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Replies 1 - 8 of 8
NikkeKnatterton wrote
at 6:27 PM, Wednesday April 17, 2024 EDT
NikkeKnatterton wrote
at 1:52 AM, Monday April 3, 2023 EDT
NikkeKnatterton wrote
at 11:43 AM, Saturday January 8, 2022 EST
NikkeKnatterton defended 8v3, 15 to 17, (1,4,1,1,1,1,3,3 to 6,6,5
NikkeKnatterton wrote
at 2:24 PM, Tuesday March 14, 2017 EDT
NikkeKnatterton's turn
hisandherpes defeated 8v1, 31 to 5, (6,6,1,4,3,3,3,5 to 5)
hisandherpes defeated 7v6, 23 to 14, (5,2,1,4,5,2,4 to 1,5,4,1,1,2)
hisandherpes defeated 6v5, 27 to 15, (3,3,3,6,6,6 to 1,5,4,3,2)
hisandherpes defeated 5v8, 22 to 20, (5,2,6,3,6 to 2,1,3,5,4,1,3,1)
-84 for 2nd
Rank: 2nd Score: -84 to 0â??.
hisandherpes finishes 2nd in round 11
hisandherpes stands up
hisandherpes finishes the tournament 2nd and wins 1,750â??
NikkeKnatterton finishes the tournament 1st and wins 3,150â??
NikkeKnatterton wrote
at 1:03 AM, Monday March 6, 2017 EST
NikkeKnatterton wrote
at 12:13 PM, Saturday December 13, 2014 EST
NikkeKnatterton's turn
Help, I'm a rock defeated 8v8, 47 to 30, (6,6,5,6,6,6,6,6 to 4,1,3,6,6,5,2,3)
+6 dice
NikkeKnatterton wrote
at 3:46 PM, Thursday August 11, 2011 EDT
kaneda_z defended 7v6, 8 to 18, (1,1,1,1,1,2,1 to 4,5,2,1,1,5)
NikkeKnatterton wrote
at 2:21 AM, Friday November 5, 2010 EDT
Round1: NikkeKnatterton's turn
SHO-GUN defended 5v2, 6 to 10, (1,1,1,1,2 to 4,6)
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary