purple speaks!............... Physicien: fuck u............... oakcliff: brilliant purple............... Physicien: thx fuck u............... oakcliff: we know the brains in the pga must be purple............... tiraid: flag brown................ Physicien: im french not big american............... CJI8: teal is adopted............... oakcliff: congratulations............... CJI8: his mom took it inthe ass............... Physicien: LOOOOOOOOOOOOL............... Physicien: teal is adopted............... Physicien: LOOOOOOOOL............... Physicien: yeah............... oakcliff: LOOOOOOOL--really?............... CJI8: teal has a mangina............... oakcliff: really?............... Physicien: fuck u teal............... CJI8: teal looks like my asshole............... oakcliff: you really laughed OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT loud?............... oakcliff: really?............... oakcliff: yeah, purple is the brains--green is the ____?............... CJI8: u took that dick OUT OUT OUT OUT of your ass............... Physicien: FUCK U , FUCK U , FUCK U , FUCK U , FUCK U............... oakcliff: typical web boy stuff, green--you got nothing better?............... CJI8: ur a gay boy............... oakcliff: purple has even less going on............... Physicien: fuck u teal............... CJI8: typical gay boy stuff............... oakcliff: two idiot pga-ers............... oakcliff: pathetic............... Physicien: lol?............... CJI8: im touching myself to you talking right now............... tiraid: oak, I know you are having fun, but there really is no use arguing with idiots................ Physicien: you are just stupid teal............... tiraid: teal, shall we fight for 6th?............... Physicien: if you are idiot teal............... oakcliff: keep trying to make sense, purple--keep trying............... Physicien: blue i go to brown............... CJI8: teal got nothing better to do then write reviews............... Grimbum: no............... CJI8: cuz hes a fuck up............... Physicien: why??............... Grimbum: are u kidding me?............... Grimbum: roll off............... oakcliff: green got nothing better to do than be a web boy............... Physicien: a ok............... Physicien: .................. Physicien: 35............... Physicien: 35 for me iwin............... oakcliff: purple and green now want "consideration"............... Physicien: fuck u teal............... oakcliff: they plead for mercy and consideration............... Physicien: bye and fuck on............... oakcliff: plead away, purple............... tiraid: not nice, brown................ CJI8: teal go pul ur plugl............... tiraid: why is 2 attacking 3?............... oakcliff: plead for it, purple--beg for it............... Physicien: go take sextoy............... oakcliff: beg for it............... Physicien: in your pusy............... oakcliff: purple is BEGGING for 3rd............... FoxT: wayy too much chat............... oakcliff: BEG away purple............... oakcliff: BEG harder, purple............... FoxT: purp flagged me, brown did not............... Physicien: sit in green............... oakcliff: purple: "oh, PLEASE, let me have 3rd"............... CJI8: im coming for u teal watch urself............... tiraid: brown did flag you, when he flagged 3 behind your 2................ Physicien: SIT IN GREEN :(............... oakcliff: PLEASE, says green, LET ME HAVE 4TH............... tiraid: if you have a problem with the chatters, why not hit them?............... Physicien: fuck u you............... oakcliff: what, purple?............... Physicien: teal fuck u............... CJI8: no i didnt but u said please mom suck me off............... oakcliff: speak english do you?............... Physicien: no............... tiraid: brown has played a good fair game, why hit him?............... oakcliff: green is profound............... oakcliff: green, you didn't beg hard enough............... Grimbum: now roll off............... oakcliff: beg, purple, beg............... oakcliff: purple: PLEASE LET ME HAVE 3rd!............... oakcliff: PLEEEEEEEASE............... Grimbum: roll............... FoxT: hey blue,............... Grimbum: 25............... Grimbum: brown?!............... Physicien: fuck u teal............... Physicien: im 3dr............... oakcliff: really? congratulations! the highlight of your life!............... tiraid: brown rolled 29............... oakcliff: purple got 3rd everyone!!!!............... Physicien: thx teal :)............... tiraid: now, 15. ouch................ oakcliff: purple is SO happy............... oakcliff: he begged hard enough after all............... Physicien: thx idiot american............... oakcliff: check your review later web boy ++++++++++ CJI8 and Physicien may or may not be pga cheaters. They are definitely sub-normal web boys and chat jerks. No originality at all. The same tired web boy tropes over and over. Show some intelligence and initiative next time, boys. Save your tired old stuff for the 6th graders.
oakcliff on Tuesday April 12, 2011
Does not respect flags. Do not trust.
NJI9 on Friday April 8, 2011
Complete piece of shit. Flag and backstab, kill immediately!
WRat on Tuesday April 5, 2011
IS always PGA with someone at the table. Last game it was with blitzkrig14
Just that dude on Thursday March 31, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary