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Reviews 1 - 7 of 7
that was a dirty backstabbing after I had reflagged from 2nd to third, and you just ignored my repeatedly... you sure are very arrogant ! besides the whole game was not o.k. but unfair in regard of the monthly competition, not to mention that you killed me as 6th after having reflagged to 3rd and let live another player (trendz) who had flagged both you and me -- it is very disrespective how you acted and treated me, you are terrible ! interestingly enough that some people even see s.th. good in all that, I definately cannot
Secret Powers on Sunday October 31, 2010 refreshing alt!
jurgen on Sunday October 31, 2010 WOWWWWWWWWWWW that person almost lost just to respect Swanky!'s flag! :D sick sick!!!
I respect that person very much :)
Thrilltokill on Thursday October 21, 2010 refresh is a backstabber who KILLS FLAGGED PLAYERS FOR FUN. DO NOT TRUST!!!\
On my shit list
yellowfin on Thursday October 21, 2010 refresh is a backstabber who KILLS FLAGGED PLAYERS FOR FUN. DO NOT TRUST!!!
Fkin Shole on Thursday October 21, 2010 Good person.
CCSKAOT on Tuesday October 12, 2010 seems cool, then pulls out douchebag moves for no fucking reason
chodaboy on Wednesday October 6, 2010 |