Level 51
to level 52

Riles P

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Will backstab if you don't force a real flag. Says 'Have you read the rules?' Do not trust a vflag from this player.
Corner Pocket on Thursday March 22, 2012
dont trust him. he flags and then kill.
Sintija Stre??a on Friday March 16, 2012
Will backstab, do not trust!!!!
bhwrice on Sunday March 11, 2012
doesn't respect flags
Pikachu123 on Monday March 5, 2012
Broke Flags
AronP on Friday February 10, 2012
good player - but remember its not always PGA when two players attacking you
wiktor on Monday February 6, 2012
you are a sir and a gentleman. it was an honor playing with you and id be glad to let you conquer my meagre lands once more
widukind on Monday February 6, 2012
Broke Flags
TehNoob on Friday February 3, 2012
PGA with Balista.
Bazofio on Friday February 3, 2012
backstabber and liar
Virlomi on Monday January 30, 2012
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