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YeahThatsUs wrote
at 2:24 AM, Sunday May 26, 2013 EDT
3 straight

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6h, Jh]
HottShott calls
Khoi folds
YeahThatsUs raises $3,400
Rob S. folds
Esmo folds
MagicBoxx folds
Torn21 raises $19,800
HottShott folds
HottShott stands up
YeahThatsUs calls
HottShott takes a seat
Dealing flop: [Ad, Kh, 7h]
Dealing turn: [9d]
zefear takes a seat
Dealing river: [4h]
YeahThatsUs shows [6h, Jh] for a flush King high
Torn21 shows [Jd, As] for a pair of Aces
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $40,300
Torn21 stands up
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ah, 4d]
Khoi folds
YeahThatsUs raises $1,600
Rob S. raises $19,800
Esmo folds
MagicBoxx folds
Torn21 takes a seat
zefear folds
HottShott folds
YeahThatsUs raises $36,400
Dealing flop: [6c, 3d, Jc]
Dealing turn: [3s]
Dealing river: [Ac]
YeahThatsUs shows [Ah, 4d] for two pair, Aces and threes
Rob S. shows [9s, Kc] for a pair of threes
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $39,900
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $18,200
Rob S. stands up
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5c, 5s]
YeahThatsUs raises $5,000
Esmo folds
MagicBoxx folds
Torn21 folds
Torn21 stands up
zefear folds
Torn21 takes a seat
HottShott calls
Khoi folds
Dealing flop: [9c, 8s, 5h]
HottShott bets $14,800
YeahThatsUs raises $29,600
Dealing turn: [4d]
Dealing river: [Ac]
da-guv takes a seat
HottShott shows [Th, Js] for Ace high
YeahThatsUs shows [5c, 5s] for three fives
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $39,800
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $14,800
HottShott stands up
Torn21 stands up
HottShott takes a seat
Torn21 takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 7:38 PM, Friday March 22, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [5c, 4c]

changedeck calls

wilberforce calls


YeahThatsUs raises $1,300

preist xx folds

fish2034 folds

actionguy9 folds

arealgale calls

changedeck calls

wilberforce calls

Dealing flop: [4d, 7c, 6s]

arealgale bets $1,600

changedeck raises $3,200

wilberforce calls

YeahThatsUs raises $21,900

arealgale raises $20,700

wilberforce sits out

changedeck calls

wilberforce folds

Dealing turn: [8h]

Dealing river: [Ah]

YeahThatsUs shows [5c, 4c] for a straight eight high

arealgale shows [6c, 8c] for two pair, eights and sixs

changedeck shows [Kd, Kh] for a pair of Kings

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $74,200

arealgale wins side pot $800

arealgale stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 7:05 PM, Friday March 22, 2013 EDT
Punks jump up to get beat down!!!

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [9s, Jh]


preist xx sits in

YeahThatsUs raises $1,600

preist xx calls

actionguy9 folds

Big Leo folds


Dealing flop: [7d, 5c, 9d]


YeahThatsUs bets $5,200

preist xx folds


Dealing turn: [6h]

THE NEEDLE bets $25,922

YeahThatsUs calls

Dealing river: [9c]

THE NEEDLE shows [5d, 6d] for two pair, nines and sixs

YeahThatsUs shows [9s, Jh] for three nines

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $51,300

THE NEEDLE wins side pot $8,022
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 6:33 PM, Friday March 22, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [6c, 9h]

bondat sits in

YeahThatsUs raises $1,000

agale folds

bunnyboi folds

bondat folds

Wayne Cabrera raises $23,800

YeahThatsUs calls

Dealing flop: [Jc, Th, 2h]

Dealing turn: [7d]

Dealing river: [8h]

YeahThatsUs shows [6c, 9h] for a straight Jack high

Wayne Cabrera shows [Js, Jh] for three Jacks

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $48,300

Wayne Cabrera stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 12:17 AM, Thursday March 14, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [8d, 9c]

chump#1 calls

21jumpstreet calls

YeahThatsUs raises $1,100

Monstrosity calls

Betalot raises $3,825

ramonfaur calls

chump#1 calls

21jumpstreet folds

YeahThatsUs raises $3,850

Monstrosity calls

Betalot calls

21jumpstreet stands up

ramonfaur calls

Dealing flop: [Kc, Jh, 6s]

Betalot bets $8,008

ramonfaur calls

Dealing turn: [8c]

Dealing river: [8h]

YeahThatsUs shows [8d, 9c] for three eights

Monstrosity shows [3h, 4h] for a pair of eights

Betalot shows [2s, Jc] for two pair, Jacks and eights

ramonfaur shows [Tc, Kd] for two pair, Kings and eights

chump#1 shows [Th, 5s] for a pair of eights

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $4,500

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $9,100

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $5,475

ramonfaur wins side pot $1,400

Betalot wins side pot $7,308

Monstrosity stands up

chump#1 stands up

Monstrosity takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 12:08 AM, Thursday March 14, 2013 EDT
Back to back sets on flop:

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [6s, 6d]

YeahThatsUs raises $4,950

devanoss sits in

Monstrosity calls

Betalot folds

ramonfaur folds

ramonfaur stands up

ml..... calls

ramonfaur takes a seat

devanoss calls

Dealing flop: [6c, 5h, Th]

Dealing turn: [5d]

Dealing river: [Kh]

YeahThatsUs shows [6s, 6d] for a full house, sixs full of fives

Monstrosity shows [3s, As] for a pair of fives

ml..... shows [Td, Ac] for two pair, tens and fives

devanoss shows [Qh, Jc] for a pair of fives

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $5,800

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $10,500

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $100

ml..... stands up

devanoss stands up

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [5s, 5d]

ml..... takes a seat

ramonfaur checks

YeahThatsUs raises $16,400

Monstrosity calls

Betalot folds

ramonfaur folds

Dealing flop: [6s, Ah, 5h]

Dealing turn: [Qc]

Dealing river: [7h]

YeahThatsUs shows [5s, 5d] for three fives

Monstrosity shows [Ks, 9s] for Ace high

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $32,900

YeahThatsUs stands up

Monstrosity sits out

YeahThatsUs takes a seat

Monstrosity sits in
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 6:40 PM, Wednesday March 13, 2013 EDT
The journey:

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [4c, 3c]

terry12 calls

YeahThatsUs raises $1,600

ramonfaur folds

HottShott calls

fatdaddy raises $4,975

gmow calls

ramonfaur stands up

terry12 calls

YeahThatsUs raises $4,650

ramonfaur takes a seat

terry12 calls

Dealing flop: [7d, 2d, 6h]

Dealing turn: [4h]

Dealing river: [6d]

gmow shows [8s, Qc] for a pair of sixs

terry12 shows [9h, 8d] for a pair of sixs

YeahThatsUs shows [4c, 3c] for two pair, sixs and fours

HottShott shows [Ts, Qh] for a pair of sixs

fatdaddy shows [3h, Js] for a pair of sixs

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $7,375

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $11,400

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $2,025

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $2,500

gmow stands up

HottShott stands up

fatdaddy stands up

fatdaddy takes a seat

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Qc, 3c]

fatdaddy raises $944

terry12 calls

YeahThatsUs calls

ramonfaur calls

Dealing flop: [2h, 9c, Ac]

YeahThatsUs bets $22,306

ramonfaur folds

terry12 folds

Dealing turn: [5h]

Dealing river: [2d]

fatdaddy shows [4h, 4d] for two pair, fours and twos

YeahThatsUs shows [Qc, 3c] for a pair of twos

fatdaddy wins main pot $3,976

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $22,306

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Jc, Js]

terry12 raises $600

YeahThatsUs raises $9,950

ramonfaur folds

fatdaddy calls

terry12 calls

Dealing flop: [Kh, 8h, Jd]

Dealing turn: [9s]

Dealing river: [8c]

fatdaddy sits out

fatdaddy shows [7c, As] for a pair of eights

terry12 shows [5s, Qs] for a pair of eights

YeahThatsUs shows [Jc, Js] for a full house, Jacks full of eights

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $11,953

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $1,252

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $5,348

fatdaddy stands up

terry12 stands up

terry12 takes a seat

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Qh, Qd]

ramonfaur calls

terry12 calls

YeahThatsUs raises $6,150

ramonfaur folds

terry12 calls

Dealing flop: [Kd, Qs, 4c]

Dealing turn: [8h]

Dealing river: [Ad]

terry12 shows [7h, Ts] for Ace high

YeahThatsUs shows [Qh, Qd] for three Queens

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $9,250

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $1,600

terry12 stands up

terry12 takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 6:29 PM, Wednesday March 13, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Kc, Ac]

tcat raises $100

YeahThatsUs raises $2,650

biglad folds

_GladiatoR_ folds

bri22 calls

terry12 folds

Two Pines calls

tcat raises $5,100

YeahThatsUs raises $17,025

Two Pines calls

tcat calls

Dealing flop: [9c, 6c, As]

Dealing turn: [8s]

Dealing river: [Js]

bri22 shows [7c, Qc] for Ace high

Two Pines shows [Ts, Kd] for Ace high

tcat shows [Ad, Qs] for a pair of Aces

YeahThatsUs shows [Kc, Ac] for a pair of Aces

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $4,375

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $9,669

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $2,270

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $14,242

bri22 stands up

Two Pines stands up

tcat stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 2:37 PM, Wednesday March 13, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Th, Ts]

pinkpillboxhat calls

YeahThatsUs raises $1,500

merhoops folds

Ted Leatherman folds

bob4565 calls

pinkpillboxhat folds

Dealing flop: [7c, 6s, Td]

bob4565 checks

YeahThatsUs bets $250

bob4565 calls

Dealing turn: [9c]

bob4565 checks

YeahThatsUs bets $550

bob4565 calls

Dealing river: [Tc]

bob4565 checks

YeahThatsUs checks

bob4565 shows [7d, Ad] for two pair, tens and sevens

YeahThatsUs shows [Th, Ts] for four tens

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $4,775
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 10:23 PM, Thursday February 28, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Jh, Ac]

smokinaces79 folds

seahawks1970 calls

thehave calls

wolff calls

042377 checks

bRock7 raises $8,000

YeahThatsUs raises $15,000

merhoops calls

destor folds

seahawks1970 folds

thehave folds

wolff folds

042377 folds

bRock7 raises $30,000

YeahThatsUs raises $66,000

merhoops folds

bRock7 calls

Dealing flop: [Kc, 2h, Th]

Dealing turn: [4h]

Dealing river: [8h]

bRock7 shows [Kd, Ad] for a pair of Kings

YeahThatsUs shows [Jh, Ac] for a flush Jack high

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $182,000
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