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Ai KatoAdd a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10
Really nice girl!
CammellRoeg on Wednesday October 5, 2011 PGA player, and highly racist.
Ignatius on Monday July 11, 2011 PGA
mjcm on Thursday June 2, 2011 Backstabber
bluff or not? on Sunday May 29, 2011 PGAer
FourSKIN on Thursday May 19, 2011 and I am a girl. And I did not PGA on the tourney
Ai Kato on Wednesday May 18, 2011 Ali killed me and protected the idiot who flagged to me so that they could together do better in a tourney. Maybe it sounds crazy, but its your gamble if you want to let him fuck you in the back.
kelevatormusic on Sunday May 15, 2011 PGA with combatmushroom
samu15 on Monday May 9, 2011 PGA
jsonproxy on Thursday May 5, 2011 2011-04-28 Ai Kato=PugHug; PugHug=Ai Kato. They are the same person. He uses a proxy server to get around the IP
check. He is just doing his same old stuff--nothing new here. Same old cheating, same old attempts to be
outrageous/shocking in chat but oh so lame. He needs new material. Here is the chat. PugHug is teal, Ai Kato is
yellow. ++++++++++
Ai Kato: oakcliff you are such a homo...............
Ai Kato: i dont know if i can stay at this game with you...............
blackangel: gl 2 all friends woohoo gogogo and gl all biatchs lol...............
oakcliff: i don't believe YOU can...............
Ai Kato: are you a virgin...............
Felixycat: aha...............
Ai Kato: i thinkin yeah...............
PugHug is here [Note: Ai Kato and PugHug are the same player. He uses a proxy server to avoid the IP
oakcliff: i'm thinkin' this is your same dreary stuff again...............
oakcliff: get some new material...............
Ai Kato: hows moms basement?...............
oakcliff: mom is dead, thanks for asking...............
Ai Kato: did you fuck her dead body ########## [Note: Trying SO hard to shock.]...............
Ai Kato: did you lick her dry, corpsey pussy ########## [Note: Trying SO hard to shock.]...............
PugHug has left...............
Ai Kato: suck the maggots out of that shit ########## [Note: Trying SO hard to shock.]...............
oakcliff: same old dreary stuff...............
oakcliff: trying SO hard to impress us...............
Ai Kato: impress who_...............
Ai Kato: youre a fucking loser...............
oakcliff: SO hard you try...............
Ai Kato: your impressions mean literally nothing in the world [Note: Ai Kato doesn't know what "literally" means.
No surprise. Half-educated people use "literally" when they mean "figuratively."]...............
PugHug is here...............
oakcliff: did you lose a dear friend or relative...............
oakcliff: ?...............
Ai Kato: if you failed to exist it would go unnoticed...............
oakcliff: are you laughing through your tears?...............
onthebus: someone needs some anger management...............
oakcliff: no, his act is old, that's all...............
oakcliff: he needs new material...............
PugHug: He's worse than I am!...............
PugHug: ^^...............
PugHug: Or she... ...............
PugHug: Who knows!...............
Ai Kato: oakcliff you definitely molest small, tight, children assholes ########## [Note: Trying SO hard to
oakcliff: see? same old stuff...............
Ai Kato: stfu faggot asshole ########## ...............
PugHug: What a web boy...............
oakcliff: no imagination at all...............
Ai Kato: your balls smell like rotten pickle juice...............
oakcliff: same stuff as always...............
Ai Kato: do you think you mtter_...............
Ai Kato: matter...............
oakcliff: same stuff over and over again...............
oakcliff: so dreary...............
oakcliff: trying SO hard to impress us...............
oakcliff: try harder...............
oakcliff: no?...............
oakcliff: take your time...............
oakcliff: google something at least...............
onthebus: Irash I flag...............
Irash: k ty...............
onthebus: np...............
oakcliff: are teal and yellow the same player? [Note: PugHug is teal, Ai Kato is yellow.]...............
oakcliff: proxy server?...............
PugHug: no...............
PugHug: same college [Note: Barber college? Truck driving college? Who know!]...............
PugHug: she lives down the hall...............
oakcliff: nope, i don't think so...............
@danburytrashers: wow pga?...............
@danburytrashers: seriously...............
oakcliff: of course...............
oakcliff: it makes it much easier to win if you cheat...............
onthebus: good strategy green...............
PugHug: Wait...............
Irash: ??????...............
PugHug: She actually does live down the hall from me...............
onthebus: watch me slice n dice...............
oakcliff: nope "she" doesn't...............
oakcliff: proxy server...............
@danburytrashers: yellow and teal are pga...............
oakcliff: nice of you to protect your southern exposure, teal/yellow...............
@danburytrashers: no fighting between u...............
oakcliff: teal IS yellow...............
@danburytrashers: this is an outrage...............
oakcliff: happens all the time...............
@danburytrashers: flag red...............
Irash: how yo guess it oak?...............
oakcliff: no guessing needed...............
oakcliff: the same old stuff, just as i said...............
oakcliff: the "outrageous" comments, the cheating...............
oakcliff: he wants to "freak out" the civilians...............
Ai Kato has left...............
oakcliff: the anonymity of the Internet is too much for some college boys...............
oakcliff: they live out their fantasies of bad behavior ++++++++++ PugHug/Ai Kato crawled away once exposed. First
PugHug stopped playing and was away, then Ai Kato stopped trying and quit. Same old stuff.
oakcliff on Thursday April 28, 2011 |