Level 78
to level 79


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you can play again +play Rowdyazell 11:17 AM, Tuesday May 22, 2012 EDT
wanna pga then find another place to do it -play Rowdyazell 4:55 PM, Monday May 21, 2012 EDT

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Richarto on Sunday June 3, 2012
Fair player.
Soromon on Friday June 1, 2012
Very dissappointed in you tearing into me and giving the game to yellow. You got amazing stacking and won every +1 roll and came out ahead. Could have flagged me instead of giving a freebie win to someone else, or wait a round to see how it worked 19 times out of 20 you wouldn't have kept stacking a huge stack while I got crap stacking. Incredibly dissappointing since I came back from that awful 2k game the round before to an easy first in that game till you happened. This is not a review.
Krangar on Tuesday May 29, 2012
Fucking PGA player....didn't let me fight for 3rd cause they parcel the fist 3 place
Petikeee on Tuesday May 29, 2012
lol twist it flagged 1 second before i attacked him and call me a backstabber! lol
Mexx79 on Friday May 25, 2012
abgefuckter nazi scheiß rassist scheiß noob kein plan von kdice backstabber pga with phipsn.ds pga with mitchesmakesmeup! i reported you and you sucked so hart that you not been banned i fuck you hardly!
TwisT It on Friday May 25, 2012
fat, stupid and just a dick... from 1 attack in the start he disrespec my flag... dont let him grow up, kill him first if u want a good game... if u dont can stand a attack ur wrong in this game idiot^^ ps: he call me an rasist bcs i call him a turkish ppl ^^ there u can see that his intelect is high as a peace of shit... many of my dudes are turkish... but they have an high intelect and go to work and dont play like a big dick ^^ i talk about mexx79
Raidden on Wednesday May 23, 2012
Biggest noob of all time may be different from a boy not a girl and is gay and can not think and backstabbt everyone.
Falsches SpieL on Sunday May 13, 2012
good guy, solid tactician
RollinLikeAChamp on Monday April 23, 2012
good guy, good player
HAL_9000 on Saturday April 14, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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