Level 32
to level 33


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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 2:53 AM, Thursday December 8, 2011 EST by kellykellymoore
Silverest: one of these days
Silverest: i wont show up to xsketch anymore
Silverest: you guys will miss me

Silverest: no one else can invoke such emotions and passion
Silverest: by drawing poop
Silverest: like i can

A contributor in his own mind..ty for the poop, Silv..=)

This player has been modded by the community

. +play Hero Of Time 11:59 PM, Tuesday April 10, 2012 EDT
Please stop point dumping, it's not hard to stand if you're not going to play the game. -play Hero Of Time 11:59 PM, Tuesday April 10, 2012 EDT
just sat in and didn't draw +play Hero Of Time 12:40 PM, Thursday December 29, 2011 EST
just sat in and didn't draw -play Hero Of Time 12:40 PM, Thursday December 29, 2011 EST
What up buddy! +play PM325 11:30 PM, Wednesday June 1, 2011 EDT
Drawing penises, definitely knows better. Sorry buddy, see me next month. -play PM325 9:12 PM, Wednesday May 25, 2011 EDT

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Nice player
HUVUMI on Friday January 20, 2012
Mens Rea on Wednesday January 4, 2012
liar! writes false things on my reviews! do not trust this player! He back stabs and does not follow flags!
ben_ on Saturday December 24, 2011
Stay classy. Keep on drawing those penises.
Borgy on Saturday December 3, 2011
2011-12-03 Silverest whines and cries a lot. Cover your ears, Dear Readers. He also doesn't know that "irony" means more than one thing. For example, he did NOT know that irony means: "the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning." Poor benighted Silverest. If he would just stop chatting people would not know what an ignorant fool he is. I am 10 times as smart, wise, and well-read as Silverest--but that only gets me up to "idiot." Also, why, Dear Readers, would Silverest be banned for a week? For "drawing penises"? Really? Wow, Silverest is SO classy. No, on second thought he is just a little web boy. That's it. A chat jerk and web boy, Dear Readers.
3.14159 on Saturday December 3, 2011
Backstabber, watch out
SlackTide on Monday November 28, 2011
Fucking noob... barely knows how to play the fucking game
K-Man on Tuesday November 15, 2011
backstabber, there's proof. and definitely a pgaer
Keeley on Sunday November 13, 2011
Silverest: I'm not gonna review you badly - just gonna tell you that you're wrong. I may piss off other players now and then - like most of us do. But I never flag end then disrespect that! You were unjust . . .
Vestbanebarn on Friday October 28, 2011
called my taking a single land to pass through, which also he had taken from me after i flagged-- a backstab. dun dun dunnn. And wiped me out shouting traitor. Pretty sure i saw a turd fall out of his pocket.
infinity5 on Friday October 7, 2011
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