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sunny face

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2010-12-10 sunny face wrote: "im now 'on the road to respectability'. and im proud to be there. thank you so much oakcliff" sunny face has turned to corner? Going down the right road? Beginning to travel the right path? Whatever transportation metaphor is apt, good job sunny face. You might become a fine young man some day. ++++++++++ 2010-12-09 sunny face wrote: "gon on pls, write some more." I suppose "gon" means "go on" and "pls" means "please," but the comma placement is confusing--he either needs one more or he needs to move the one he used. sunny face is grinning to himself, chortling even, "Ha! I write so little and get oakcliff to do so much work. Hee hee, I'm brilliant!" Poor, deluded, infantile sunny face. The saying goes, "Any fool can knock down a barn; it takes a carpenter to build one." sunny face is the fool, so I will leave his pathetic replies un-replied to unless they go beyond 2nd grade grammar, syntax, and rhetoric. ++++++++++ 2010-12-09 See? My way works! sunny face has now asked THREE times for me to "go on pls write some more." No web boy stuff here--he even says "Please" (spelled "pls"). sunny face, congratulations; you are on the road to respectability. Keep it up. We civilized, honorable people look forward to your joining us one day. ++++++++++ 2010-12-07 sunny face wrote: "lol go to everyone and tell him how to live his or her life freak." poor sunny face can't understand simple concepts. I have no interest in telling anyone how to live. I do enjoy penalizing cheaters, chat jerks, and web boys by posting THEIR OWN WORDS in their reviews--they HATE that. Some on the Internet, like sunny face, think that on the Internet they can act like jerks and there is no downside. If I am at the table there will be a downside--you will have to live with the words you write in chat and in reviews. Be a man and don't whine about it; you wrote the stuff and/or violated the rules. ++++++++++ 2010-12-07 sunny face wrote: "i didnt say we pretruced i said we`re friends. he would have done the same with me if you understand that. and by the way why should i flag when we would be pretruced? don´t talk about things you´re not understanding" sunny face doesn't get it. He is an admitted cheater--he says, "he would have done the same with me." The rules say, "Game-to-game favors or alliances are not allowed." Pretty simple to understand; friends or not, you have to treat him like any other player but you admitted proudly that you do NOT treat him like any other player. Cheater. (The flag is an obvious cover for your cheating; even a simpleton can have animal cunning.) ++++++++++ 2010-12-06 sunny face wrote: "xD we`re freinds you fool^^" Sorry, you are a cheater and not a weasel. The rules say: "Game-to-game favors or alliances are not allowed." Game-to-game favors are commonly called PGA (pre-game alliance). Thanks for clarifying. Also, you have indicted BigBoa as a cheater in order to defend yourself against the charge of being a weasel. Nice going, sunny face. (Some friend.) 2010-12-06 sunny face is a weasel and that is fine. Just don't whine, sunny face, when honorable players make public note of your weaseling. You get the "advantage" of flagging to red in our game, then turn on him at the end, kill him, and take 1st. You get that advantage, but you also get the disadvantage of bad reviews. It would be bad form on your part to take the advantage and then whine about the disadvantage. ---------- In our game, 3 of us left, I am in 1st, red is in 2nd, sunny face as green is in 3rd. sunny face flags to red, I go after red because he has position on me, sunny face grows bigger and bigger. I end up quitting in 3rd, sunny face now has a giant lead over red, sunny face should quit in 2nd to honor his own flag to red--but he doesn't. He turns on red, attacks red, kills red, and takes 1st. Nice weasel win, sunny face. Just don't whine about the bad reviews--you got your win, after all. Here is the chat... ++++++++++++++++++++ sunny face: flag red ---------- [Many turns later, i quit in 3rd place by sitting out.] ---------- oakcliff: gg ---------- BigBoa: halts maul ---------- oakcliff: nice win red ---------- sunny face: lol ---------- [See? sunny face already knows he isn't going to honor his own flag. I know this, but hope I am wrong.] ---------- oakcliff: green will sit out ---------- oakcliff: he flagged to you ---------- oakcliff: green is an honorable guy ---------- [sunny face, as green, starts attacking red] ---------- oakcliff: or not ---------- sunny face: no ---------- oakcliff: no? your flag to red means nothing? ---------- oakcliff: i'm not surprised, of course ---------- oakcliff: poor red--trusted the wrong guy ---------- oakcliff: my flags mean something ---------- BigBoa: halts maul ---------- sunny face: wow ---------- sunny face: writing books here... +++++++++++++++ Poor sunny face wants it both ways, I'll bet. He wants to weasel win by flagging and then not honoring his own flag, but he will whine about his bad reviews. Proof of whining would be leaving me any kind of bad review (which I will post here, of course). If sunny face doesn't whine, then I am fine with his weaseling away--that is his choice about how to play Kdice. We await sunny face's choice.
oakcliff on Friday December 10, 2010
Maniak3 on Thursday December 9, 2010
flags then attacks
raiders on Thursday November 25, 2010
(Me)"flag blue." "...Or we can fight and you'll lose your chance at first." (Him)"No ok i accept." "Didnt read." =(I make my move into now BOTH our opponents)= =(He attacks me his next turn.)=
•§TÄY£• on Thursday November 25, 2010
sore loser attacks flagged players just because he lost to them the round before.noob
_VYRUS_ on Saturday November 20, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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