Level 27
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Micha? Ch?anda

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fucking idiot, notaccepting flag, total retard
Liptak on Saturday November 6, 2010
Doesn't understand the concept of flagging.
Bill Shropshire on Monday November 1, 2010
Very bad form, Micha?. Cobn83 had flagged to you--you should never have attacked him.++++++++++Cobn83 had verbal flagged to Micha? and Micha? had accepted. Cobn83 was fighting green for 3rd/4th/5th (depending on what happened for 1st). Micha? told Cobn83 NOT to attack green because green was helping in teal's fight for 1st against yellow. Cobn83 kept fighting (as I would, too) for his position versus green. Micha? later in the game attacked Cobn83 and knocked him out. Here is the chat from that time:++++++++++ Cobn83: teal what are you doing???????????????????----- aKONe: i said dont atc green----- Cobn83: let me fight vs green----- Cobn83: why???----- oakcliff: bad form, teal--purple flagged to you----- aKONe: why he is hekping me to dest roy yell----- aKONe: green i take one----- oakcliff: green flagged to you -- he did not truce with you----- aKONe: u get it back----- aKONe: ok?-----++++++++++Very bad form, Micha?. Cobn83 had flagged to you--you should never have attacked him.
oakcliff on Sunday October 24, 2010
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