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Envy Trl

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I'm doing a soccial analyze my name is envy so i see the people's envy on me the anylze is going thouogh i hope every one shows envy on me everytime attack me unneceserly so they lose at the end of game. @Henrik Haha you are too funny. When I backstab you? Explain how and do you know the T.V series How I Met Your Mother ??? I'm the Barney and think the rest ... =) Cya ... @Alfons I remember that game. I flagged for 4th and you didn't flag the others. So while I fighting you they are free to what they want. Hmm really don't remember those names. I played several times with them because I played this game more than several. So maybe we sit several times at a table. Be smart. Before slander to me think logical. And this song goes to you : You wanna piece of me ... Cyaa too to you .. =)
Envy Trl on Saturday November 13, 2010
fucking backstabbler
Henrik on Friday November 12, 2010
real piece of shit: went 3v1 against me then killed me with no respect for my real flag. they never truced. so probably 3 way PGA: Oranca Jax + dopebeats22 + Envy Trl. they sat together several games in a row on different tables.
AIfons on Wednesday November 10, 2010
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