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YeahThatsUs wrote
at 12:54 PM, Monday August 12, 2013 EDT
gpokrd again

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Qs, Ac]

Milky Way 22 folds

RICH007 calls

MRMR OG folds

created33 calls

YeahThatsUs raises $4,500

skillz999 folds

RICH007 folds

created33 calls

Dealing flop: [8d, Ks, Td]

YeahThatsUs bets $10,000

created33 calls

Dealing turn: [Kh]

YeahThatsUs bets $10,000

created33 calls

Dealing river: [Js]

YeahThatsUs bets $18,999

created33 raises $53,500

YeahThatsUs calls

created33 shows [Kd, Jc] for a full house, Kings full of Jacks

YeahThatsUs shows [Qs, Ac] for a straight Ace high

created33 wins main pot $159,000
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 10:52 AM, Monday August 12, 2013 EDT
this hurt me

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Ac, Ah]

YeahThatsUs calls

albi72 raises $3,000

srdavebetterhalf sits in

Tchalla folds

srdavebetterhalf calls

YeahThatsUs raises $13,000

albi72 calls

srdavebetterhalf calls

Dealing flop: [Ks, 5h, 3c]

srdavebetterhalf checks

YeahThatsUs bets $26,000

albi72 folds

srdavebetterhalf calls

Dealing turn: [Qc]

srdavebetterhalf checks

YeahThatsUs bets $42,000

srdavebetterhalf calls

Dealing river: [2c]

srdavebetterhalf shows [Qs, Kc] for two pair, Kings and Queens

YeahThatsUs shows [Ac, Ah] for a pair of Aces

srdavebetterhalf wins main pot $178,500

YeahThatsUs stands up

YeahThatsUs takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 7:03 AM, Sunday August 11, 2013 EDT
This is another victim:

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [5s, Ah]

Romero 1 calls

YeahThatsUs raises $3,000

Romero 1 calls

Dealing flop: [6s, 3s, Kh]

YeahThatsUs bets $7,000

Romero 1 calls

Dealing turn: [2d]

YeahThatsUs bets $79,500

Romero 1 calls

Dealing river: [Ad]

Romero 1 shows [4s, Kc] for a pair of Kings

YeahThatsUs shows [5s, Ah] for a pair of Aces

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $176,982

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $2,009

Romero 1 stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 12:45 AM, Sunday August 11, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Tc, Th]

YeahThatsUs raises $1,500

andorka raises $4,000

YeahThatsUs raises $41,000

andorka raises $56,458

YeahThatsUs raises $56,458

Dealing flop: [Jd, 9h, Js]

Dealing turn: [4c]

Dealing river: [4h]

andorka shows [5d, 5s] for two pair, Jacks and fives

YeahThatsUs shows [Tc, Th] for two pair, Jacks and tens

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $122,916

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $38,000

andorka stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 10:06 PM, Saturday August 10, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 7s]

YeahThatsUs calls

Stoney63 folds

confounding calls

river bum folds

Tchalla folds

skillz999 folds

popeye calls

myerlyn raises $10,000

YeahThatsUs calls

confounding folds

popeye folds

Dealing flop: [3d, 5c, 7h]

myerlyn bets $10,000

YeahThatsUs calls

Dealing turn: [2h]

myerlyn bets $23,000

YeahThatsUs raises $46,000

myerlyn calls

Dealing river: [Jc]

myerlyn checks

YeahThatsUs bets $14,000

myerlyn calls

YeahThatsUs shows [7d, 7s] for three sevens

myerlyn shows [Kc, Ks] for a pair of Kings

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $164,000

myerlyn stands up

myerlyn takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 9:53 PM, Saturday August 10, 2013 EDT

Cellmandude wins main pot $28,500

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Qh, 2c]

Stoney63 folds

confounding calls

pent up nrg calls

Tchalla folds

skillz999 calls

Cellmandude calls

YeahThatsUs checks

Dealing flop: [Qd, Qc, 6h]

Cellmandude checks

YeahThatsUs checks

confounding checks

pent up nrg bets $1,000

skillz999 raises $3,000

Cellmandude folds

YeahThatsUs calls

confounding folds

pent up nrg calls

Dealing turn: [2h]

YeahThatsUs checks

pent up nrg bets $8,000

skillz999 folds

YeahThatsUs raises $16,000

pent up nrg raises $16,000

YeahThatsUs raises $103,000

pent up nrg calls

Dealing river: [7h]

YeahThatsUs shows [Qh, 2c] for a full house, Queens full of twos

pent up nrg shows [Jc, Qs] for three Queens

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $252,000
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 9:34 PM, Saturday August 10, 2013 EDT
This hurt me....

Dealing pocket cards: [Qc, Qs]

Stoney63 folds

confounding raises $9,000

river bum folds

YeahThatsUs raises $36,000

confounding calls

Dealing flop: [3h, As, Jh]

YeahThatsUs bets $85,230

confounding calls

Dealing turn: [7h]

Dealing river: [Jd]

YeahThatsUs shows [Qc, Qs] for two pair, Queens and Jacks

confounding shows [Ks, Js] for three Jacks

confounding wins main pot $244,960

YeahThatsUs stands up

YeahThatsUs takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 8:18 PM, Saturday August 10, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [3d, 3c]

YeahThatsUs checks

confounding calls

skillz999 raises $4,000

Tchalla folds

Medal Up folds

YeahThatsUs calls

confounding folds

Dealing flop: [Ad, 5s, 2s]

YeahThatsUs checks

skillz999 checks

Dealing turn: [5h]

YeahThatsUs checks

skillz999 bets $4,000

YeahThatsUs calls

Dealing river: [3h]

YeahThatsUs checks

skillz999 bets $12,000

YeahThatsUs raises $24,000

skillz999 calls

YeahThatsUs shows [3d, 3c] for a full house, threes full of fives

skillz999 shows [Qs, Ac] for two pair, Aces and fives

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $66,500
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 10:43 PM, Friday August 9, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [2d, 7s]

YeahThatsUs calls

confounding checks

Dealing flop: [7h, 2c, 3c]

confounding checks

YeahThatsUs bets $2,000

confounding calls

Dealing turn: [2s]

confounding checks

YeahThatsUs bets $2,000

confounding calls

Dealing river: [5c]

confounding bets $20,000

YeahThatsUs raises $40,000

confounding raises $90,000

YeahThatsUs calls

confounding shows [2h, 3h] for a full house, twos full of threes

YeahThatsUs shows [2d, 7s] for a full house, twos full of sevens

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $232,000
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 8:16 PM, Friday August 9, 2013 EDT

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Kc, 8s]

Criminal Mind calls

created33 folds

Black Square calls

Tchalla calls

Milky Way 22 folds

Cellmandude folds

alexmilne calls

YeahThatsUs raises $4,000

Criminal Mind calls

Black Square calls

Tchalla folds

alexmilne folds

Dealing flop: [9c, 9h, 6c]

YeahThatsUs bets $6,000

created33 stands up

Criminal Mind folds

Black Square calls

Dealing turn: [Kh]

created33 takes a seat

YeahThatsUs bets $9,000

Black Square calls

Dealing river: [7h]

YeahThatsUs bets $11,000

Black Square calls

Black Square shows [As, Tc] for a pair of nines

YeahThatsUs shows [Kc, 8s] for two pair, Kings and nines

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $69,000

Black Square stands up
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