Level 78
to level 79

Emre Oguz

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play restored, good luck +play jurgen 3:31 PM, Tuesday November 1, 2011 EDT
tournament favoring at best, maybe pga with erkan + also giving game instractions in turkish with scrambled words in an attempt to not make me understand it. Erkan was clearly the more active favoring player but you both clearly worked together over many games. Ban until end of the month -play jurgen 7:40 AM, Tuesday October 25, 2011 EDT

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I appreciate what you did in tourney
BigGameHunter on Monday April 4, 2011
Nice player, he's playing fair, you can trust him
stakaboo on Thursday February 17, 2011
Fair player and honourable person u can trust
KirstenSoHo on Thursday February 17, 2011
fonzkopp on Tuesday February 8, 2011
backstabbing asshole. in that game he screwed over both who he flagged to and who flagged to him. no respect for nothing, won't let people fight fairly and just there to screw people over. asshole.
Das_Pithlit on Sunday January 30, 2011
just a little turkish wanker.....
Ravenheart on Friday January 28, 2011
fair player, good moral
jensenman on Monday January 24, 2011
rednttautology on Saturday January 22, 2011
wow pga faggot here. takes a flag 3rd round and turtles to his friend for first. what a fag lol
ForestGnome on Friday January 21, 2011
Good player!
Ninja Fish on Thursday January 20, 2011
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