Level 64
to level 65 |
bongomanAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. doesnt respect flags
Optical on Thursday August 11, 2011 Do not trust. flagged 2nd and then backstabbed.
riser on Monday April 25, 2011 Very unfair player, decides to destroy the only flagged player in order to get his goal, no patience in letting others fight for lower positions
scarletter on Monday April 25, 2011 Plays by arbitrary rules. When in the lead, chooses random people to give specific places to and ensures it will happen. Kills off those who desire to fight for their positioning.
boilerjon on Wednesday April 13, 2011 real man! =)
evilmorte on Friday March 11, 2011 doesnt cares on flags,fucking player,never trust him
Jagschen on Friday February 11, 2011 pga with pajdak, DONT EVER TRUST HIS FLAG he doesnt give a shit
@_Dionysos on Tuesday February 8, 2011 unfair player
BigMacMen on Friday December 24, 2010 Honored his flag when he grew double my size. Respects flags and will do you right.
Krustalicious on Friday December 10, 2010 faggot
Patika on Tuesday November 30, 2010 |