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Dumb TeenAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. pga with some and than say that i do pga... dont trust any word he say
Raidden on Saturday May 28, 2011 You told oakcliff like it is, Dumb Teen. Good on you! I particularly enjoyed the line you dropped about crossing into manhood. Capital wit!
JebusCripes on Tuesday December 21, 2010 Idiot.
killa mcgrill on Wednesday December 15, 2010 dumb
carkamel on Monday December 13, 2010 2010-12-13 Honor before Kdice! Plagiarism even on Kdice? Dumb Teen copied my review of him and replaced "Dumb Teen" with "oakcliff" (proving my point about being unoriginal). Such a clever, clever boy. He is of limited intelligence, but he is clever in the "animal cunning" sense--like a rat making it through a maze. 2010-12-13 Dumb Teen wrote: "nothing to say about a poor gay. a loser is a loser is a loser. muahahahahahahaah, get a life, nooby friend." Web boy dictionary checklist: gay, loser, muahaha, noob. Do you have an original thought, oakcliff? Never have, never will is my bet. ++++++++++ 2010-12-13 Dumb Teen is of limited maturity, limited intelligence, and unlimited rudeness. oakcliff is a web boy personified and chat jerk par excellence. What he wouldn't do in his own name he will do anonymously on the Internet--a cowardly trait indicative of a lack of both character and good breeding (did his parents knowingly raise him to act this way?). I say he wouldn't do it in his own name because he seems like a typical bourgeois boy from a middle-class home just enjoying the thrill of cussing in 'public'--the tingle in his loins he gets from being rude on Kdice may give way to interest in girls as he crosses into manhood. For now, web boy he is and we all suffer for it.
oakcliff on Monday December 13, 2010 yep same as all other reviews. Just a massively "dumb teen"
lufcjosh1 on Wednesday December 8, 2010 a kid that makes false accusations
bortx on Tuesday November 9, 2010 Gave me a review accusing me of pga in a 0 table game I only got 4th in ...A real class act, this one.
metastastic on Friday November 5, 2010 This kid is an asshole. He's got some sort of stick up his ass and generally brings nothing fun to the community.
burgertime on Thursday November 4, 2010 His name says it all. Will probably be scared when he grows hair on his tiny balls.
stringcheese on Friday October 29, 2010 |