Level 78
to level 79


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you can play again +play Rowdyazell 11:17 AM, Tuesday May 22, 2012 EDT
wanna pga then find another place to do it -play Rowdyazell 4:55 PM, Monday May 21, 2012 EDT

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really good player.. nice to meet you man
Adolvo on Monday January 10, 2011
refuses to accept his spot, will flag verbally but when its time to flag out wants to try for a better spot, i wont trust him anymore.
JAwesome on Friday January 7, 2011
A genuine good player who always respects flags. You can trust him.
tomtomtom2007 on Sunday January 2, 2011
what a stupid player, cant belive. Just stupid
abdulahamd on Sunday January 2, 2011
Davider on Sunday December 12, 2010
Great Player.
EasyMoney on Thursday December 9, 2010
won't let you fight for place. When everyone else is.
Ian Karlin on Thursday December 2, 2010
Can't read the board. I left him alone when I could have screwed him, and he turns around and screws my game. Don't trust.
Strategyneeded on Friday November 26, 2010
has lots of issues. he didnt accept my flag because ı fought him earlier idiot
sukur on Wednesday November 24, 2010
hoonest player .,.. no backstab especially because it would have been a good option for him
Wiggle87 on Tuesday November 23, 2010
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