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Riles P

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Krisbody on Monday July 25, 2011
Bully complex? just a jerk? not sure why he feels it is ok to treat other people so disrespectfully. You are playing a game with other human being, try a little civility and respect. sportsmanship, gamemanship, common decentcy whatever you want to call it. But playing the game cowardly, shady then randomly being a huge prick really is uncalled for. Show a little class and integrity please.
adtsm on Thursday July 21, 2011
total asshole
kdicefreak on Wednesday July 13, 2011
Flagged for second and became much bigger than me, but kept his word and sat out at the end. Good man
Bobby Hitt on Sunday July 10, 2011
Backstaber blocked me from the guy i was ffighting then gave the other guy 3rd
bluff or not? on Thursday July 7, 2011
pge forever, backstabbler
Henrik on Saturday June 25, 2011
you are an ass hole, dont acept my flag! fuck you!!!
satanas on Friday June 17, 2011
fair player! flagged out, when he was supposed to!
@stephanurch on Monday May 30, 2011
Victim complex
triangle_83 on Friday May 20, 2011
thinks he is GOD once first. Will kill you for no reason. Just an asshole - hope I can do you a favor in the futur.
Louis Cypher on Friday May 13, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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