Level 44
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nigger 3 too many times -chat -play BigDaddyKane 12:34 AM, Wednesday September 24, 2014 EDT

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Talk shit again you little bitch!!!!!!!!!!!
portsomerdale on Saturday March 3, 2012
definitely just kill .. does nothing but try to truce with stronger players
Newt Gingrich on Thursday March 1, 2012
backstabber will kill him asap next time
suicidream on Saturday February 4, 2012
Excellent guy, allowed me to cut him down so he could flag up after he flagged me and got much bigger. Good game.
Rhia on Saturday January 28, 2012
Don't trust him. He is perjurer.
mapen1 on Saturday January 14, 2012
2012-01-14 After some hesitation and after some chat encouragement, @danburytrashers honored his flag to me with no harm done. All chat below is verbatim as always. @danburytrashers is blue, I am yellow. ++++++++++ mapen1: flag yell ---------- 3.14159: thanks green ---------- elHuron: me too ---------- 3.14159: thanks purple ---------- @danburytrashers: flag yel ---------- 3.14159: thanks blue ---------- elHuron: u too blue ---------- elHuron: kill green [Note: Green had one island left. Green quit right after purple (elHuron) chatted that.] ---------- [Note: Purple quits in 3rd place.] ---------- 3.14159: gg all ---------- [Note: @danburytrashers takes a grey land and builds. I don't make a move at all. After a second similar turn...] 3.14159: you are not honoring your flag, blue? elHuron: blue? [Note: elHuron (purple) had not left the table yet and was observing the end of the game. He, too, wondered what @danburytrashers was up to.] ++++++++++ @danburytrashers should learn that giving and accepting flags is absolute--honor them NO MATTER WHAT. If you think accepting or giving a flag might hurt your future rank (and it always might) then don't give or accept flags but say so with fair warning. I would have been happy to fight @danburytrashers for 1st even after he flagged to me (I don't play for points), but he should ask first rather than just proceed as if his flag had no honor behind it.
3.14159 on Saturday January 14, 2012
PLEASE SEE ALL @danburytrashers REWIEWS ;)
so what on Tuesday January 10, 2012
He is a warthog.
Butters on Monday January 9, 2012
Watch out, he flags and then lets someone else kill you off. DO NOT TRUST.
Nylad on Tuesday December 27, 2011
Backstabber and MORON
Egil83 on Thursday December 22, 2011
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