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Very bad form by Lestek when in 1st. ---------- When 1st place is in hand, leave everyone alone (unless attacked or stalemate). ---------- Four of us left but I only had one small land in a corner and was of no consequence. Lestek, as red, had a commanding lead. Yellow was fighting purple for 2nd in a fairly even fight. Lestek/red asks purple for the favor of killing red's island. Purple agrees to do it ASAP. Yellow, purple's competition for 2nd, verbal flags to Lestek/red. Lestek, who now has 1st place in hand, Lestek, who had just asked purple to kill red's island, Lestek uses that same island to cross through purple (at least 2 lands) in order to connect. Lestek will make the lame excuse that purple had not flagged yet, but the situation on the table was clear: Lestek had 1st in hand. Purple's chances of winning 2nd were hurt, but he managed to beat yellow for 2nd. Very bad form by Lestek, as I said. Lestek's response to being called out on it? "heh." Here is the chat from the game: ---------- Lestek [red]: purp pls kil me land---------- zzaazz [purple]: asap---------- StXopher [yellow]: flag red---------- Lestek: k---------- [Lestek now crosses through purple so that he can connect for no good reason--he already had 1st place in hand.]---------- oakcliff [brown]: bad form, red---------- zzaazz: not nice red---------- [Purple agrees with me that Lestek should not have done what he did.]---------- zzaazz: i flag you as well though---------- Lestek: heh---------- Lestek: k---------- Lestek: brown??---------- Lestek: you flag me??---------- oakcliff: red??---------- oakcliff: no way---------- Lestek: purp kill bron pls---------- Lestek: brown*---------- zzaazz: i need to concentrate on yellow now---------- Lestek: k---------- oakcliff: don't worry, red will take one of yours, purple, to get to me---------- zzaazz: dont think so---------- oakcliff: just as red connected when he had no need to at all---------- oakcliff: really bad form by red---------- Lestek: skończ skurwielu---------- oakcliff: sure, but it is still really bad form by red----------[Lestek/red crosses BACK through purple to get to me.]---------- oakcliff: told you---------- Lestek: purp pls flag---------- [Lestek is needlessly worried about losing 1st place. There is no way purple can beat him.] ---------- StXopher: lol, i love it when people view the guy doig well at the beginning as the bad guy---------- [StXopher completely misunderstands what is going on. Lestek's bad form was the problem. If he had not crossed through purple to connect for no reason I would not have said a thing. If Lestek had accepted responsibility and said "sorry" instead of "heh" I wouldn't have said anything more and wouldn't be leaving this review.]---------- oakcliff: no the bad guy is the guy with no manners, no honor---------- zzaazz: well it wasnt a nice thing from red---------- zzaazz: i agree on that---------- zzaazz: but anywa---------- StXopher: gg---------- Lestek: gg---------- oakcliff: gg all but red +++++[END CHAT]+++++ Lestek, you might consider that "when 1st place is in hand leave everyone alone" is a good way to play Kdice.
oakcliff on Monday October 11, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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